Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 569 Mutated Youth

Xia Long chatted with his seniors here, and suddenly there was a commotion outside the venue, and there were children crying.


"What's going on?"

He stood up and looked outside the venue in confusion, and saw a yellow-haired young man in the chaotic crowd laughing and picking up a baseball bat to knock down several people in a row, and finally swinging it and hitting the child next to the booth.

"Not good!" Seeing the baseball bat falling on his head, Xia Long didn't bother to take off the leather cover and stepped towards the young man.


"Bang!" Axe, who was taking pictures with the children, rushed to the front in a hurry and was hit hard on the head by the baseball bat. He groaned and fell to the ground with a curled up.



There were screams in the venue, and the young man who beat people laughed even more wantonly, and raised the stick at Axe again.

"Takuya senior!" In a hurry, Xia Long jumped up and pushed the young man away, and rolled to the aisle with the young man.

After the staff helped Takuya up and took off his suit, they found that Takuya had fainted. They couldn't help but look at the young man angrily: "You guy, do you know what you are doing!"

"I just want to see if Ultraman is really that powerful," the young man picked up the baseball bat and looked at Takuya who was carried away, and said strangely, "Who knew that he couldn't be beaten at all."

"Asshole!" The staff and passers-by at the scene were very angry, and many friends who were injured rolled up their sleeves.

"Don't move!" Xia Long stood in the middle of the field, glanced at the young man, and turned his eyes to the surroundings.

Something was wrong, the atmosphere in the air was getting weirder and weirder, and even he couldn't control his emotions...

"Go call the police!" He shouted to the people around him, and then said to the head of the seat who came over, "Teacher, let everyone stay away!"


"Go to hell!" As he was talking, the young man suddenly got angry, swung the baseball bat and hit Xia Long with an evil smile.


Seeing the young man burst into shape, everyone exclaimed.

"Be careful!"

"This man..." Xia Long avoided the baseball bat and noticed a trace of black air on the young man's face. His eyes condensed, and he did not retreat but moved forward. After crashing into the young man's arms, he slapped his holstered arms repeatedly.

"Let go!"

Knocked off the baseball bat swung by the young man, Xia Long's foot power burst out again at close range and knocked the young man into the corner.

"Bang bang!" There were two consecutive collisions. As the baseball bat fell to the ground and rolled to the side, the young man fell to the ground like a seizure, rolling his eyes and struggling wildly.

The people around were stunned, and looked at the young man who kept roaring in the corner with shock.

"He, what happened to him..."

"What happened?" The security guard rushed over and turned pale when he saw the young man. "Quick, call an ambulance!"

"It's too late, step back," Xia Long grabbed the security guard who was walking towards the young man, "Don't get close to him!"

"Monster?" Seeing Xia Long in a Bemonstan suit, the security guard shouted, "Who are you? I didn't see..."

"Be careful!" Before the security guard could say anything, Xia Long's body tightened and he hurriedly pulled the security guard away.

"Swish!" As the Bemonstan suit tore a long slit, Xia Long narrowly avoided the sudden knife light.

"What are you doing..." The security guard was about to scold, but when he saw the narrow crack on the suit, his legs softened and he fell to the ground, trembling, "Why, what's going on?"

Xia Long looked at the crack on his chest and turned his eyes to the front.

The young man in the corner kept panting, with blood vessels bulging on his face, a beast-like fierce light in his eyes, and a long smile on the corner of his mouth. The knife light that just flashed was the young man's finger that had transformed into a long sharp blade.

For some unknown reason, the young man's face and arms gradually lost their human appearance...

"Monster! There is a monster!" The security guard looked at the sharp claws that almost split him in half with a tingling scalp, and climbed up and shouted, "Quick, leave the emergency passage!"

Led by the security guard, the crowd at the booth was completely boiling. People who originally thought they were performing rushed to the exit. Affected by the invisible breath, panic continued to spread in the venue.

"Damn it!"

Xia Long didn't care about the fleeing crowd and confronted the mutant young man on the spot.

The dangerous light from the young man's eyes was definitely not a joke. This guy had locked on to him and could attack at any time...

A trace of cold sweat left Xia Long's forehead. The mutant young man was waiting for him in the leather suit to be unbearable.

What a sharp consciousness, how could such a monster exist in reality?

"Along!" Zhenlihui and others saw Xia Long standing still and said anxiously, "Go, Along, it's too dangerous!"

Xia Long was on guard against the mutant young man, did not respond, but smiled bitterly.

Big sister, it's not that I don't want to leave, but it's more dangerous to expose my back, so I might as well fight hard.

Concentrating all his attention, Xia Long slightly moved his feet to deliberately reveal a flaw.

Here it comes!

Almost at the moment when Xia Long moved, the condensed breath was instantly broken, and the mutant youth rushed towards Xia Long with a fierce beast, and the cold and shining claws went straight to his neck.



Amid the screams of Zhenlihui and others, Xia Long gritted his teeth and twisted his body, dragging the bloated leather suit stiffly to avoid the claws.

"Swish!" There was another leather suit cracking sound, Xia Long ignored the severe pain in his arm, and then rushed forward and knocked the young man away.

The restraint of the Bemonstan leather suit was too large, and it was impossible to use it to fight when worn on the body...

"Hah!" Taking advantage of the gap when the young man was repelled, Xia Long hurriedly pulled the leather case along the opening.

"Along!" Seeing the blood oozing from Xia Long's left arm, Zhen Lihui hurriedly, "Captain, haven't the police come yet?"

"I'll contact them again!" The captain took out his mobile phone and said to the security guards and the leather case actors on the side, "Why are you still standing there? Help quickly!"

As soon as the voice fell, the mutant youth's claws suddenly swept across the bracket beside the stage, and half of the steel pipe and the spotlight collapsed, smashing straight towards the heads of the crowd.

"Get out of the way!" Xia Long grabbed the steel pipe, pulled up the spotlight and threw it at the mutant youth.

"Bang!" As the electric sparks exploded, the spotlight split in half from the middle and emitted green smoke. The mutant youth continued to attack Xia Long without any hindrance.

"Too, too dangerous, you will be killed!" The staff looked at the cut of the sharp blade with pale faces, and even the exhibition security guards did not dare to approach easily.

This kind of monster that only appears on TV actually appeared in front of everyone. Everyone was a little bit unacceptable. Inhuman attacks, threats from biological instincts... The people present had never felt death so close.

"Along..." Marihui held the wall and anxiously looked at Xia Long, who was sweating profusely.

"Don't come over, everyone back off!" Xia Long held the steel pipe and calmed down to move his feet with the mutant youth.

Ordinary people would definitely not be able to deal with this guy without guns. I'm afraid that he would be unable to move just by being locked by the qi...

What's wrong with this guy? Is he an alien?

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