Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 734 Flashman

In the endless space-time tunnel, Xia Long was immersed in the long river of light, and a familiar voice sounded in his heart.

"Unknown Ultra Warrior..."

"Who is it?"

Xia Long stopped and listened to the voice with pressure in the vicissitudes of life. The long-lost figure of King Ultra could not help but emerge in his mind.


"Unknown Ultra Warrior," the voice did not respond, and it became more and more blurred intermittently, "There is a world that needs your help..."

Xia Long looked towards the end of the space-time tunnel and could vaguely sense the breath of King Ultra, but soon the breath lost its sense.

It seemed that something had happened...

Although he didn't know why the King of Ultra in this universe called him, Xia Long still changed his destination and took the initiative to travel to the space-time where the breath source was.

"Shh!" Dragging a long line that cut through the universe, Xia Long retracted his body and flew into the earth.

"What's going on here?"

Landing in a remote street, Xia Long looked around in confusion.

The breath of the King of Ultra could be sensed everywhere, but it was very weak. No matter how I called, there was no response.

Did something really happen?

"Buzz!" While he was wondering, a motorcycle suddenly rushed out when he passed the corner.

"Be careful!"

Before Xia Long could avoid it, the motorcyclist turned with a startled voice, and the tire scratched a long mark, and then hit the wall with a harsh sound.


The motorcycle slid out diagonally, and the driver also flew up and fell heavily on the street.

Xia Long came back to his senses and looked at the driver who was groaning in pain in surprise. His face with a helmet looked very young, and his life reaction was constantly disappearing.

There was no one on either side. Xia Long had a headache and quickly turned into a ray of light and merged into the driver's body.

God knows what this guy did, it was obvious that nothing would happen...

"Along! Along!" In a blur, Xia Long heard shouts coming from his ears.

"Really? I told you not to practice driving skills on the road. Why are you working so hard?"

Xia Long opened his eyes and found that the person who spoke was a girl with a ponytail: "Who are you?"

"Along, are you okay?" The girl said worriedly, "The handshake meeting will start in the afternoon... There is no other way. I think I should take you to the hospital first."

"I'm fine." Xia Long sat up and his eyes fell on the motorcycle that slid away.

I can only borrow this person's body for the time being...

"Are you really okay?" The girl said worriedly, "You look weird, even I don't recognize you."

"Uh," Xia Long shook his head, "I don't remember it clearly."

"You won't lose your memory like on TV, right? This is bad. What about the stage play today?"

The girl was at a loss: "It's too late..."

"It's okay," Xia Long took off his helmet and chuckled, "If it's just a stage play, I'm fine. Just give me some time."


"Flash Man?"

At the exhibition hall, Xia Long looked at the stage that had been set up and the huge promotional banner, and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

On the way here, he had figured out that the young man he possessed was a suit actor who dreamed of becoming a racing driver. His name was Fujiwara Ryu. The girl was his classmate, Haruhi, the heroine of the special drama "Burst Wars Flashman". Today, she came with him to attend the handshake meeting of Flashman.

His suit was the protagonist of this special drama, Flashman. The shape was very similar to Kamen Rider or Armor Hero, but there was also a diamond-shaped crystal like a colorful timer on the chest, which seemed to be very popular on the earth in this time and space.

"Along," Haruhi was still a little worried, "Is it really okay?"

Xia Long looked around and said, "Don't worry, help me find some old videos first."

"Okay then."

While Haruhi was looking for the staff, Xia Long looked at various peripheral toys and posters of Flashman.

The work of a suit actor was of course easy for him. After all, he had similar experiences before, and he only needed to remember some specific movements to cope with it.

What really concerned him was that the story of the Ultra Warriors fighting Belia was circulating on the Earth in this time and space. He just heard someone discussing it, although it was just an urban legend.

"Aaron, what's wrong?" Before Xia Long could think about it, Qingxiang came back with a laptop.

"Ah, nothing," Xia Long came back to his senses, "I'll see if there is anything I need to pay attention to."

In the afternoon, after Xia Long was roughly familiar with the performance, the handshake meeting officially began. Unlike ordinary stage plays, after the children entered the venue, except for simple performances, they basically interacted with the children.

"Come on, everyone shout Flashman together! Ready..."


In the narrow stage venue, Xia Long walked into the crowd from the back amid the children's shouts and shook hands with the children one by one.

Under the care of their parents, one by one, the children rushed to Xia Long excitedly.

"Thank you."

After Xia Long turned around in the crowd, he returned to the stage to continue his performance.

It has to be said that heroes are more popular. When he played Bemonstein, he was treated in completely different ways.

"Let's cheer for Flashman!" He fought with several villain suit actors, and finally, under the auspices of Haruka, he continued to play interactive games with the children.

"Thank you for your hard work, Aaron."

When the performance was over, Haruka said goodbye to the young audience and quietly gave Xia Long a thumbs up: "I feel more energetic and more flexible than before."

Xia Long smiled bitterly and shook his head. He spent most of the time interacting with the children. Even the fighting was very ordinary. How difficult could it be.

After finishing the finishing work together, Xia Long also said goodbye to the children. However, before leaving, he noticed a little boy wiping tears at the entrance of the venue. He seemed to be sad because he missed the handshake meeting.

"Along?" Qingxiang saw that Xia Long did not move, and quickly reminded him, "You can go."

"Wait for me."

Xia Long nodded and took the initiative to walk towards the sobbing child: "Where are your family?"

"Huh?" The little boy stopped crying and shook his head, "I am alone..."

Xia Long somehow thought of Xiaozhi who lost his family in another time and space, and extended his hand to touch the child affectionately, and added the handshake link and said: "Fight with me, I will protect your smile."

"Thank you." The child touched Xia Long's hand in a daze, and said crisply, "Flash, can I be a hero too?"

"Of course, everyone can be a hero, and you too," Xia Long smiled and touched the child's hair, "But heroes don't cry, keep working hard, one day you will be a hero."

After encouraging the child, Xia Long followed Qingxiang and left the venue together.

"Along," Qingxiang said curiously as they walked, "Why do I feel like you've become a different person? Sure enough, you're still weird..."

"How could that be? Didn't I lose my memory?"

"No, I just feel like you've never been as gentle as you are now."

"Really?" Xia Long took off his helmet and said with a smile, "You seem to know me well in the past?"

"No way." Qingxiang glared and said, "Forget it, whatever you want, anyway, go to the hospital for a thorough checkup."

It's been two and a half years, and I didn't plan to write for so long. I can't help but sigh when I think about it, but as long as you support me, Uncle Cat will continue to work hard

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