Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 706: Distorted Justice

Orb's battle was not optimistic. Not only was Naomi's presence restrained, but she also seemed to be no match for Galatron. The attack was easily broken, and Galatron could only be forced to fight outside the city.

At the insistence of President Xiaozhou, Xia Long and others got into the factory car and rushed to the distant battlefield. The atmosphere in the car was extremely heavy along the way, and President Xiaozhou also drove in silence.

The change happened so suddenly. It was fine yesterday, but I didn't expect that such a drastic change would occur in the blink of an eye while just having breakfast. The robot that I originally placed my hope on turned out to be a demon who wants to destroy the world.

As the car entered the mountain road, everyone swayed, except Xia Long, who looked worried.

Looking at the receding scenery on both sides of the road, Asen choked up and said, "I actually thought it was a righteous robot. I was so stupid!"

"No one expected this, Asen," Mr. Xiaozhou said, "There are always some things that are unpredictable."

"Xiao Yao didn't dream about it either," Shan Tai murmured and suddenly asked, "If we could find the creator of Galatron, would it be..."

"It's useless," Asen said bitterly, "With our current technology, we can't connect to other dimensions. Moreover, that robot may have been transferred to us because people from other dimensions couldn't deal with it."

"Transferred by people from another dimension? Does that mean that even the civilization that created it can't do anything about it?" Shanta said in disappointment while holding the camera.

"Well," Asen looked gloomy, "Maybe science is destined to get out of control from the beginning..."

"There is nothing wrong with science itself, it is the people who use science who are wrong." Xia Long, who was sitting in the back row with Shantai, interrupted after hearing this.

"Galatron's power is designed to be so strong that even Orb has a hard time fighting it, but what controls it is just a rigid system program, which regards its own judgment as justice. In the end, all of this is fabrication. It’s the author’s fault,”

Xia Long looked ahead silently, holding the position of the evolution device on his wrist with his finger: "There is no absolute justice in the world. It would be too much to decide the fate of others casually. Dracion is the same, and so is this guy..."

"Dracion?" Shantai looked at Xia Long in confusion.

Xia Long didn't respond. He looked at the mountains in front of him. In the distance, Orb seemed to have transformed into a wind form that combined the power of Zero and Jack, but he was still no match for Galatron.

The robot and Dracion made the same plan to reshape the earth. Although the reasons for the two were different and they were not on the same level, their methods were the same that he hated deeply.

"Woo!" As the car drove, everyone got closer and closer to the battlefield, and gradually began to hear the sounds of the battle between Orb and Galatron.

After passing through a long and dark tunnel, they soon heard the familiar sound of Orb's red light flashing, but what they saw immediately after was a sight that made everyone stunned.

I saw the sharp claws of Galatron's tail grabbing Uub's neck and lifting it up high, and the long sword in his hand suddenly pierced Uub's abdomen with brilliance.


Seeing the huge lightsaber piercing through Uub's body, Zenta tensed up and watched in shock as Uub fell to the ground.

Galatron faced the collapsed Orb without any hesitation: "I am carrying out my only mission. You have nothing to do with this planet, so don't hinder me!"


As soon as Galatron finished speaking, Orb exploded and dissipated in the light, completely disappearing from the battlefield.

"Asshole!" Shanta and Asen rushed out of the car together and looked at the battlefield from a distance, "Uub is missing!"


"Humanity has never been able to get rid of war because it has been imitating the cruel nature of this planet." Galatron turned to the crowd and said calmly, "The universe itself is filled with too much energy, and there is no need to steal the energy of other living things. , but in the ecosystem of this planet, living things take the lives of other living things in order to extend their own lives, and destroy this planet, causing it to decline and exhaust natural resources. You have actually maintained this low-level civilization... "

Asen gritted his teeth and interrupted: "Do you think our civilization is very low-level?"

While Galatron and Asen were arguing, Xia Long was not idle either. He got out of the car and ran towards the place where Orb last disappeared.

Among the ruins of the destroyed highway in the battlefield, smoke and dust were still filled with the wind. When Xia Long came over, Hong Kai struggled to get up from the ruins. His injuries were so serious that he could hardly stand.

"Long Sang!" After seeing Xia Long, Hong Kai clenched his fists in pain, "I..."

"I'll find a way." After Xia Long helped Hong Kai aside, his eyes turned to Galatron, who had temporarily stopped destroying.

"Long Sang, you can't transform now, so let me do it," Hong Kai endured the severe pain and pulled Xia Long, and said with difficulty, "I can still fight, and I will never let it continue to destroy!"

As he spoke, Hongkai gritted his teeth and was about to stand up, but as soon as he took a step, he couldn't support his body and fell to his knees.


Hong Kai supported the ground, his face full of unwillingness.

"Don't force yourself too hard. If you really don't want to give in, just become stronger next time." Xia Long left Hong Kai behind, calmed down, and turned around to walk toward Galatron alone outside the ruins.

Hong Kai's lips trembled: "Long Sang..."

"Don't worry, I will come back with Naomi."

Walking all the way to the feet of Galatron, Xia Long secretly asked Zero to help analyze.

"Is there any way to change Galatron's thinking?"

"The other party is a low-level intelligent system. If we can get inside, Zero can seize control." Zero said helplessly.

"Inside?" Xia Long subconsciously looked at the red gem-shaped core between Galatron's chest and abdomen.

Galatron used this part to scan Naomi and him before, and it seemed to be related to many actions. It is the most important core part. Now Naomi is imprisoned in it.

At this time, because of the argument of Zenta and others, Galatron fell into thinking whether his behavior of using Naomi was just and temporarily stopped. However, after a while, Galatron took action again, as if he automatically judged that he was not wrong.

Seeing this, Xia Long rushed forward: "Galatron! Let me do it, I will replace Naomi!"

"Replace?" Hearing Xia Long's shout, Galatron paused, looked down at Xia Long on the ground, and found that it was another human who had been scanned before, and continued to think.

"I volunteer! Let me replace Naomi!" Xia Long continued to shout as he met Galatron's sight, "If you really want to maintain peace and justice, don't control an innocent girl! Otherwise, humans will never agree with your judgment!"

"Long-san!" Zenta looked in the direction and couldn't help but shout after discovering Xia Long's figure, "No, Long-san!"

President Xiaozhou and Asen, who were trying to analyze Galatron's data, also saw Xia Long at Galatron's feet: "Why is Long Jun there?"

"Wow!" Galatron's red core light vibrated for a while, and it seemed that it had made a judgment. A red beam of light fell, pulling Xia Long to fly quickly to the core.


The wind in the valley was getting stronger and stronger. Zenta choked as he watched Xia Long being sucked into the core, and his tears could not stop flowing out.

"Asen, find a way to save Long-san!"

"No way, I can't do it," Asen shook his head in pain, "Even Orb lost..."

"Where's Chaos? Where's Chaos?" Shanta grabbed the camera and cried desperately, "Come out quickly, Chaos!"

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