Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 532 Traveling through time and space to save you

In the ruins of the battlefield, a woman wearing a leather coat slowly walked to the bottom of a building. From a distance, she saw faint spots of light rising from the bodies of Reiko and others.

"Human light?" The woman murmured, crossing her arms and saying, "It's useless."

The woman looked around coldly and saw countless light particles surging on the surface of the entire planet, and countless human beings could be faintly seen.

"Wow!" Under the woman's gaze, the light particles quickly merged together to form a stream of light, which finally continued to rise through the swarm of demonic insects and disappeared into the void.


Facing the night sky that looked like a sea of ​​stars, the woman's cold face finally wavered, and she looked into the depths of the universe in confusion.

"Is this? This power is..."

On the battlefield, after the giant beast Zog fired several wave bombs one after another, he decided to completely eliminate Gaia and Agul.

Letting out a piercing scream, Zog opened his huge mouth and once again condensed an unprecedented large-scale wave bomb. After a brief pause, he violently sprayed Gaia and Aguru in the ruins.

"Ultraman!" Tabata shouted in surprise, "Run away, Ultraman!"

Gaia raised her head slightly, trying to avoid it but unable to muster the strength. She could only watch the wave of bullets magnify in front of her eyes.

In the critical moment, a ray of light suddenly fell from the sky and blocked Gaia.

"Bang——!" The wave bomb fell, and the violent impact spread to all directions instantly. The air wave exploded violently, turning all the buildings along the way into powder, dividing the entire Toshima area into two halves.

"What's wrong?"

After avoiding the aftermath of the storm, Tabata and others looked at the center of the impact in surprise, and saw countless streams of light intertwining into two wings of light on the battlefield.

"Incredible, what is that light?"

Looking along, the brilliance surged in the dim sky and formed a pillar of light on the battlefield. Under the influence of invisible force, the entire ground began to faintly shake. There were even fragments that gradually floated up from the ground and approached the stream of light as if they were being pulled by something.

Shrouded in light, Gaia and Aguru looked at each other, surprised at the aura of light blooming in front of them.

"This light is..."


Amidst the strong energy fluctuations, the light finally converged on the battlefield across time and space. As the light beam converged, the figure of a giant of light appeared in front of everyone. After the light flashed, a streamlined silver body was revealed.

The V-shaped red energy core, the muscle-patterned armor, and the mysterious black lines between the armors stand upright and shine in the ruins...

"No, Noah?" The mysterious woman rushed in front of Lingzi and others, looking at the silver giant on the battlefield incoherently, "How is this possible? How is this possible?"

"Aaron?" Reiko hesitated for a while, noticed the evolution device on the giant's wrist, and quickly shouted to Tabata and the two in surprise, "It's Aaron, that giant is Aaron!"

Tabata reacted and looked at the battlefield in surprise: "Is Aaron back? Hurry, Lunwen, shoot quickly!"

"I'm already filming!"

Lun Wen turned the camera on Xia Long, and soon Noah's figure spread throughout the world through television.


On the battlefield, Xia Long raised his hand and transmitted two light groups into the energy cores of Gaia and Aguru, then turned to face the giant beast Zog.

Zog's second form is a little larger than expected, close to a thousand meters. It should be because of the life form of light.

"Those locusts will trouble you!" Nodding, Xia Long retracted the wings of light into the evolution device, and walked towards Zog with his fists in hand.

One step, two steps...

Zog looked down at Xia Long, who was as big as a bug, and roared, spraying out waves of bullets.

"call out!"

The huge wave bomb was bigger than Xia Long's body, and almost swallowed Xia Long whole. However, it automatically fell to the side before he got close, as if there were two invisible giant hands moving it.

Xia Long raised his head, glanced at the crazy Zog, and continued to move forward against the wave of bullets.

"Bang, bang, bang!" A series of wave bombs fell around Xia Long, and the violent shock wave rolled the air into a storm ocean. The explosion flames continued to rise, dyeing half of the sky red.

But what is incomprehensible is that these impact explosions did not damage the city anymore. Everything passed through the buildings, as if they were two completely different worlds, without affecting each other.

Lunwen wiped his eyes and opened his mouth: "Are you hallucinating? Mr. Tabata, pinch me quickly!"

"It's true!"

Although Tabata didn't understand, he still affirmed: "Aaron is fighting that monster. Maybe the monster's attack failed..."

"That's the realm!" The mysterious woman snorted at Asada and the others, and said solemnly, "When did it start? I didn't notice it at all!"

The battle on the battlefield continued. Zog saw that the wave bullets were ineffective and attacked more violently. He even stepped forward angrily and rushed towards Xia Long.

"Bang! Bang!"

The ground shook under Zog's running. Xia Long simply stopped and waved his hand to deflect the wave bomb coming from the front. He let out a deep cry and left the ground, his muscles bulging with a majestic force.

At the same time that Zog's feet fell like a mountain, Xia Long raised his hand and exploded violently, pushing Zog away while removing the huge impact.


"What? This is impossible, right?"

The people in front of the TV stood up in unison, staring wide-eyed at the huge object thrown high in the screen. Even through the TV screen, they could feel the incredibleness.

"Oh my God, that monster must be at least a million tons, right?"

"What happened?"

Outside Toshima District, people in the shelter couldn't help but rush outside, watching the battlefield from afar, staring blankly at the monster thousands of meters in the air.


"Bang!" There was another loud noise, Xia Long teleported to the top of Zog, raised his fist, and suddenly fell with a storm of flames.


Under the terrifying force, Zog's form was distorted, roaring and leaving only a residual image before being blasted to the ground.


The shock came from the domain, even Tabata and others outside the domain felt the shock, and even a circle of transparent domain barriers could be seen shaking slightly.

The shock waves transmitted from Zog to the ground were all absorbed by the domain.

"Shock!" Xia Long stood in the air and looked at Zog, who was almost dying below. After finding that the light life form had been dispersed, he retracted his attack and turned to Gaia and Aguru in the sky.

The destruction demon insects covering the earth have been cleared away with the efforts of the two, and the earth once again ushered in a beautiful sunset.

"My dream, Fujimiya!" Xia Long greeted the two people who returned.

"Really, senior?" Gaia and Aguru came back to their senses and looked at Xia Long excitedly. Just as they were about to respond, they saw a dazzling huge light wave gathering where Zog was.

"Senior, be careful!"

Xia Long turned his head and raised his hand to grab Zog without waiting for the light wave to be emitted, and held it tightly.


In the violent explosion, Zog's huge body was torn into pieces and ignited a raging flame under Xia Long's gaze, completely turning into ashes.

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