Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

After Xia Long waited in the reception room for a while, he was called to a huge conference room by the police.

By the transparent window, a middle-aged man in a suit was looking downstairs. When he saw Xia Long coming in, he hurried forward.

"Are you Long Jun?" After shaking hands with Xia Long, the middle-aged man sat opposite and put a document on the table. "I am Yoshida, the person in charge of this incident. I will be responsible for your affairs from now on."

Xia Long glanced at the documents on the table and asked in confusion: "Mr. Yoshida, I should not have violated the law, right?"

"Of course," Yoshida smiled, "We just want to trouble you with something."

"Trouble me?"

"Long Jun already knows, the video on the Internet is very popular, and it has been spread abroad."

After taking a sip of water, Yoshida stood up and walked to the window: "Although the outside world is still questioning, the police have confirmed the facts."

Xia Long then looked outside and saw that a large number of reporters had gathered at the door of the police station building at some point.

"Mr. Yoshida, just say what you want to say."

"I like the straightforwardness of you young people," Yoshida said, picking up the file. "To tell you the truth, the situation this time is very serious. The panicked people need a hero, and you are the most suitable candidate now."

Handing the file to Xia Long, Yoshida continued: "As a reward, we will help you solve the identity problem of Long Jun."

The file is an investigation report on Xia Long, and the final result is that there is no such person.

"I heard that Long Jun wants to return to China, but it is impossible according to the normal process. In the end, he will only be convicted of espionage and arrested."

"It's our commission," Yoshida shook his head and took out another file and said, "Being a hero is not bad for Long Jun, right? Just think of it for the sake of mankind, please consider it for Long Jun."

Xia Long saw the casualty data on the file and frowned, "What do I need to do?"


"This is a major global disaster, so the superiors temporarily organized us to form a special operations team."

In the combat meeting room, Xia Long sat among many police officers and listened to the presentation of the person in charge Yoshida.

Compared with the confusing information on the Internet, the information from the police was clearer, and Xia Long quickly understood the general situation.

"The expert group has obtained relevant intelligence from the Chinese government. The incident first occurred at the site of the meteorite crash," Yoshida pointed to the slide and said, "In just one day, mutation incidents occurred all over the world, and the number of casualties in our country alone has reached thousands."

After a pause, Yoshida switched to another slide and continued, "The specific cause of the mutation is still unclear, but it is indeed a terrible thing that spreads rapidly through the Internet. The infected people almost all get sick while surfing the Internet. They start with mental disorders and eventually turn into monsters. I believe everyone knows the abilities of this monster better than me."

The mutants in the slide are the same as those defeated by Xia Long. They all have sharp claws and hideous faces. Each of them massacred humans. The photos of the scene are like purgatory.

"These are the guys!" The police officers in the conference room breathed heavily.

After changing several pictures, Yoshida glanced at them and said, "The infected will only return to normal after death. Once found, they must be killed immediately, the sooner the better."

After the lecture, Yoshida specially assigned Xia Long to Group A, and he followed a Metropolitan Police Department inspector named Ishikawa to be in charge of the Ikebukuro area.

"Why arrange for an ordinary person to come in?" Ishikawa angrily found Yoshida, "This is not a joke!"

"Ishikawa," Yoshida gestured to Ishikawa to calm down and said, "This is the decision from above. Long Jun is an indispensable member of this operation."

"Why? Just because of that video?" Ishikawa suppressed his anger and said dissatisfiedly, "Monsters cannot be solved by hand-to-hand combat. This is playing with his life!"

"You misunderstood, Ishikawa," Yoshida shook his head slightly, "Now the trouble is not the monster, but the human heart. The people need a hero."


"In fact, if there was no video, we planned to select from the police, but now Long Jun is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate."

Yoshida watched the exhibition hall battle video again, and couldn't help sighing: "It's incredible that an ordinary person can fight to this extent by hand-to-hand combat, but the most important thing is that he is willing to risk his life to fight monsters. Isn't this a hero?"


Inspector Ishikawa still has some doubts.

"That's why I handed him over to you," Yoshida said firmly, "This is an order. You must ensure his safety at all costs."



In the combat meeting room, Xia Long was checking the information alone.

If the missing meteorite was the culprit of the incident, I wonder if it is related to the Ultraman world...

The black air on the face of the mutant young man and the various anomalies in the statistics in the information all seem to point to the negative energy in the Ultraman world. Someone has transformed the negative emotions of humans in the real world into negative energy.

Xia Long pondered and looked through the information repeatedly.

The mutant monster is just the beginning. If it continues, there may be more terrible things...

"Long Jun!" A police officer shouted outside, "The reporters have been arranged. Are we going over now?"

"Right now."

Collecting his thoughts, Xia Long put down the information and followed the police officer.

Due to the frequent occurrence of mutation incidents, the Internet has begun to be restricted. Now ordinary people can only learn about the situation through traditional media such as television. In order to calm the impact of this incident, the first thing Yoshida asked him to do was to hold a press conference.

The impact of the battle video was far beyond expectations. Before the Internet was restricted, it easily became the hottest topic. In order to stabilize people's hearts, many countries even broadcast the video on television news.

However, it is precisely from this point that we can see what kind of severe situation the earth is facing.

Everyone has negative emotions. Everyone has the possibility of mutation to kill or be killed, which is more frightening and uneasy than a simple alien invasion.

The worst thing is that the fear and pain brought by the unknown crisis will also increase negative energy, which is simply a vicious cycle.

In this case, the appearance of a hero may be like a spiritual life-saving straw.

Before entering the press conference, Xia Long stopped outside the door to adjust his suit and tie, took a deep breath, and then pushed the door in.

If you really need a hero, let him come...

"Here he comes!"

"Mr. Aaron!"

As the flash lights shone wildly, groups of reporters swarmed in.

"Mr. Aaron, have you really fought a monster with your bare hands?"

"Are you just hyping it up?"

"It's impossible for a human to do that, right?"

"Mr. Aaron..."

"Please make way!" The police separated the reporters and took Xia Long to the podium.

Putting aside the speech prepared by the police station, Xia Long glanced at the reporters holding various microphones one by one, and the noisy shouting suddenly weakened.

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