Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 712 It’s better to take a bath for free

Early the next morning, after everyone from SSP got ready to dress, they took Tetsuko to follow and shoot Shibukawa.

Hong Kai was also forced to join the tracking team.

"Ryu-san," before setting off, Hongkai reluctantly took a bite of the breakfast bread and looked at the excited Naomi in front of him and said, "Why do I even have to come?"

"Since we are staying at SSP, you can't make an exception if something happens," Xia Long said matter-of-factly. "Besides, if we leave them alone, we might encounter some danger."

"Isn't there you, Long Sang?" Hongkai glanced at Tetsuko on the other side, "That little girl seems to want to go with you."

"Kaisan!" Tetsuko turned around excitedly and said, "I know there is a good Black Star Coffee Shop in Shinjuku District. Let's go there together today."

Before Hongkai could respond, Naomi helped pull Tetsuko away: "Okay. Aren't you going to take pictures of your father today?"

Xia Long smiled and said to Hongkai: "It seems that a little girl like this is still interested in a big brother like you. I'll leave it to you today."

Hongkai's face turned bitter: "How could this be possible?"

"Because I have to continue to solicit sponsorship. Anyway, they will be left to you." Xia Long patted Hong's shoulder and said, "Come on."

After being separated from everyone, Xia Long also set out to rush to the bathhouse where he usually bathed.

Of course, it's not for bathing, but to discuss sponsorship with the boss. Although it's just a small bathhouse nearby, there is no way, the original customers are gone, so we can only find other ways.

Use volume to win, attract all nearby merchants that will interact with SSP, and expand outward step by step. By then, the sponsorship fees should also be considerable.

"Advertising sponsorship?" After seeing Xia Long, the bathhouse owner who was cleaning the bathhouse said unexpectedly, "It doesn't need any advertising, everyone around this bathhouse knows it."

Xia Long looked around and said, "But there aren't many people taking a bath, right? And young people rarely come."

The boss raised his bald head: "It seems like this... But if it's a sponsorship, forget it. At most, you can come and take a bath for free in the future."


after an hour.

Xia Long brought a towel and enjoyed his first free bath.

"Although there is no sponsorship fee, Naomi and the others should be very happy, right?"

"We agreed," the bald boss said as he was cleaning up here, "That SSP website must be advertised here."

"Senta and the others will come over to collect materials after they finish their work," Xia Long said with his eyes closed.

The sponsorship is a bit different than expected, but it is still a good start. Once the reputation gradually spreads, some big clubs should take notice of their SSP.

"Those guys?" the boss asked curiously, "What are they busy with now? Is there another monster appearing?"

"Not this time..."

Xia Long picked up his cell phone and took a look and found that the special tracking report "A Day in the Life of Team Witte" was still being conducted on the SSP website.

He had paid attention to her just now, but it seemed strange to be following her secretly. Shikawa in the picture only frequently talked to women.

Not only did it seem to make Shikawa's daughter even more angry, but the live broadcast effect was only acceptable.

However, there seems to be a turning point now. The scene has turned into a battle between Orb and the monster Bermuda. Shibukawa is also holding an Ultra Beam Gun and chasing the aliens around.

"Ah, this time there are also exclusive reports on monsters and aliens," Xia Long said, "Even Ultraman Orb appeared."

The bathhouse owner looked closely at the mobile phone screen: "Isn't that the one who shot Mr. Shikawa? Your SSP is really powerful. It's like the war reporters in the past, who went to such dangerous places."

As he said this, the boss looked at Xia Long strangely, as if he had thought of something.

"It is indeed dangerous, but this is our job," Xia Long continued, met the boss's gaze, and said awkwardly, "I usually go together, but today is special..."

Just as he was talking, there was a noise outside, and a man wearing a towel walked into the bathroom silently.

"Guest, the fee is 480 yen." Seeing that he was a stranger, the boss proactively reminded him, but the man ignored him and stepped into the bath next to Xia Long.

Facing the gazes of Xia Long and the boss, the man soaked his whole body in the hot water before turning back and saying hello casually: "Hi."

"Jagula?" Xia Long looked at the man in surprise and frowned, "Why are you here?"

Jagula glanced at the boss who was cleaning the bathroom, and smiled at Xia Long: "Kai is fighting now, right? Are you so trusting of him?"

Feeling the dangerous aura emanating from Xia Long, Jia Gula put away his gaze and said, "Don't act so scary. I didn't do anything. I just wanted to take a bath. Besides, I didn't want to be 'senior' either." Got rid of it easily."

"What are you talking about?" the bathhouse owner said confusedly, "Long Sang, do you know each other?"

"Nothing?" Xia Long shook his head and said, "Boss, his salary is mine."

Not wanting to continue taking a bath, Xia Long packed up his things and walked out of the bath.

"Senior," Jagula smiled for a while, then suddenly called Xia Long, "Don't you want to know the future of this planet?"

In the evening, when Xia Long returned to the SSP office, Hong Kai and others were also there.

"Long-sang, why are you back so late?" Shanta handed over a cup of special black tea, "How are you today?"

"No results yet," Xia Long put down his briefcase and responded, "By the way, the bathhouse owner promised that we can all bathe for free in the future, but we have to film the bathhouse in the live broadcast."

"Is it that uncle's bathhouse?" Zenta said in surprise, "That's great, my bathing ticket is just about to expire!"

"Did you have a good day today? I saw aliens and monsters appear." Xia Long asked.

"Well," Naomi smiled, "Uncle is very handsome today, and the problem with Tetsuko has been solved."

"However," Zenta said regretfully, "I thought Mr. Shibukawa would be Orb's, but it turned out not to be."

As he said that, Zenta secretly looked at Hong Kai who was eating snacks on the side.

Hong Kai looked up with a sense of something, and after seeing Xia Long, he swallowed the cake and said, "Long Sang, these things are not bad, where did you buy them?"

Xia Long did not answer, thinking of Gagula whom he met in the bathhouse during the day, he looked at Hong Kai and said, "Can we talk?"

The mysterious silver-robed man he met a few days ago said that the messenger power that was fused into the body of the Moge snake last time is still on Earth waiting for recovery. As the host before the snake, Gagula may have felt something.

The messenger's power, or super-dimensional energy, if it reappears on Earth, the situation may be worse than last time. The worst result is that the super-dimensional energy goes out of control and completely destroys this universe.

"In any case, it is an absolute crisis for the earth..."

"Even the senior is not sure?"

Downstairs in the SSP, Hong Kai heard Xia Long's reminder. Although he didn't know what the super-dimensional energy was, he still felt the seriousness of the matter.

"Senior, you are already the strongest Ultraman I have ever seen... Is it because of the last time that you are unable to fight?"

Xia Long smiled and turned back and said, "Of course I have no problem, I just hope you can be prepared. After all, you want to continue bathing here in the future, right?"

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