Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 597 Time and Space Opening (Part 2)

Xia Long didn't know the impact of his impulsive action on the underground residents, and he entered the imprint space again without thinking.

Without immediately contacting the card, Xia Long thought carefully.

The final evolution was too different from before, and he had to think about it. From the time he opened the imprint in the real world until now, he barely understood the final evolution and the so-called God.

According to Zero, the final evolution is related to time and space, and even the legendary God uses time and space as the source of power.

In other words, is the final evolution to reach the level of God or even surpass God?

Xia Long unconsciously thought of the terrifying shadow he saw through the card.

Now he has lost the evolution instrument and his own light, and can only fight with the power of others. Although his combat ability is still at the top level, he can suppress opponents of the same level with the same Tiga or Galaxy.

However, there is still a gap between him and the shadow. If the opponent is really the "God" mentioned by Zero, he can't defeat him now. The gap in power level is too big.

Only by completing the final evolution through the legendary mark can you have the strength to fight...

Xia Long stared at the mysterious halo flowing on the card, thought about it, and reached out his hand firmly.

All the way to now, there has never been an enemy that cannot be defeated, and the so-called god is just a stronger enemy.


Under the halo, just when Xia Long was about to touch the card, a majestic will suddenly crossed time and space and pressed on Xia Long.

"Stop, human!" The vague shadow's emotionless voice sounded like thunder, "Continuing is just self-destruction, I will judge you with my own hands!"

Xia Long's face turned pale, ignoring the pressure, gritted his teeth and grabbed the light blooming in front of him, turning into a ray of light and flying into the card.


The vision changed, and when Xia Long came to his senses, he had appeared in a small house, and beside him were several drunken older workers, laughing and joking.

The small house was very simple, and there were messy wine and food on the wooden table near the window. It looked like a shed.

Xia Long shook his dizzy head and looked outside.

The hut was a work shed in the mountains at night. There was a thunderstorm outside, and it was wet.

"Haha, Sanlang, what's wrong?" The uncles who were in high spirits saw Xia Long alone and laughed, "Come and have a drink!"

Xia Long ignored these uncles who were already drunk and tried to contact Zero, but there was still no response, and even the legendary mark did not move at all.

"Is it because of this time and space?"

Xia Long walked to the door and looked at the dark valley in the thunderstorm.

This seemed to be a quarry, and there was a river below.

"Huh?" Faintly, a burst of mountain torrents and strange shouts came from the rainy night.

Xia Long was not very clear about the impact of the thunderstorm, and he did not react at first, but soon thought it was a monster.

"Hiss!" Before Xia Long could move, a huge figure in the valley approached the hut, making Xia Long's eyelids twitch.

"Oh no, there's a monster!"

Seeing the monster was attracted by the uncles' laughter, Xia Long quickly pulled a few people: "Quick, get out of here!"

"What is it, Sanlang," an uncle staggered while holding a bottle of wine, "Stop joking, keep drinking..."

"It's too late if you don't leave now!" Xia Long flipped the table and pulled the uncle who was still drinking, "There really is a monster, run away!"

"What are you doing, Sanlang? Where is the monster..." The uncle holding the bottle walked to the door dissatisfiedly, and was about to complain when his face turned pale instantly.

"What is that?"

"Monster! It's a monster!"

Seeing the behemoth in the valley, several workers suddenly sobered up half of their alcohol, and ran away screaming without Xia Long pulling them.


"Hiss!" The monster moved quickly, and stretched out its tongue to roll the worker who escaped outside into its mouth. Seeing this, the rest of the people hid in the house, but it didn't work at all. The monster's huge tongue quickly broke through the door and came in, and rolled away another worker who was screaming.

"Ah, save me!"


Xia Long leaned against the window, watching the workers being eaten by the monster one by one, sweat pouring down his forehead.

He would surely die if he continued like this...

Seeing the huge tongue rolling towards him, Xia Long gritted his teeth, picked up a stool and hit the monster's tongue with force. After stopping it a little, he didn't care too much and suddenly jumped out of the window and rolled down the rocks into the river below.

"Splash!" Just as he climbed up the shore from the downstream with a breath, a loud noise came from the direction of the valley. After eating all the workers, the monster actually began to wreak havoc, the shed collapsed, and the rocks followed.

Xia Long looked at the buried quarry with lingering fear. It was a close call. If he hesitated for a while, he would be crushed to death even if he was not eaten by the monster.

Enduring the pain all over his body, Xia Long glanced at the monster in the dark and continued to walk downstream in the rain.

Now we can only rely on the power of ZAT and Taro to solve the monster...

The next morning, Xia Long took ZAT members Nanyuan and Kotaro back to the mountain area.

The quarry was completely buried, and after several people entered the mountain, thick fog arose and they could not search.

"I say, it's really a monster, not a landslide?" Nanyuan looked at the fog around him with a headache and said to Xia Long, "There's nothing."

"It can't be wrong, everyone was eaten by the monster."

Thinking of the workers who were eaten last night, Xia Long frowned and kept scanning the mountain area.

It was not until this morning that he contacted the ZAT team, but most people only thought that it was a landslide caused by heavy rain, and thought that he was hallucinating after being drunk.

"Okay, let's go back." After continuing to search for a while, Nanyuan said impatiently, "If it was done by a monster, how could there be no shadow?"

"Let's wait until the fog clears before investigating," Kotaro also advised, "If there is a monster, there will definitely be movement."

Xia Long walked to the river in silence, and his fingers pressed on his left arm involuntarily.

If he could use the power of the mark in this time and space, even if it only allowed him to use Ultramania, things would not turn out like this.

Holding his fingers tightly, Xia Long finally agreed to Kotaro to leave the mountains and wait for the monster to appear.

"If the monster appears, please tell me."

"No problem." Kotaro thought that Xia Long was stimulated and wanted to seek revenge on the monster, so he patted Xia Long on the shoulder and agreed.


It didn't take long for Xia Long to learn from Kotaro that the monster sighting incident had occurred again, but this time it was not in the mountains, but in the lower reaches of the Tama River, where someone witnessed the monster sinking into the river.

"Mr. Saburo," Kotaro found Xia Long and handed him a crayon drawing of a monster, "Look, is it this monster?"

"Yes, this one."

The most conspicuous part of the monster is the bloody mouth and the three sharp horns on the head, which are exactly the same as the one in the drawing.

"That's strange," Kotaro asked curiously, "When did the monster get to the lower reaches? That river can't be a place for the monster to hide?"

"What is ZAT going to do?" Xia Long tried to ask.

"Anyway, we can only try to see if we can force it out of the water."

In order to deal with the monster hiding in the river, ZAT decided to electrify the river section where the incident occurred. No matter how the monster hides, it will inevitably be forced out.

When the electrification operation was launched, Xia Long secretly rushed to the scene even though ZAT did not allow it.

Last time I returned to the imprint space without doing anything, and this time I must find a way to find out the reason.

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