Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 664: Alien Beast Outbreak

“Bang bang!”

In the dark underground space of K4 area, the explosion broke the silence, followed by a chaotic chirping sound, and all the hidden alien beasts gathered around Takushi.

After such a long battle, Takushi was already able to deal with it with ease, and was no longer as nervous as last time. He defeated the alien beasts one by one without waiting for them to gather.

“There are two on the left corner! Wait, ordinary people are coming in!”

There were not many people in the parking lot, but an office worker who was drunk and coming home late still broke in.

“Ah, it’s so late.” Looking at his watch, the office worker took out the key and was about to open the car door when he heard a strange sound.


The office worker looked into the depths of the parking lot with a little drunkenness, and suddenly a slime monster with tentacles fell from the top of his head. The huge mouth opened and woke the office worker up instantly, and the drunkenness disappeared.


Takushi rushed here, and his body tensed up when he saw this, and he raised his hand and shot in a hurry.


A beam of light hit the monster in time, and the alien beast was blown apart at the moment when the office worker was about to be swallowed, and the mucus sprayed to both sides.


The office worker collapsed on the ground, looking at the smoking liquid around him in horror: "Hey, what happened?"

"Are you okay?" Takushi ran up to him and saw that the man was not injured, so he looked around vigilantly.

"Who are you?" The office worker trembled, "Xio team member?"

"It's dangerous here, leave quickly!"

Takushi did not respond, but reminded him and hurriedly ran deeper following the vibration wave reaction of the alien beast.

"What on earth is it?" The office worker's Adam's apple moved, and he took out his mobile phone tremblingly to call the police.

Lower level of the parking lot

Takushi walked to the remains of a monster with a gun in hand. "It seems that there are more and more of them. What's going on?"

"The situation is not good, Takushi," Xia Long stared at the detection map in the imprint space, "The monsters in the nearby areas are also gathering here..."

Looking carefully at the distribution of the monster vibration waves on the light screen, Xia Long's pupils shrank slightly: "No, Xiaoxun and Xiaoman are in danger!"


"I'm afraid this is a cover."

Xia Long closed his eyes slightly, and suddenly a faint sense of crisis came from Xiaoxun and Xiaoman.

"Takushi, don't worry about this place, go back immediately!"

"I know!" Takushi shot and blew up a monster that was approaching, and didn't care about getting entangled anymore, and hurriedly and carefully exited the parking lot.


At the entrance of the underground parking lot, not long after Takushi left, the Xio team members who received the tip-off rushed to the scene, led by Vice Captain Tachibana.

"Is this the place?" Ju found the office worker who called the police.

"Yeah," the office worker pointed inside with lingering fear, "There are monsters everywhere, and there is a person inside. He saved me."

"There is someone else?" Ju frowned and looked at the detection interface.

The parking lot is full of unknown life forms. Not to mention that no human life reactions were found, even if there were, they would never survive.

"With a strange weapon, such a terrible monster was killed in an instant," the office worker gestured excitedly, "Then it seemed to go underground again..."

"Strange weapon?" Ju grabbed the office worker, "Do you know who he is?"

The office worker was startled and said strangely: "It's too dark, I can't see clearly, what's wrong, isn't it a member of Xio?"

Ju shook his head, let go of the office worker and followed the team members into the parking lot.

Without taking action immediately, everyone stopped and surrounded a pool of the remains of the alien beast killed by Takushi.

"It's the same species as the vice-captain encountered last time," Daichi said in surprise as he looked at the fragments still wriggling in the mucus, "but it's more active. One attack can cause such an effect. It's incredible. It may be..."

Thinking of Takushi, Daichi paused.

"Is it stronger than last time?"

"Bang bang!" Tachibana attacked twice in a row to destroy the wreckage, and the person who saved him in the last operation appeared in his mind again.

"The special search team will go with me to destroy the monster, and the others will be responsible for cleaning up the wreckage."

After giving the order, Tachibana gathered his thoughts and led the team into the depths of the parking lot.



After leaving the underground parking lot where the alien beasts appeared, Takushi rushed home without stopping. As expected, he also encountered alien beasts. The pervasive dark power even triggered the protective crystals on Xiaoxun and Xiaoman.

"Takushi, we must take them away from here." Xia Long noticed the dark clouds gathering in the sky, "We can't let them get involved."

Takushi nodded and rushed into the bedroom quickly.

"Xiaoxun! Xiaoman!"

"Dad," the two daughters rubbed their confused eyes, "What's wrong?"

Seeing that his daughters were safe, Takushi breathed a sigh of relief, but then became more worried.

"Let's leave here first."

Takushi didn't bother to explain, and waited for his daughters to get dressed and ran out of the apartment.

After a while, the sky became a little gloomier, and what was worse was that even the dark thunderstorm energy began to become active.

"This way, let's go!"

Takushi calmed down and started the engine with his two daughters in the car and drove to the direction of the Xio base.

There are only two safe places at present, in addition to the imprint space, there is the Xio base with strong protective measures.

"Dad! In front!" Xiaoxun hugged the seat and looked at the slime monster crawling in the night in shock.

"Hold on, Xiaoxun!"

“Squeak——!” Facing the alien beasts that kept appearing from all directions, Xia Long took over the control of his body and turned the steering wheel sharply. After a sideways drift brake, he turned up the power of the light energy gun and stretched it out of the window.


After a short period of light flow converged, a strong beam of light suddenly burst through the street, instantly turning all the alien beasts on the entire line into nothingness, leaving only a continuous piece of smoking wreckage.

Xia Long did not hesitate and turned the steering wheel again and rushed into the empty street.

If it was just a test of Lucifer last time, this time it was a full-scale outbreak of alien beasts. Whether it was to protect Xiaoxun, Xiaoman or ordinary citizens, they had to leave Tokyo.

“Dad, what happened? Are those monsters?” Xiaoxun hugged her sister, looked at the chaotic street with a pale face, and then looked at the light energy gun in Xia Long’s hand.

“It’s okay, it will be safe soon.” Xia Long’s eyes swept across the dark thunderstorm energy vortex gathered in the sky, and the light energy gun in his hand was tightly grasped.

In the underground parking lot of K4 area, Ju suddenly felt a palpitation and heard his daughter's exclamation faintly.

Shenmu was communicating with Ju and asked in confusion: "Ju, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Ju shook his head and was about to continue to act when an emergency communication came from the Xio terminal.

"Unknown life form appeared in K2 area!"

"Dark thunderstorm energy detected..."

"K2 area?"

Ju's face changed, and he rushed to the entrance of the parking lot without caring about the task. However, he ran a few steps and suddenly there was a loud noise above his head, and the landslide pressed down heavily.


Ju cried out in pain, and came to his senses and found that he was buried under the earth and rocks and couldn't move. Through the collapse, he vaguely saw the alien beast that was enlarged by the dark thunderstorm energy lift its feet and leave.

After being unable to get out, Ju grabbed the Xio terminal that fell to the side and anxiously contacted his family.

"Xiaoxun Xiaoman!"

"Beep beep!"

Hearing the busy tone coming from the terminal, Ju gritted his teeth and struggled hard again in pain.


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