Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 573 Transformation

Outside the mall, when Xia Long came out, Ishikawa was talking to reporters at the edge of the blockade.

"Hello, we got approval from the National Police Agency yesterday," Akiko hurriedly took out her work permit after seeing Ishikawa, "I am reporter Akiko Takagi."

Ishikawa frowned and looked at the work permit and the interview permit. He knew Akiko Takagi was the highest official of the Metropolitan Police Department, and his immediate superior, Superintendent Takagi, was Akiko Takagi's father.

"This is Long Jun," Ishikawa reminded, introducing Xia Long to Akiko and others, "You can follow him next."

Akiko heard that she could stay, and happily asked two colleagues to prepare equipment.

Even if there are restrictions, this is an exclusive report, which is bound to attract widespread attention from the society.

Ishikawa nodded coldly, turned to Xia Long and said, "They will be handed over to you."


"Mr. Long!" At this time, ordinary people who had been waiting outside the blockade area saw Xia Long and became excited.

"It's really Mr. A-Long!"

Although the police stopped them, the crowd kept trying to get closer to Xia Long. A thin boy, about 17 or 18 years old, rushed to the front and waved his hand.

"Mr. A-Long, I'm your fan. My name is Shinjisuke. Mr. A-Long..."

Before the boy finished speaking, he was pushed away by the crowd and even the blockade was almost broken.

"Hey, everyone calm down!"

Seeing that the situation was a bit chaotic, Xia Long didn't care about receiving a few reporters and hurried forward to help calm the people.

Aiko looked at the flustered Xia Long curiously.

He was obviously an underage high school student, but he had an indescribable mysterious feeling.

"What a strange guy."

After finally getting away, Xia Long panted and returned to Mingzi and the others: "Sorry, let's go inside."

"Mr. Long," photographer Yang Tai asked, "Can we shoot the scene? This program is going to be broadcast live."

"Well," Xia Long looked at Inspector Ishikawa on the other side and replied embarrassedly, "The scene is a bit bloody and not suitable for shooting. Please follow me."

"Haha, we understand." Mingzi glared at Yang Tai and smiled at Xia Long apologetically.

Although she wanted to report the truth as much as possible out of professional habit, she also knew that it was not appropriate to report things that made the public uneasy at this time.

"Please come this way." Xia Long did not say much, but politely led a few reporters into the blockade area.

"I heard that Mr. Aaron was a suit actor in the Ultraman stage play before he joined the special operations team?" When the filming officially started, Akiko looked for a topic and said, "In fact, I liked Ultraman very much when I was a child. I remember that this year's Ultraman seemed to be, ah, Ultraman X, right?"

Xia Long looked at Akiko in surprise and smiled, "I didn't expect Miss Akiko to be an Ultraman fan, but I'm just a newcomer and I only play monsters in stage plays."

"But in reality, Mr. Aaron is a hero," Akiko said playfully to the camera, pointing the microphone at Xia Long, "So, Mr. Aaron, can you introduce this operation to everyone?"

"In fact, the mutant monsters are not as scary as everyone imagines. They are just like a group of terrorists with cold weapons. The police can easily deal with them..."


At Inoue Yota's residence, as the program began to be broadcast, a low laugh sounded in the dim room.

"Let's get started, humans, enjoy despair!"

Amid the red light, a group of black mist twisted and exploded into the void.

In the blockade area of ​​Ikebukuro Shopping Street, Xia Long, who was being interviewed, had his eyelids twitched and his body stopped involuntarily.

"What happened?" Mingzi asked curiously.

"I don't know," Xia Long looked around, "I always feel that something..."

"Ah--!" As he was talking, screams suddenly came from the direction of the mall, and soon there was a fierce gunshot.

"It's Mr. Ishikawa!"

Xia Long was shocked and hurried to the mall.

In the circle of police cars arranged in an arc, the special forces that were originally ready to withdraw gathered together again and continued to shoot at the mall.

Finding Ishikawa who was embarrassed beside a police car, Xia Long asked anxiously: "Mr. Ishikawa, what happened?"

Ishikawa said in a deep voice: "This is none of your business, take those reporters away!"

The special forces' attacks continued, and the dense firepower poured down, and the mall gate was completely covered with fireworks.

A trace of solemnity flashed in Xia Long's eyes. It was a completely different attack method from before, as if he was afraid of something. What happened?

"Bang!" After a minute, the bullets and fire finally stopped.

"Did it succeed?"

Everyone looked at the mall in the dust and fog. Mingzi and the others who followed here looked at each other and stood beside Xia Long nervously.

"Mr. Long, this is..."

"Da Da!" The crisp footsteps interrupted Mingzi's question and attracted everyone's attention.

Looking in the direction, a figure slowly walked out of the dust and fog.

There were no claws, but the whole body was covered with red and black shells, and it continued to emit black gas...

"Useless!" Seeing that the figure was unharmed, Ishikawa's face changed drastically, "It can even defend against armor-piercing bullets, how is this possible?"

The dust and fog completely dispersed, and the black-armored monster's eyes glowed red, and finally looked at Xia Long behind the troops.

After a pause, the monster walked straight towards Xia Long.

"Damn it!" Ishikawa held the pistol tightly and shouted, "Stop him!"

"Bang Bang Bang!"

The special forces heard the order to continue the attack, but all the bullets they fired stopped in front of the monster, as if they were imprisoned by an invisible force.


"This is..." Ishikawa looked at the bullet spinning in the air in disbelief.

There was no chance to touch the monster's body. After all the bullets' impact force was exhausted, they fell all over the ground.

"Evolved?" Xia Long and the monster looked at each other with red eyes, and his body tightened.

Although he didn't know what was going on, the opponent's target seemed to be him...

"Go!" Ishikawa looked ugly, and he ordered his subordinates to continue attacking while leading Xia Long to retreat.

"Mr. Ishikawa..."


Before the few people walked away, in a flash, all the blocking policemen and police cars were blown away by the force that exploded in the air, and Ishikawa and Xia Long were exposed to the monster without any hindrance.

"Da Da!" The footsteps sounded again, as if hitting everyone's heart, and sweat broke out on Ishikawa's forehead.

The whole scene was in chaos, with overturned police cars everywhere, and the police suffered heavy casualties. Even in the mall, many policemen were killed.

"Go to hell!" Witnessing the death of his subordinates, Ishikawa's hatred completely erupted, and he shot at the monster unwillingly.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Special bullets fell under the feet of the monster, which did not affect the monster at all, but made the black mist on the monster thicker.

"Mr. Along," Mingzi said in a trembling voice, "Isn't this really a movie?"

"Miss Mingzi, hurry up, hurry up!" Xia Long looked at the approaching monster with his pupils tightly

This power has surpassed humans, but how could it appear so quickly...

"Swish!" As Ishikawa fired the last bullet, the monster suddenly accelerated.

"Be careful!" In a hurry, Xia Long pushed Ishikawa away and rolled over to cross the monster.


A police car next to Xia Long was hit by a huge force, and the whole car was torn apart and exploded. The broken glass scraped Xia Long's cheek and left a bloody mark.

Without time to think about it, Xia Long rolled again, but before he could stand firm, he was blown away by the violent impact.


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