Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 521 Ultra Flying Kick

In the air base command room, the aftermath of the Gangbei District was just dealt with, and another alarm sounded.

Shishi hurried into the command room and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Just received news that Gaia and another Ultraman suddenly appeared in Qingqu Mountain!"

"Send the screen over!"

Dunzi called up the Qingqu Mountain zoomed in picture, anxiously looking at the two Ultramen who seemed to be fighting in the picture: "Why is this happening? Isn't that Ultraman on the side of humans like Gaia?"

"Commander," Captain Di asked, "Do we need to go out?"

Shishi Commander stared at the screen for a while and thought, "No, it doesn't seem to be a decisive battle. Let's see the situation first."

His intuition has always been very accurate, and he vaguely discovered that the battle in Qingqu Mountain was just a competition.

"But..." Dunzi and others still looked at Gaia who was knocked down again and again in the picture with worry.

"My dream, use all your strength!" At the Qingqu Mountain scene, Xia Long hit Gaia again with three consecutive hits. After roughly understanding Gaia's strength, he spread his body and rushed into the sky.


In order to let Meng Meng know the difference of Leo's flying kick, he did not change his form, but demonstrated it directly in the Luna mode. Although his strength was not as good as Gaia's normal state, it was precisely because of this that the weak defeated the strong more convincingly.

"Meng Meng!"

Xia Long turned in the air, facing the biting mountain wind and gathered his strength in his feet. After locking Gaia below, his body rotated at high speed, and broke through the sound barrier with a conical fire storm in an instant.

When the strength is insufficient, the requirements are met by rotating. This is a skill learned from Mebius at the beginning. It can greatly increase the strength of the flying kick. As he said to Meng Meng, at least it is the strongest Ultraman flying kick at present.


Wrapped in flames, the Luna God Gauss cut through the air and kicked Gaia who also jumped up.


"Bang——!" The two figures just came into contact, and a strong impact wave suddenly broke out in the air with a flash of light. Gaia in the middle groaned and flew backwards, losing control and falling heavily into the valley below.

"Such a strong force, is this the strongest Ultra Flying Kick?"


"Beep!" With the rapid sound of the red light, Gaia shrank painfully, and the light converged and turned back to Womeng.

When everyone in the air base saw Gaia disappear, they all turned their eyes to the commander of the stone room.

"Commander, Gaia was..."

"Believe them," Shishi stared at the blue giant on the screen. Although he was not sure in his heart, he still exhaled and said, "Armored Ultraman and Gaia have fought side by side with Womeng until now. We should try to believe him."

Qingqu Mountain, Xia Long landed gently, glanced at Womeng in the mountain stream below, and also lifted the transformation and fell down.

Leo Flying Kick is indeed very powerful, but the reason why Womeng is like this is mainly because he did not give full play to Gaia's power.

It is not enough to fight by instinct alone...

Walking to the edge of the mountain stream, Xia Long unexpectedly found that Catherine had also come here.

"Womeng, are you okay?" Catherine hurriedly helped Womeng up. Seeing Womeng's pale face, she shouted angrily at Xia Long, "Isn't that too much? It's just training. Do you want to kill him?"

"Time is running out," Xia Long muttered, ignoring Catherine, and went straight to Womeng, "What? Do you regret it?"

Of course he knew Womeng's physical fitness. Even if he got the Light of Gaia, Womeng himself was still just an ordinary person. After the damage in the battle was reflected on his body, he might even be in danger of his life.

However, if Womeng could not personally feel the power of Leo's flying kick, it would be impossible to learn it in a short time. After all, both Mebius and Cero gradually mastered it after experiencing Leo's flying kick, and even he could not use it in a short time.

"Uh, senior..." Womeng covered his chest and looked at Xia Long. He felt that Xia Long in training was like a different person from usual.

"Senior, you actually held back just now, didn't you?" Supporting his body, I Meng took a breath and said stubbornly, "I hope you can use all your strength next time!"

Before obtaining Gaia's power, he was just a researcher with almost no combat experience. Even though he had been exercising during this period, it only allowed him to transform and fight for a little longer.

Thinking of the experience of enduring Leo's flying kick, I Meng clenched his fist firmly and said, "I feel that the improvement of combat ability by the senior's flying kick is not as simple as having a move!"

Xia Long's eyes flashed with surprise, and he nodded slightly and walked away and said, "I'll stop here today. I'll come again tomorrow. I hope you won't let me down."

Hearing Xia Long's words, I Meng felt relieved.

Although he still wanted to continue training, his physical condition was really bad.

"My dream," Catherine looked at Xia Long's back as he left, wondering, "Why do I always feel that Ultraman is familiar, as if I've seen him somewhere before."

"Hey?" My dream said blankly, "Don't you remember?"

Catherine frowned and said, "Remember what?"

"Ah, nothing, nothing." My dream shook her head, thinking it would be better not to tell Catherine.

Just at this moment, the communicator in her hand rang, and My dream avoided Catherine's suspicious gaze and quickly answered it.

"Ah, Commander, I'm My dream."


Without leaving much time for My dream, Xia Long arranged a large number of training tasks starting from the next day.

It's mainly physical training, and secondly, it teaches me some force techniques.

A few days later, although with some reluctance, Gamu was finally able to use Gaia to perform the Leo Flying Kick.

Xia Long walked to the mountains and forests and silently watched my dream training.

Through training, I learned Leo's flying kick and at the same time improved Gaia's power a lot.

If I dreamed of becoming Gaia and facing off against the birdman from before, I should be able to defeat him even without transforming into the supreme form.

Nodding, Xia Long dodged and left the woods.

Next, I can only rely on myself to dream, and he can't be of much help.

On the outskirts of Tokyo, Xia Long once again came to the place where he had fought with the life form of light.

That was his second battle after returning to the world of Gaia. The life form of light possessed the ancient monster Arugna, and his fighting power was stronger than that at that time.

He was much stronger, and was finally able to defeat him after changing into the eclipse form.

The only interaction with the evolution device also occurred at that time...

Standing on the hillside, Xia Long glanced across the open space ahead where traces of the battle still remained, and finally looked up to the sky.

King Ao's words were still echoing in his mind, but he still had no idea how to break through the blockade.

"Huh?" Xia Long's eyelids twitched, he looked back and saw that Fujimiya had also arrived.

It can be seen that Fujimiya is having a bad life, and he seems to have experienced something again after leaving the United States.

"Fujimiya, if you really still care about the earth, you shouldn't continue like this."

"This is the punishment the earth has given me!" Fujimiya staggered to Xia Long's side, with a look of pain in his eyes, "I really want to get Aguru's power back and fight with you, but that power has already been Won’t come back again!”

Xia Long was silent for a while, looked ahead and said, "I don't know what happened, but Reiko told me that you are a kind person."

"Reiko?" Fujimiya thought of Reiko's figure, and his face softened slightly, "Did she ever say that I was kind?"

"In fact, you have saved many people before," Xia Long paused and smiled, "I believe you can get your strength back and prove yourself again."

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