Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 630 Victor Lugiel


In front of the out-of-control base, Xiaoguang and Axiang tried their best to defeat Hyper Zetton, but Zetton not only had the ability to teleport, but also had an incredibly fast speed.

The light skills were absorbed, and the close combat was completely unreachable. In the end, the two gradually lost their physical strength.

"Damn it!"

"Hehehe," the manipulator of Zetton, Bellme, said proudly in Hyper Zetton's body, "Galaxy, Victory, did you see my gorgeous performance? As a small role to set off me, you are really impeccable!"

"Xiang!" Xiaoguang looked at the UPG base behind Zetton and panted, "Directly attack the base!"

"Okay!" Xiang understood, and hurriedly raised Red King's arm and launched an attack again with Xiaoguang.

The target was directly at the UPG base that was merging with Lugiel.

"Hmm?" Jetton sneered, "Then let's stop here. Let you see the ultimate power of Hyper Zetton!"


"Bang bang!" When Galaxy Victory approached, Hyper Zetton did not dodge anymore. Under the control of Jetton, his body shook and hit Galaxy and Victory repeatedly with crushing force.

"Uh ah!"

As the terrifying impact force exploded, Galaxy and Victory were suddenly thrown into the storm along with the soil and rocks blown up under their feet.

"Xiao Guang!"


Facing the chaotic dust storm, Xia Long passed over the flying Galaxy and Victory, and suddenly accelerated under the cover of super-dimensional energy, turning into a flash of lightning that penetrated the battlefield.


The light condensed, and Zaki's red and black body fell behind Hyper Zetton with a bang, and the energy core on his chest kept flashing red light to both sides.

"He, he is..." Shenshan, who witnessed Xia Long's transformation, trembled in his legs and feet, and looked at Zaki who appeared again on the battlefield as if he had seen a ghost, "So he is the black giant!"


The storm on the battlefield subsided, and suddenly a strange sound came from Hyperzeton.

"What...who is it?" The Jetton star froze his movements and slowly turned his head. The moment he saw Zaki, his whole body and Hyperzeton cracked like glass and exploded.

"Shock~" Xia Long panted and propped himself up, looking at the explosion of Hyperzeton behind him, and his attention was all focused on the UPG base that had been fused.


Accompanied by a shaking, the base gradually protruded, and finally the ground suddenly exploded, and a huge monster drilled out of the ground with the main base in the violent explosion.


"Ahahaha, thank you for your hard work, Bellme-kun!" In the command room, the Zibul starman didn't care about the failure of the chess piece Jetton starman, and laughed excitedly, "The strongest body in the universe, plus the highest wisdom in the universe, combined with these ultimate life forms, Victor Lugiel! This day has finally come!"

The steel body filled with power, even the victory cannon also appeared on the chest in a huge size...

"Victor Lugiel."

Sharon grabbed his fist.

Theoretically, the Zaki puppet can no longer be super-materialized in a short period of time, so now he is forced to transform, and the super-dimensional energy mobilized to destroy Hyper Zetton has made Zaki's body close to collapse.

Such a body will definitely not last long. If the silver-robed man appears again later, it will be troublesome. The battle must be ended as soon as possible.

"Along!" Xiaoguang and Xiang stood beside Xialong, "Is this the guy?"

"Let's go together!"

Fighting to this point, Xiaoguang and Xiang no longer spared their physical strength, and under the leadership of Xialong, they fought Victor Lugiel with all their strength.

"Damn it, it's totally useless!"

After each of them fired a round of beams at Victor Lugiel, Xiaoguang was shocked to find that the enemy had no damage at all, and the attack was even more fierce.

Combined with the power of the Victory Source Crystal, Victor Lugiel's strength far exceeded that of the previous Lugiel, and his defense and attack power were greatly improved.

"Roar!" Seizing the gap in Galaxy's attack, Victor Lugiel's missiles vented wildly, and the firepower covered all three Ultramen.

"Bang bang bang!"

Under the dense explosions, not only were Xia Long and his men blown away, but the entire valley where the base was located was plowed hard, the soil and rocks were lifted up, and the flames spread rapidly among the ruins of the facilities.

"Captain!" Haoqi found Jinye in the chaos, "The people here have been evacuated, but the city has also begun to be affected by the battle!"

Jinye retracted his gaze from the battle in the mountains and said in a deep voice: "Go and help the citizens evacuate immediately."

"What about here?" Haoqi looked at the three people in the explosion flames painfully, "Along and the others..."

"Trust them," Ichijo Temple came over and interrupted, "Now this is the only way, what we need to do is to reduce casualties as much as possible."


"Bang bang!" In the hard battle, Xia Long blocked Victor Lugiel's attack, and the arm mark lit up again to activate the super-dimensional energy.

"It's useless," the figure of the silver-robed man appeared on the head of the giant beast and merged into it, "Your body has reached its limit and can't support high-intensity combat at all!"

"It's you!"

Feeling the rapidly rising energy breath of Victor Lugiel, Xia Long clenched his fist tightly, and the red and black light ball stretched violently between the electric currents.

"Eliminate!" At the same time, the silver-robed man also looked cold and controlled the Qibul people to attack.

Before Xia Long's energy could condense into shape, the cannon on Victor Lugiel's chest started to work first. A dazzling huge light wave shot out and suddenly enlarged in front of Xia Long's eyes.

"Aaron!" Xiaoguang and Xiang stood in front of Xia Long, but their defense was immediately broken by the cannon.



Seeing that Xiaoguang and the other person were about to be swallowed by the light column, Xia Long quickly pushed them away and blocked the front with a red and black light ball in one hand.


The super-dimensional energy collided, and the terrifying energy that tore the dimension instantly rushed out. Despite Xia Long's protection, Xiaoguang and Xiang were still hit hard and directly hit the super-materialization.

"Cough cough!"

Falling in the ruins, the tearing pain made Xiaoguang almost unable to stand up.


Looking at Xia Long who was fighting against Victor Lugiel alone, Xiaoguang grabbed the Galaxy Spark that fell to the side, gritted his teeth and stood up to transform again, but the Galaxy Spark under the firelight was motionless.

"Why is there no reaction?" Xiaoguang clenched the Galaxy Spark painfully, "Please, Galaxy, we can't let Aaron fight alone!"

"Boom!" Without waiting for a response from Galaxy, another shock wave erupted, and Xiaoguang was also blown away by the energy, falling into the forest with Xiang.


Jinye rushed here with Arisa and others. When he found Xiaoguang, he found that the battlefield not far away had been wrapped by a huge ball of light.

"What is that?" Ichijo Temple said in horror, "How could there be such an energy reaction?"

"What's wrong?" Jinye and Arisa helped Xiaoguang and Xiang up, and looked at the barrier-like ball of light in confusion.

"Is Aaron still in there?"

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