Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 523 Death Attacks (Part 2)

"It's a monopole, a magnetic monopole north pole!" Imeng asked in surprise, "How can there be such a thing?"

The commander of the stone chamber looked at Imeng in confusion: "Monopole?"

"Magnets have north poles and south poles, and monopole materials only exist in theory," Imeng explained, "This kind of material has not been found on Earth. It is said that it was only generated during the Big Bang!"

Captain Yoneda next to him asked, "What will happen if the monster lands on the ground?"

"It will generate a strong north pole magnetic force, the mantle will move significantly, and the crustal plates will collide with each other. In short, it will cause a series of major disasters!"

After hearing Imeng's explanation, the atmosphere in the command room suddenly became solemn.

Just hearing it feels like the end of mankind...

"Does that mean there will be a global super earthquake?" Xia Long said, "How long do we have to deal with it?"

Chiba Staff Officer reacted and asked the communicator: "How long will it take for the monster to reach the ground?"

Dunzi replied: "At the current speed, there are still 90 minutes..."

"No, only 30 minutes," Imeng interrupted, "It will have an impact on the ground in 30 minutes!"

The commander of the stone room realized the urgency of time and immediately said to Director Di: "Mobilize all forces of XIG to stop this monster!"

"Yes, the whole ship enters the first level alert!" Director Di saluted and ordered: "Lightning Team, Falcon Team, Cool Dragon Team, all fighters are dispatched!"

"Attention all units, issue a first-level alert order, all team members immediately take their positions, repeat..."

As the order was issued, XIG quickly began to operate and the entire ship was mobilized.

Xia Long stood aside and watched silently as the entire air base entered an emergency state.

"Only 30 minutes?"

Gaia Spacetime always has this kind of special monster. The antimatter monster last time was, and this time is also very tricky.

Xia Long launched his telekinesis and found that in addition to the monopole magnet, there was also a breath of power in the giant monster.


During the induction, the surrounding sounds suddenly became quiet, as if blocked by something.

"Hello," a hollow laugh sounded beside Xia Long's ear, "Ultraman Armor!"

"Who is it?" Xia Long looked around and couldn't find the source of the sound. He looked at the giant monster with his telekinesis, and suddenly a weirdo who looked like an Indian god appeared in his field of vision.

"I am the messenger of the Lord," the weirdo laughed, "The Lord is very interested in you and has been paying attention to you. I came here specifically for you this time!"

As he said, the weirdo released a virtual image of the universe in front of Xia Long, and countless galaxies condensed into a painful child.

"Humans are a vicious virus in the universe. The safety of the universe is more important than the humans you protect. For the sake of the entire universe, the Lord decided to eliminate humans."

After a pause, the weirdo turned to Xia Long and continued: "Now my Lord's patience is almost exhausted. If we don't get rid of humans, we will have to destroy this beautiful planet."

"To eliminate humans for an unfounded reason," Xia Long suppressed his anger and asked in a deep voice, "Who is the Lord you are talking about?"

"The Lord is the greatest existence. He represents the will of this universe," the weirdo looked at the virtual universe devoutly, showing his respect. , and said to Xia Long, "Mr. Aaron, the Lord needs you now. If you can obey the Lord's will, I will give you this monster Mochian and this stone, and the fate of the earth will be left to you."

"Do you want me not to protect humans?" Xia Long frowned, "I think you found the wrong person. My existence is for humans!"

"Really?" The weirdo laughed again, "You will regret it, Mr. Aaron!"

"Mr. Aaron!"

"Are you okay, Mr. Aaron?"

The continuous shouts came into Xia Long's ears. As the weirdo's laughter disappeared, Xia Long's consciousness returned to the command room.

"Mr. Aaron," Shishi said worriedly, "What happened to you just now? Is everything okay?"

"I'm fine," Xia Long shook his head and came back to his senses, "What's the situation now?"

Shishi looked at the screen with a serious expression and said, "All combat power has been activated, but..."

Xia Long followed and found that the three fighter groups, together with all the weapons on the air base, had no effect on the monsters when they attacked at the same time. Instead, the monsters' random counterattacks caused XIG to suffer heavy losses.

"Bang, bang, bang!" A series of light arrows fell on the air base. Under the dense explosions, the entire air base shook, and even the command room was affected.

"Half of the B4 turret was destroyed!"

"Second Mechanical Department, the system engine stopped!"

The violent explosion almost destroyed the base. Seeing the monster's continuous attack, Xia Long said in a deep voice: "Let me try!"

After nodding to Wo Meng secretly, Xia Long hurried to the bridge.

The hull of the air base had been destroyed beyond recognition, and explosions and flames appeared everywhere under the attack of the monster's light arrows.

Xia Long looked up at the huge monster in front of him, holding the Sun and Moon in his hand tightly, and flew up to meet a light arrow that was coming straight at him.


Into space, the blue body of the Moon God Gauss appeared. After condensing a barrier to block the monster's light arrow, he unfolded his body again and transformed into the Gauss Eclipse form.

"Mr. Aaron!" Everyone in the command room stared at the giant that appeared on the screen, "Come on, Ultraman!"

Wo Meng took a few steps back and ran out of the command room: "I'll check the equipment!"


Taking advantage of the gap when Mochian attacked the base, Xia Long quickly gathered energy and slashed out a crescent light blade between his arms, which cut through the space and then embedded into Mochian's body. The violent explosion destroyed half of the tentacles that fired the light arrow.


Mochian stopped attacking and opened a huge eyeball to look at Xia Long.


Xia Long stopped attacking and dodged the light bullets from his eyeballs. At the same time, his mind sensed several tentacles coming towards him.

Dodged the continuous light bullets, Xia Long turned to the left and right and shuttled between the tentacles flexibly like a bird. After finding the right opportunity, he immediately cut off two of the tentacles and rushed out of the encirclement.

However, Mochian's tentacles did not give him any chance to fight back, and rushed towards him again.

"Senior!" I Meng transformed into Gaia in time and blew up the tentacles on the other half of Mochian's body, freeing Xia Long's hands.

Blocking the light bullet from Mochian's big eyeballs, Xia Long clenched his numb fingers and turned to I Meng and said, "There is more than one enemy. Let's get rid of this monster quickly!"

Standing side by side, the energy on Xia Long's chest gathered in a vortex shape, and finally transferred to his right fist, and he and Gaia on the side simultaneously shot out light waves.


As the energy surged, two beams of light crossed the space and shot straight at Mochian, but when they arrived in front of Mochian, they were blocked by a huge barrier.


Xia Long looked intently and found that after the violent explosion, Mochian was not hurt at all.

"Do you think you can defeat Mochian so easily?" The monster in Mochian's body was furious because of the repeated sneak attacks, and his eyes burst into a stronger cold light.


Under the control of the monster, Mochian's breath was high, and the energy in his big eyes continued to gather, locking Xia Long and the other person together with the air base.

Seeing this, Xia Long sent a message to Gaia: "My Meng, use the flying kick I taught you, and the combined strength of the two people should be able to break through that barrier!"

"But I haven't used it in actual combat yet..."

"This time is a real battle!"

Facing Mochian's ready-to-go attack, Xia Long shouted: "Listen, My Meng, only when Leo's flying kick is combined with your own strength can it be the real strongest Ultra flying kick!"

"The real strongest flying kick..." The urgent battle left me with no other choice. After looking at the air base behind me, I closed my arms and transformed into Gaia's supreme form.

Suspended in space, Gaia's legs quickly became hot, and before he turned his body as usual, the energy breath began to rise sharply.

Leo's Flying Kick and Supreme Flying Kick merged together...

"Is this it?" I Meng looked at the body emitting a strong red light in surprise, and calmed down and said to Xia Long who was also covered in red light, "Senior, I'm ready!"

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