Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 578: Pursuit of another kingdom of light?

M78 Nebula Kingdom of Light.

Xia Long used the power of Ultraman Galaxy to cross the wormhole and appeared outside the Ultra Star.

Flying into the space port, Xia Long scanned the silent Kingdom of Light.

There is no life, only the light of the plasma spark tower shines quietly.

"It is indeed the Kingdom of Light, but..."

Looking at the familiar building, Xia Long stepped into the plasma spark tower.

Although he still didn't know the specific situation, when he came into contact with the plasma spark, he almost understood that this world was indeed not the same one he was looking for.

"Why is this happening?"

Standing above the plasma spark tower as before, the laughter of his companions vaguely sounded in Xia Long's heart again, and figures appeared in front of his eyes, but when Xia Long stretched out his hand, they all turned into clouds and dispersed.

"Senior..." Yinghe's hesitant call broke the silence.

"Senior seems very sad, what's wrong?"

"No, I'm fine," Xia Long came back to his senses, shook his head to get rid of his thoughts, and changed the subject, "Yinhe, tell me about your situation."


Galaxy is lost in memories.

"Seniors may not know that Dark Spark is a tool that can stop the time of all lives and turn them into Spark Dolls. A thousand years ago, during the Space War, all Ultraman and monsters were turned into Dolls , part of which fell to Earth’s Falling Star Mountain together with the Galaxy Spark, and I also fell asleep in the Galaxy Spark because of that battle. Over the past thousand years, the Galaxy Spark has been enshrined as a sacred object in the Galaxy Shrine..."

Yinghe described his experience, which was basically consistent with what was mentioned in the information, but in more detail.

"I firmly believe in eternal life, but the holder of the Dark Spark, Luigi El, is on the contrary. Only by destroying him can the curse be completely lifted and the doll restored." Yinhe said here, sincerely, "Senior, I will ask you for the next step. Already..."

"One month," Xia Long suddenly interrupted, "Yinhe, there will be a young man fused with you in one month."


"It's the grandson of the shrine worshipper, the auditorium light. He is the person you need."

Xia Long looked at the Kingdom of Light for a while, gathered his thoughts and continued to ask: "Speaking of which, Galaxy, I am not from this world, but you seem to know me?"

"Ah, because there are records from our predecessors," Yinghe explained, "There was once someone who perceived the power of the Galaxy Spark and dreamed of various monsters and Ultraman. That person described what he saw in his dream on a scroll as a secret The book was given to the shrine, and it mentioned a mysterious Ultra Warrior who never appeared but had incredible power. I only remembered it when the senior entered the Plasma Spark Tower."

Xia Long's eyes narrowed when he heard this.

"Scroll? That scroll is at Galaxy Shrine?"

There are actually records about him in this world. It is obvious that even the Kingdom of Light is not the same.

Thinking that the Galaxy Shrine had been burned down, Xia Long flew up and turned back to Earth without waiting for Galaxy's response.

In addition to the Dark Spark and Galaxy Spark, the world itself is also very strange. Natural wormholes appear extremely frequently, dimensional barriers are also very weak, and different time and space are vaguely connected by some force.

Since someone can dream about him, maybe the Ultraman world where he once lived can also be found.

Earth, Japan's Falling Star Mountain.

As the stars flashed in the early morning sky, Xia Long turned into a ball of light and fell again to the Galaxy Shrine in the mountains and forests.

The fire has been extinguished, leaving only ashes everywhere.

"What a terrible fire." Xia Long stepped on the ashes and looked at the ruins of the shrine in front of him, which was surrounded by crowds, with a headache.

If the scroll was in the shrine, it would have been burned to ashes long ago. The only hope is that the shrine's sacrifices were not placed here.

No matter what, you have to ask the shrine priest first.

Xia Long turned his attention to a gray-haired old man in the crowd, wearing a white kimono, and there was a faint Galaxy Spark mark on the back of his hand.

This old man should be the priest of Ginga Shrine, the grandfather of Auditorium Hikaru, Auditorium Hidema.


Just as he was about to step forward to ask the old man for questioning, a strange dark wave suddenly appeared in Xia Long's senses, and then earthquakes began to occur in the mountainous area.

"The aura of Dark Spark, is that guy?"

Xia Long turned around, his eyes fell on the tall black giant in the mountains and forests, and he couldn't help but frown.

It turned out to be the materialized Dark Leo. Why did that Luigi El start to move so quickly?

"Ah, what is that?"

"How come there are giants!"

The people who were sorting out the ruins of the shrine noticed the sudden appearance of Dark Leo, and retreated in panic. Even Hidema in the shrine's sacrificial hall couldn't help but cry out in horror.

"This darkness is..."

"Dark Leo!" After leaving the shrine, Xia Long walked to an open space and took the initiative to face Dark Leo.

"Human!" A hoarse and angry voice came into Xia Long's ears, "I will never forgive you!"

Inside Dark Leo's body, the middle-aged woman controlled by Luchiel was shrouded in black energy, her eyes flashing red.

Being treated as trash and thrown into the fire was simply a shame and humiliation. In addition, Xia Long awakened his old enemy Galaxy in advance. Even in his soul state, Luciel still couldn't help but use the woman's darkness to take revenge.

"It seems that the host has been found, but now is not the time for you to move." Sensing the woman in Dark Leo's body, Xia Long's face turned cold, he took out the Galaxy Spark, grabbed the pop-up Galaxy Doll and pressed it.


"Super Fusion, Ultraman Galaxy!"

Accompanied by the burst of nebula light, Xia Long's body was full of light particles. After he stood up as a giant of light, he instantly raised his hand to block the insidious kick of Dark Leo.

"Bang!" The sound of the collision spread in the mountainous area, bringing a storm of impact, and the villagers on the mountain fell to the ground in fear.

"Courteous Hall Priest, what is going on?"

"I didn't expect it to really happen!" The priest tightened his face and looked at the two giants in front of him heavily, "Galaxy!"


As the Qi force burst out, Xia Long repeatedly blocked the heavy punches of Dark Leo, and finally followed closely and stepped closer to forcefully knock Dark Leo away.


Before Dark Leo could stabilize his body, all the crystals on Galaxy's body lit up, and the energy gathered together with a brilliant light and instantly hit Dark Leo.


In the fierce flame explosion, Xia Long flashed through the flames, holding Leo's spark doll firmly in his hand.

"How could this happen?" In the woods below the battlefield, a middle-aged woman staggered to her feet holding the Dark Spark, "Galaxy should not be fully awakened, why can a human exert such power?"

Roaring a few times, Lukiel didn't care about anything else and hurriedly fled down the mountain.

"A mere human, when I am fully resurrected, I will definitely defeat you and Galaxy!"

In the woods not far behind the woman, Xia Long leaned against the tree trunk and watched the woman leave.

"Host, why let it go?"

"In the past, a senior told me that whether to choose to intervene depends on my own judgment and believe in my own choice," Xia Long turned his eyes away from the woman and smiled in the direction of the shrine, "Now my choice is not to intervene, because the existence of darkness also has meaning, Zero."

Speaking of this, Xia Long glanced at the Galaxy Spark and walked towards the auditorium in front of the ruins of the shrine, Xiuzhen and others.

"I believe that no matter how powerful the darkness is, the light will win in the end."

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