Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 538 Puppy Gauss

At 8 o'clock, Xia Long perceived that all ballistic missiles from all countries, including the nuclear submarine missiles of the United States, hit the spacecraft at the same time in the sky above the Pacific Ocean. At the same time, the satellite laser cannon on the other side also attacked Giga Endora.

Xia Long looked up at the sky where strong light flashed and thundered.

Although the attack power was enough to destroy an asteroid with a diameter of 500 kilometers, Giga Endora was still safe and sound under the attack of the laser cannon, without any impact, and even the spacecraft over the Pacific Ocean only shook slightly.

"The gap is too big."

Retracting his sight from space, Xia Long turned to the distance of the bay.

After being attacked, the spacecraft continuously threw out 4 energy bodies, each of which contained a robot. In the blink of an eye, they flew to Tokyo and landed in various coastal areas.

Xia Long watched one of them fly over his head and crush a high-rise building into pieces when it landed. The sudden disaster broke the tranquility of the city, and the life-and-death crisis made everyone flee.


Xia Long looked at the crying crowd in front of the collapsed building, and noticed that a mother and son were about to be hit by the falling debris, so he quickly raised his hand to transfer the debris away with telekinesis.

With a light breath, Xia Long faced the panicked crowd and looked up at the giant robot that destroyed the military satellite in space and began to fire indiscriminately.

The primary target of several robots was the military satellite, which gave people time to react, but this time was not enough.

Before the crowd dispersed, the firepower fell intensively, and the energy bombs continued, and the entire area was suddenly plunged into the explosion flames, and there were collapsed buildings everywhere.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of explosions, screams, and fleeing footsteps... The complicated sounds came into Xia Long's ears, and the faint cry for help made the evolution instrument buzz again and again.

Xia Long looked at the robot that vented the bullet fire mercilessly, and his fingers pressed the evolution instrument tightly.

Even if we say that we cannot interfere with time and space, this is too difficult...

Although there are slight differences, what happened is roughly the same as in the movie, or even more complete, and many places that are not shown in the movie can be seen clearly.

"Is this reality?"

"Bang!" There was another violent explosion, and pieces of debris fell in front of Xia Long.

The people around him fled one after another, and soon he was the only one left. It was not until then that the defense army's fighter planes arrived here.

Compared with the robots, the defense army's fighter planes were completely not at the same level. They were all annihilated before they could attack, leaving a sky full of explosions and flames.

Shaking his head uncomfortably, Xia Long no longer paid attention, but just closed his eyes and observed the puppy through the system.

It seemed that the energy source was afraid of disturbing him. After combining with the puppy, it had been lurking, without any movement, and in the end it was still trapped in the ruins like in "The Final Battle".

It was not until Fujiwara Juri entered the induction that Xia Long opened his eyes again.

"Finally appeared!"

Looking at the God's Eye Team and the Earth Monster who joined forces to destroy the two robots on the battlefield, Xia Long exhaled and flashed in the ruins.

"Please save it!" Under a collapsed building, the little girl was worried about how to rescue the puppy buried under the cement block. After seeing Fujiwara Juri, she hurriedly asked for help.

"You'd better run away!" Fujiwara Juri pulled the girl away, "Your life should be more important than that dog, right?"

"I don't want it, Gao Si is my most important friend, please save it!" The little girl broke free from Fujiwara Juri and cried, "If you don't save Gao Si, Gao Si will die!"

Xia Long stood silently behind the ruins.

"The most important friend..."

Looking at Fujiwara Juri's dusty and bright smile when she helped rescue the puppy, Xia Long gently turned his eyes away.

As he expected, Fujiwara Juri was finally moved by humans. After transforming into Justice, he fought with the second form of Glocka synthesized by the remaining two robots, and the influence of the puppy was also reduced to a minimum.

It's just...

"If I sacrifice other lives for myself, what's the difference between me and Chao Luo?" Xia Long looked at the little white dog with a complicated expression, "001, how can I make the energy source detach by itself?"

"When the combined organism faces an irresistible attack, the target has a certain chance of detaching."

"Still want to attack?" Xia Long paused, and suddenly remembered his own ability, "The Gaussmium ray is powerful enough, and it won't hurt the puppy at the same time. Can it trick it?"

"Gauss!" The little girl's shout interrupted Xia Long's thoughts. He came back to his senses and his eyes fixed. He saw that the puppy held by the girl suddenly jumped out of the girl's arms and rushed into the ruins of the battlefield.

"Gauss, come back!" The girl hurriedly wanted to catch up, but stumbled and fell to the ground, almost crying in anxiety.

"Are you okay?" Xia Long helped the anxious girl up, wiped the dust off her face and said, "It's too dangerous here, go to shelter!"

"Are you the brother from yesterday?" Seeing Xia Long, the girl said anxiously, "Gauss ran inside, I'm going to find it!"

"It's okay," Xia Long looked at the ruins where the puppy disappeared, nodded, "Leave it to me, let me find Gauss, okay?"

The girl pursed her lips and hesitated for a while, then said tightly, "It's a promise, we must rescue Gauss!"

"Well," Xia Long smiled, stood up and said, "Brother will definitely bring Gauss back safely!"

Handing the girl over to the God's Eye Team, Xia Long calmed down and followed the puppy's breath to the ruins.

Because it was locked with telekinesis in advance, the puppy could not escape his induction, but it was a bit troublesome to suddenly enter the battlefield.

At this time, Justice had defeated the second form of Glocka, but the spaceship that had been suspended in the air suddenly transformed into a new robot.

Bishop Glocka, whose combat power far exceeded that of the previous robot.

Xia Long looked at Justice, who was suppressed by Bishop Glocka and had almost no power to fight back, and finally his eyes fell on Bishop Glocka.

"Is the energy source aimed at this robot? In that case, it should be separated from the dog, right?"

"Insufficient information, unable to judge." 001 responded. The energy sources encountered so far are all combined with living things, and there are no examples of combining with non-living things.

However, the energy source this time is a little different from the past, and anything is possible.

"001, help me keep an eye on its movements!" Xia Long said in a deep voice, "Don't let it mess around!"

Even if the energy source controls Bishop Glocka, he can deal with it, but that will more or less cause unknown effects, so it is better to try the Gosmium ray first.

Sensing the location of the puppy, Xia Long dodged and caught up with the puppy, concentrating his telekinesis to trap the puppy, but the puppy somehow managed to escape easily.

"What a troublesome guy!"

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