Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 686 The Girl Who Predicts Dreams

"What's wrong?" Xia Long turned his head as if he had sensed something.

"Ah, nothing," Hong Kai stopped looking and turned his eyes to the outside of the car, "It's so late, I'll get off here..."

"Now the nearby hotels are almost closed," Naomi said from the co-pilot seat, "Kai-san, let's go to our office to rest."

Kai was still hesitating, but Shan Tai said first: "No problem, Kai-san, I can just show you the old videos."

"No need," Hong Kai refused, "I live in the front."

Without waiting for several people to stop him, Hong Kai jumped out of the car as soon as the car stopped, waved and left: "Goodbye!"

"Ah, Asen," Naomi said angrily, "Why did you stop the car? He ran away again."

"I was going to ask him too," Shan Tai reacted and was very annoyed, "I still don't know who Kai-san is?"

"Even if I ask others, they won't tell you casually, right?"

Several people were arguing along the way, Xia Long shook his head, and when he passed the residence, he also got off the car and left.

After returning to his room and taking a shower, Xia Long turned on his computer in his pajamas and soon received news of the SSP website update.

Not many people were online late at night, but because the incident happened not long ago, it attracted a lot of attention.

In general, it is still a very inconspicuous small website. I don’t know how long it will take to make money from such a website.

“Will it be better to change it to a live broadcast website? But the funds are a bit insufficient…”

Crossing the SSP website, Xia Long clicked on another webpage, which was a software outsourcing trading platform and also his source of funds.

The network technology in this world is not worth mentioning to Zero. The funds earned by developing a software are considerable and convenient. He came to this world. The rent, living expenses, and even the sponsorship fee for SSP all depend on the income here.

Xia Long exited the interface after uploading several paid software in succession.

Just as he was about to turn off the computer to rest, several sketches of monsters on the previous webpage suddenly appeared in his sight, and there were many complaints in the comments below.

“What is this?”

It seemed to be a topic about monster prophecy. Under curiosity, Xia Long moved the mouse and clicked on the related link.

The title of the webpage is "Xiaoyao's Dream Diary", which looks similar to the SSP website, but the content is a diary, and it is text with large sketches.

"On May 29, a huge strange bird fell from the sky... On June 6, the monster that shook the earth knocked down the building..."

Each diary is updated the day before the monster appears, including this time's Fire Demon King Beast. According to the diary owner, it was foreseen in a dream.

"Is there really such a person? Dongdu University student..."

After scanning the diary owner's information, Xia Long still closed the computer, turned off the lights and went to sleep.


A few days later, Xia Long came to the Flying Elephant Park early in the morning. Because it was the weekend, there were already many children playing everywhere, adults were walking and talking, and couples started dating.

It looked very lively and peaceful, and was not affected by the monster disasters in recent times.

Xia Long sat on the steps of the park and quietly watched the lively children.

Most of the time, humans need peace and tranquility, but they don't know when the crisis of this time and space will end. He vaguely feels that there seems to be a more dangerous existence than the Demon King Beast.

However, to some extent, he, the Ultraman, seems to be the most dangerous to this time and space. After all, there are few monsters that can bring about the crisis of destroying the entire time and space, but he has brought those dangerous silver-robed people here.

Just try to protect the peace of this world...

"Is it Long Sang?" A black-haired girl with bangs holding a sketchbook walked behind Xia Long.

Xia Long turned around and saw the fair and lovely girl, and hurriedly stood up and said: "You are Xiaoyao, right? I thought you wouldn't come."

The girl walked aside silently with the sketchbook: "I saw the private message you sent me, I just feel a little strange, so, if you have anything to say, please tell me quickly."

"I want to ask about dreams. Can I really foresee monsters?"

"When I was a child, I often dreamed of some ominous signs, but recently I have started to dream about monsters frequently."

"Precognitive dreams." Xia Long sighed, followed the girl's footsteps, and walked to the quiet river bank.

"I forgot to introduce myself. I'm the boss of the SSP Strange Events Investigation Team. Now I'm mainly reporting news about monsters. Can you come and help us?"

"Why me?" The girl stopped in surprise.

"Being able to predict the appearance of monsters is a great ability," Xia Long said with a smile, "If the news is released in advance, casualties can be reduced."

"It's useless," the girl shook her head, "Even if I can predict tomorrow, I can't change tomorrow. Fate cannot be resisted. Although I have the ability to predict, I haven't encountered anything good so far. Even if I publish my diary on the Internet, it will only make people hate me..."

"Only the past cannot be changed," Xia Long handed the girl a business card and interrupted, "Try again. One person may not be able to change fate, so come to SSP and try."

When the girl took the business card, Xia Long continued, "Contact me when you have considered it."

The girl pursed her lips and put away the business card. When she left, she reminded him, "I had a dream again this morning. Tomorrow a dark dinosaur will appear on the street."

"Dinosaur?" Xia Long didn't know why, "Another monster?"


SSP studio, when Xia Long entered the room, Asen was researching new inventions, Shanta was nowhere to be found, and Naomi was sorting out the emails in the mailbox.

"All are bills, the electricity bill is so overspent... Asen, what's the matter with the coffee reimbursement?"

"Shanta ordered it when I worked overtime last time."

Asen replied casually, noticing Xia Long coming over, he said happily: "Long-san, come and see, this is my latest research direction, the future prediction system, with this..."

"Another bunch of things that waste electricity," Naomi glanced at the messy instruments unhappily, "If this goes on, the living expenses and activity funds will not be enough."

Xia Long coughed lightly and left He went to the side and said, "After a while, we will change the SSP website to a live broadcast website, and the income should be better."

"Live broadcast?" Shan Tai heard the noise and poked his head out of the bathroom, "But we don't have any equipment, and we don't know anything about live broadcast."

"Equipment can be bought now. I used to be a reporter at a TV station, so I am quite familiar with this aspect..."

"Long Sang was a TV reporter before?"

Before Xia Long finished speaking, Wan Tai jumped up happily: "Great! I didn't expect we could achieve this level! Thank you, Long Sang!"

"Nothing, I have always wanted to do live broadcast on the website." Xia Long smiled and walked to the computer, "Okay, let's see what equipment to buy first."

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