Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 60 Energy Light Ball

"001," Xia Long raised his hands and found that he had turned into Leo, "Does it really not consume the number of transformations in this space?"

The system did not respond, and the space was silent.

"001?" He looked around suspiciously, but found no sign of 001. Xia Long couldn't help but frown.

What's wrong?

Seeing that there was no movement in the system, Xia Long waited for a moment and started to move around.

One after another, the tall buildings seemed to have been washed away by some force. Some were just leaning, while others were scattered into a ball. The glass was all broken and the walls were black.


Walking among the ruins, Xia Long somehow had a nightmare image appear in his mind. Under his helplessness, Tokyo was enveloped by a huge energy group, a powerful shock wave erupted, everything was destroyed, and a rising mushroom cloud covered it. Live halfway around the world...

"Successfully loaded light technology guidance mode."

The sound of the system woke Xia Long up. He stared at the wreckage of the city and breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s just a training space!

Looking around at the apocalyptic city with smoke everywhere, Xia Long shook his head fiercely.

"There must never be a day like that!"

"Start skill guidance." As 001's voice continued to sound, a ball of light appeared in front of Xia Long and gradually enveloped his body.

"Is this enough?" Seeing the light gradually integrating into his body, Xia Long clenched his fist, energy surged.

"The system will temporarily control the host's body and guide the host to learn the energy light ball. Please remember it."

"Ah?" As soon as the system finished speaking, Xia Long lost control of Leo's body, and then he felt the energy in his body vibrate slightly and converge on his right hand.

Um? This feeling is similar to gathering energy by yourself, but it seems more subtle!

Xia Long felt the energy fluctuations in his body carefully. It was a mysterious and profound rhythm of light.

The body raised his right hand under the control of the system. Under Xia Long's surprised gaze, after his right arm began to turn red, energy gradually emerged from the palm of his hand and soon transformed into a red ball of light.

This is?

"The energy light balls have been gathered successfully," 001 reminded, "The next step is to learn the attack method."

Before Xia Long could recover from his surprise at the energy light ball, he felt his right hand shake. During a flash of red light, a huge light wave suddenly erupted from the ground in the distance.


As the ground shook, endless fragments of ruins were driven by the shock wave and shot in all directions. One of the cement slabs facing Xia Long shot into Xia Long's eyes like a sharp blade.


When Xia Long's heart almost jumped into his throat, the system calmly grabbed the cement board that shot out.

"Guidance is over." 001 said calmly.

"This is the energy ball?" Xia Long stared at the damage caused by the attack just now. He saw a large pit with a diameter of 100 meters left on the ground. With the pit as the center, hundreds of meters in radius were almost razed. Because of the flat ground, the entire space suddenly became a lot emptyer.

"Energy light ball is a light skill that can continuously evolve. At present, the host cannot achieve such destructive power." 001 explained, "Time is limited, please host to practice energy light ball as soon as possible."

As the energy in the body returned to calm, Leo's control returned to Xia Long's hands again.

"I know." Xia Long nodded and began to imitate the system to mobilize the energy in his body.


Xia Long secretly shouted, and his energy surged.

That kind of fluctuation...

Slowly adjusting his body, Xia Long recalled the feeling of controlling the system.


Raise your right arm, and with a strange rhythm, energy gradually gathers towards the palm of your hand.


Xia Long looked excitedly and saw a thumb-sized ball of light appearing in his palm.

"But why is it so small?" Compared with the palm-sized energy light balls gathered by the system, the one in front of you is too small. "Does this count as learning?"

Shaking his head, Xia Long continued to mobilize energy without waiting for 001's reply.

It will definitely succeed!

The energy vibrated slightly and continued to converge towards the arm under Xia Long's control.

"Here!" Amidst the sounds of friction with the air, the energy ball gradually formed in Xia Long's palm.

"The energy light balls gathered successfully." 001's voice sounded.

Looking at the ball of light that was constantly rubbing and oscillating with the air, Xia Long wondered: "What's going on?"

"The host's control ability is insufficient, and the energy light ball is in an unstable state."


Xia Long was stunned and raised the ball of light.

Just make do with it for now, after all, I’ve just started learning.

"The next step is to attack, right?" Xia Long murmured, aiming at a building and throwing the light ball forward.


Different from what Xia Long imagined, the light ball not only failed to hit the building, but its power was pitifully weak.

Looking at the dust and smoke flying in front of the building, Xia Long was speechless for a while.

"The power seems a bit small..."

Such an attack is inferior to even the MAC team, so how can it be used against monsters?

He remembered that in the original book, Fengyuan used the energy light ball for the first time when he was fighting Bekila. Not only did he use it easily, he also beat Bekila into a daze.

"The host needs continuous practice to improve the power of the energy light ball." 001 continued, "Only after a stable energy light ball can be gathered can it cause powerful damage. In addition, appropriate attack methods can also increase the power."

"Is that so?" Xia Long turned his head to look at his palm and continued to gather energy.


At the same time that Xia Long entered the system space, the MAC team received news of a bizarre death in Tokyo. Suzuki, who was in charge of night patrols, took the new member Ayumi to the scene to investigate.

"How could this happen?" Ayumi looked at the body that had turned into wax in surprise, and her stomach felt uncomfortable.

"It's really abnormal," Suzuki handed over to the police officer, walked to the victim and squatted down, and after gently touching the epidermis with his fingers, he frowned and said, "It has become a wax figure. According to the witnesses, it should not be a prank."

"Is it an alien?" Ayumi said nervously. Although she was mentally prepared, she still couldn't help being afraid.

"It's very likely," Suzuki said in a deep voice, "Anyway, let's report to the headquarters first."


Space Station.

After receiving Suzuki's report, Tuan looked solemn.

"Is it finally here, Adura star..." Leaning on a cane, Tuan stood up and looked at the earth outside the window, lost in thought.

Adura is a terrifying star, a star of death. The Adura people living on it are very dangerous. He has seen a planet destroyed by the Adura people, and all the creatures on it have been turned into wax.

"If this continues, the earth may repeat the same mistake!" Tuan was in a heavy mood.

He felt that with Xia Long's current ability, he could not beat the Adura people. By then, Leo might also be turned into a wax figure...

"Can't contact Long yet?" Tuan asked after a moment of silence.

"No, there is no response at all."

"What is he doing at this time!" Tuan walked out of the command room with a groan.


Under the cold moonlight, a white figure slowly floated by, and bursts of strange women's crying sounded in the dark night.

"Senior, there seems to be something over there!" On the way to the next scene, Ayumi suddenly pointed to a tunnel and said with a pale face.

"Really?" Suzuki paused, looked in the direction of the tunnel, and found nothing, "Go and have a look."

Turning the patrol car around, Suzuki drove towards the tunnel.

"Be careful later!"

"Yes, senior..." Ayumi said with a short breath.

In order to participate in the battle as soon as possible, she asked for permission and started to participate in patrols for training, but she didn't expect to encounter such a terrible incident for the first time.

The gray waxy reflection of the moonlight on the victim's face kept appearing in Ayumi's mind, making her body tremble slightly.

"Are you scared?" Suzuki frowned and looked at the newcomer beside him. In this situation, newcomers are prone to problems.

"No, I'm not afraid!" Shaking her head vigorously, Ayumi gritted her teeth and said, "I can do it, senior!"

Holding the pistol tightly, Ayumi saw Xia Long's figure in front of her.


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