Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 619 Five Emperor Beasts

"Bang, bang!"

After determining the location of the lepton bomb, Xia Long walked through the pipeline facilities, holding a gun in his right hand and walking straight. All the Zibble robots were destroyed as soon as they appeared.

Although he hadn't shot for many years, his hand feeling had not diminished. Instead, it had improved a lot. He almost cheated and solved the robots in the entire area one by one.

"Hmm?" While walking, Xia Long raised his head as if he had sensed something, and his eyelids twitched repeatedly.

Feeling that something was wrong on the ground, Xia Long quickened his pace. He had to deal with the lepton bomb quickly and rush over.

"It's just one floor below." After shooting the last robot head-on, Xia Long picked up the communicator to compare the position, and soon heard a sound of fighting through the rising pipe steam.

It was Arisa...


With a gunshot and the sound of a heavy object hitting, Arisa snatched the Rubik's cube-shaped bomb from the hand of robot No. 10. At the same time, Xia Long also sensed a strong energy reaction.

Zero warned: "Host, the lepton bomb is about to explode, extremely dangerous!"

"I know."

Xia Long looked through the pipe and found that the bomb in Arisa's hand began to flash like a countdown. It was a bomb that could destroy a three-kilometer range. He did not dare to be careless. After thinking for a while, he asked: "Zero, can you defuse the bomb?"

"Yes, I have relevant data."

"Then I'll trouble you." After receiving Zero's reply, Xia Long raised his arm, the mark flashed, and the whole person instantly turned into a temple.

"What's going on?" The strangeness of the bomb made Arisa at a loss, "No way? It's going to explode..."

"Team member Arisa," Xia Long rushed down the stairs and said, "Give me the bomb!"

"Eh? Tomoya? Why are you here?"

"I followed because I was worried that I wouldn't be able to defuse the bomb in time."

Arisa looked at Xia Long in confusion, and in a hurry, she didn't care too much, and hurriedly handed over the bomb carefully.

"Youya, can you dismantle the bomb outside the earth?"

"Ah, of course." With the cover of the instrument, Xia Long's fingers emitted a faint light to connect Zero with the lepton bomb.

"Analysis in progress, the estimated explosion time is 1 minute left..."

"Stop the reaction!"

In the imprint space, a series of light screens showed the internal structure and energy reaction of the lepton bomb, and a series of data flashed by dazzlingly, and finally stopped when the countdown lasted for a few seconds.

"Stop successfully, the danger is lifted!"

In the outside world, the flashing lepton bomb immediately returned to calm and turned into an ordinary cube.

"How is it?" Arisa stared at the lepton bomb with sweat dripping down her face, and asked Xia Long nervously, "Did it succeed?"

"Yeah." Xia Long nodded gently, "It's all right now."

"Great, you are worthy of being Tomoya," Arisa's body softened, and she leaned tiredly on the guardrail beside Xia Long, and breathed a sigh of relief, "I was really scared to death!"

Xia Long helped Arisa up slightly, handed over the lepton bomb and said, "Please take this back to the command room."

Arisa was confused: "Eh? Me?"

"Sorry to bother you, I still have things to do."

"Okay, okay." Arisa didn't think much about it, and rubbed With a dull pain on his forehead, he stood up with difficulty and took out the communicator. "I don't know where Aaron went when I asked him to help..."

"Ah, wait," Xia Long stopped Arisa from contacting him. "Leave it to me. You don't seem to be feeling well. You'd better go to the treatment center first."

"Yeah, I've had a headache since just now," Arisa said, and her head started to hurt again. She put away the communicator and said uncomfortably, "Then I'll go first. Be careful."

Watching Arisa leave, Xia Long's figure removed his disguise in a beam of light, and his face looked up at the direction of the third radar tower with a slightly gloomy face.

He sensed that a strong energy aura was taking shape...

"Is it the Five Emperors?" After putting the lepton bomb into the imprint space, Xia Long quickly set off for the third radar tower.


On the ground, just as Zero was dismantling the bomb, Galaxy also joined forces to defeat the Gaci people and saved Shepparton.

However, the crisis was not resolved. After obtaining the high-dimensional energy in Shepparton's body, the Zibul people decided to go out in person.

"Demon materialization, Golzan, Eye Q, Melba, Raichubas, Super Gob, Super Fusion!"

Under the dark sky, lightning covered the sky, and dark clouds suddenly gathered to form a huge vortex.

"What is this?"

The exhausted Galaxy and Victory who had just finished the battle looked closely at the combined monster falling from the vortex.

The ferocious and evil combined appearance exuded a suppressed breath.

"Hmph, taste it well, the power of Eye Q!" After absorbing the attack rays of Galaxy and Victory with Eye Q, the combined monster Five Emperors returned all the attacks and knocked down the underground holy beast Shepparton in one fell swoop.


Sho roared and rushed towards the combined monster, but was hit by the impact flames before he got close.


"The power of Golzan and Melba!"

"The power of Raichubas and Ultra Gob!"

Relying on the powerful power of the combined monster, Zibul defeated Ultraman Victory with one blow. Even Galaxy holding the spark gun could not resist. He was hit head-on and fell heavily in the mountains. The light instantly dissipated.

"It's bad. We have to notify Aaron quickly!" In the command room of the UPG base, Youya looked at the screen in horror and hurriedly opened the communication.

"Aaron, where are you now?"

"I'm already outside." Xia Long rushed to the battlefield with the communicator, and saw the huge monster in the mountains at a glance. On the other side, the atmosphere of the galaxy and victory completely fell silent.

In the night, the two Ultramen seemed to be dead, and they merged into the darkness.

"Along, that monster is not only a combination of five monsters, but also strengthened. I'm afraid you are not a match for it!"

"I know." Xia Long disconnected the communication and turned his eyes to Xiaoguang and Xiang in the ruins on the other side.

"Ginga..." Xiaoguang stood up with difficulty, and looked at the two Ultramen with Xiang, "What's going on?"

Xia Long walked out from behind the two of them, and his eyes swept across the battlefield and said: "Ginga and Shengli took the initiative to cancel the super-materialization to protect you."

"Along?" Seeing Xia Long, Xiaoguang's face did not improve, and he said bitterly, "Did Ginga sacrifice himself?"

"Don't worry, Ginga and Shengli just ran out of energy," Xia Long walked forward and said, "You two go back to the base first, Youya should have a way."

"What about you, Along?" Xiaoguang said tightly with Xiang's support, "Do you want to deal with this guy alone? Even if you are, you may..."

"Oh?" In the body of the combined monster, the Qibul star looked at Xia Long with a smile, "Are you the black Ultraman?"

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