Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 684 Hong Kai is in coma

"Up there!"

Naomi held up a parasol and led the team to rush to the building under Uub. She could clearly see Uub spraying water towards the fireball. The impact air flow brought water vapor towards the face, and there was an illusion of coolness.

"Uub's hand can actually spray water, it's so awesome!"

"Long Sang, we will definitely be able to capture big news this time!"

Shantai pulled Xia Long and excitedly played with the equipment to take pictures, but the water flow did not last long before Uub stopped it.

Facing the Fire Demon King Beast, the water flow had no effect, and Uub then spun a huge eight-point light wheel with a diameter of tens of meters in his hand.

"Bang!" The eight-point light wheel was thrown towards the fireball in the excited eyes of everyone, but it still only lasted for a moment before it collapsed without any impact on the fireball.

Xia Long held the shooting equipment and silently watched Uub's movements. Similar to his past super fusion, Uub's fusion of Tiga and the power of the first generation also completed the sublimation of power, and its strength should exceed that of Fire Demon Kingmon.

However, the flame shield surrounding the Fire Demon Kingmon became a difficulty. Even if Uub surrounded the fireball and used 360-degree high-speed movement to emit Spirio light, it still had no effect. Instead, it made the fireball burn even more. violent.

Under repeated attacks, the red light on Orb's chest lit up, and in the end he could only desperately push the fireball out of the atmosphere.

"He's going to push the fireball out of the Earth?"

Shanta excitedly raised the camera to follow and film, but soon saw Uub falling from the sky powerlessly after running out of energy.

"Oh no!"

"Bang——!" Before he could push the fireball out of the earth, Orb cut through the air and fell high into the street not far away, shaking up the earth and rocks in the sky.

Xia Long glanced at the fireball still burning in the atmosphere, and followed the panicked Shantai and others to the scene of Orb's fall.

"Ahem!" In the human-shaped pit where Orb fell, Kai lay in pain among the rubble, breathing heavily.

"What are you doing? Is this all you can do?" Jagula walked aside and stepped on Hong Kai's hand with his leather shoe. "You are the chosen warrior, the Warrior of Light!"


"What's wrong? Can't you do anything without the help of others?" Jia Gula coldly lifted up Hong Kai's collar, used his arms and wrists to throw Kai up and hit him hard on the wall of the tall building.

When Xia Long followed and rushed to the scene, there was nothing in the giant human-shaped pit, except for Kai who was unconscious in the corner of the building beside him. There was also a human-shaped crater caused by the impact on the top of the building above.

In the short time they arrived here, what happened to Kai...

Xia Long glanced at the huge pit below and noticed a few obvious footprints. For a moment, Jakula's figure flashed in his mind, but he didn't say anything and just silently helped rescue Hong Kai back to the SSP studio.

"There is no contact information on him, and there is nothing that can identify him..."

"The hospital is also full of patients suffering from heatstroke. What should we do?"

"Let him rest here for the time being." Xia Long said after checking Hong Kai's condition.

Unlike ordinary people, although his body temperature was frighteningly high, Kai was not suffering from heatstroke, but was simply repairing himself after being injured.

The sleeping Kai seemed to be dreaming, muttering something in his mouth, and suddenly grabbed Xia Long's wrist.

"What's wrong?"

In order to integrate into this world, Xia Long's body was similar to that of ordinary people, and he suddenly felt a burning sensation of high temperature.

Xia Long broke free from his wrist and saw a stream of sweat pouring out of Kai's body. After quietly receiving a healing light, he quickly asked Naomi to continue wiping Kai's sweat.

"Get another cold towel."

The TV news was still broadcasting about the fireball and the huge crater created by Uub's fall. Zenta took out his hands and asked curiously: "The place where Uub disappeared is where Kai fainted. Is Kai the same as Uub?"

"How is that possible?" Asen laughed. "Uub weighs at least 50,000 tons. From the perspective of conservation of matter, it is impossible for humans to be Uub."

"Then where did Uub go? Chaos didn't show up either..."

"I'll go out first." Xia Long stood up, handed Hong Kai to Naomi to take care of him, and then turned and walked out of the office.

The big fireball was still suspended high in the sky like a small sun. Even though it was close to dusk, the temperature in the city was still over 40 degrees.

It is not yet known Jakura’s purpose of collecting Demon King Beast cards, but no matter what, this Fire Demon King Beast must be dealt with as soon as possible. The key is whether he should take action or leave it to Orb to deal with it.

If it were up to him, Kai might not be able to use that ring prop to collect the power of light used to seal the Fire Demon King Beast...

"Long-san, can you help me? With these, I can observe the movement of the fireball at any time." Asen and Shanta walked out carrying a bunch of equipment and fans, and shouted to Xia Long.

"Captain, can you take out the watermelon and water from the refrigerator?"


"Ah good."

Xia Long paused and helped several people place the equipment downstairs.

"By the way, Asen, have you found any clues about the big fireball? Could it be related to the Demon King Beast?"

"The Demon King Beast?" Asen connected the device and called up Taiping Fengtu Ji on the tablet. "If the big fireball is a monster, it is probably the one mentioned above."

"Really?" Shanta came over in surprise, "What is it this time?"

"When two suns rise in the sky, everything on the earth will be burned to ashes... The second sun mentioned here is Mog Pangdun. Today should be just the beginning, and the situation may get worse if it continues." Asen translated while connecting another tablet to the observation equipment.

"The fireball is now 414 kilometers away from us, and the temperature is 42 degrees... Not good, it has begun to show signs of decline!"

Shan Tai moved a few chairs over, took the initiative to help Xia Long and Asen cut a piece of watermelon, and frowned at the fireball like a small sun: "Is there no way?"

"Contact Team Witt first."


Until night fell, Team Witt was attacking the fireball, but neither the cooling bombs nor the missiles against monsters had any effect, just slightly hindering the speed of the fireball's descent.

In the SSP office, Kai frowned, and the blizzard swept the Warrior Peak in his mind. Just as he and Gagula climbed to the mountainside with difficulty, a silver-red giant figure came into view and then passed by in front of him.


Naomi had just walked away for a while when Kai suddenly sat up from the couch, panting.

Seeing this, Naomi ran over happily: "Are you awake? Are you okay? Do you want some water?"

"Is it you?" Kai exhaled, looked around, and raised his hand thoughtfully.

Although it was very weak, there was a faint unknown energy that helped him heal his injuries. It didn't seem like it was done by Gagula. That guy wouldn't be so kind.

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