Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 757 Cooperation

"That Ultra Warrior..."

Zena looked up in disbelief at the calm sky.

Ye Fu was actually completely wiped out in one strike.

"Wow!" The stream of light spread out like raindrops, and a burst of strong light suddenly burst out from Kallio's body in mid-air, and the entire field was enveloped in light and quickly faded.

"Uh!" Zena and the others hurriedly avoided their sight, but after a brief fluctuation, the light disappeared without a trace.

"This is……"

Several people came back to their senses and looked around the building. SSP fighter jets shuttled between the ruins in the thick smoke, and the familiar radio sound returned to their ears again.

"are you back?"

In front of the building, as a gust of air blew past, Kallio's huge body gently fell back to the ground, and the light on his body also disappeared, leaving only red and blue lines flickering.

Zena's expression was still horrified, and his eyes fell firmly on Xia Long.

After evolving and merging all the way and experiencing a new gestation, Kallio is far from the original. His streamlined fighting body is somewhat similar to Nexus, and because it is a new light formed from the Milky Way space and time, the new The characteristics of Generation Ultra Warriors are also obvious.

With a perfect form that he had never seen before, coupled with a combat power beyond recognition, Zena was completely unable to find any relevant records.

He is definitely not a member of the Space Guard. There is no such Ultra Warrior in the Kingdom of Light, but it does not match the other legendary Ultra Warriors. Just like Geed, he appears suddenly.

"Who are you?" Zena stepped forward and asked doubtfully, "President Manatsu?"

Xia Long glanced at the surrounding ruins. Hearing Zena's call, he turned around and looked at the three people on the building.

The excited and waving Moe Aizaki, the curious and thoughtful alien girl, and the serious Zena from the Shard planet.

There is nothing special about his identity. With previous contacts, it is indeed easy for Zena to guess it, but there is no need to admit it.

After looking away and not sensing the aura of the silver-robed man around him, Xia Long left the battlefield in a flash.

"Early this morning, a male corpse was found in Hoshiyama City, Tokyo. According to his belongings, he was identified as a publishing employee, Mr. Osumi Joharu, the editor-in-chief of the famous science fiction novelist Fushii DeKi... The police first arrested him on suspicion of murder and abandoning the body. Fu Jing De K, I hope the general public..."

"In today's monster crisis, a new Ultra Warrior appeared..."

At night, in the secret base of Nebula Manor, when Xia Long walked out of the elevator, the atmosphere in the commander's room was very dark. Lem was relaying the TV news silently, Toba Kuriha was practicing swordplay in the middle, and Asakura Riku lay beside him listlessly.

"What happened?"

"That man showed up again," Toba Raiha stopped and looked at Asakura Rikudou silently, "and took away all the capsules."


Riku Asakura raised his head when he heard the noise and said with a haggard face: "It's all my fault. Izuku Fushii planned it 19 years ago. I'm just a fake..."


"Beria...is actually my father," Riku Asakura hesitated, "IdeK Fushii used Beria's genetic factors to create me, all to activate the Ultra Capsule."

"What about you?" Xia Long calmly interrupted, "What choice do you make? Be an Ultra warrior, or become a tool."

Seeing that Xia Long didn't react much, Asakura Riku was a little dazed and responded: "Of course it's Ultra Warrior, Ultraman Geed..."

"That's enough. You are who you are and you control your own destiny."

Xia Long put his right hand gently on Asakura Riku's shoulder: "Don't worry, the capsule will be snatched back."

Nodding, Xia Long walked to the commander's desk and said: "Actually, we got the information yesterday. In order to open the capsule, Izuku Fushii specially created the Karelan molecule 6 years ago to collect the special energy floating in the universe. ”


"Well, the Karelan molecule can only survive in the living body. Izuku Fushii spreads this substance everywhere and uses it to cultivate the light ball in the living body, which is the Litru Star."

Xia Long looked at Toba Raiha and said: "The reason why he attacked you six years ago was probably to collect the Litru Star, but it seems that the Litru Star can only be passed on to Ultra Warriors."

"That's true," Toba Kuriha clenched her sword, "But why did he want to collect Ritru Stars?"

"Beria," Asakura Riku said suddenly, "Fushii De K said it was to completely resurrect Beria."


Xia Long was slightly in a trance. The battle with Beria in his memory was a long time ago. I don’t know what Beria is like in this big universe. He should be stronger, otherwise he would not be able to defeat Ultimate Zero.

"Anyway," Xia Long gathered his thoughts and told Asakura Rikudou when he finally left, "You should have a good rest during this period. I will discuss Beria's matter with Sero."

"Kario..." Watching Xia Long's figure disappear into the command room in the elevator, Toba Raiha couldn't help but murmured.

"What?" Asakura Lu's expression improved slightly and he regained his energy. Hearing the girl's voice, Leng Buding couldn't help but be a little stunned, "What the hell, Kallio."

"No, it's nothing."

Toba Laiye came to his senses, shook his head and put his hands on his hips and shouted: "Xiaolu, if you recover, start training quickly. You are too weak now!"

On the outskirts of Xingshan City, SSP Special Research Institute.

Xia Long and a group of researchers were standing downstairs. They saw a car and a closed transport vehicle appearing from a distance, and hurriedly led the team to greet them.

After the cooperation on the leaf rot, SSP finally started formal contact with AIB, and the research on Lituru Star became the first cooperation project between the two parties.

After instructing his subordinates to help move the equipment, Xia Long personally met with Zena, Aizaki Moeya and several AIB scientists.

Several scientists were aliens who mimicked humans, including the host of Lituru Star in the last King Aire incident, the female Pitt star.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting," a middle-aged scientist wearing glasses and looking quite capable took the initiative to say, "I'm Godwin."

"Hello," the Pitt star also smiled politely, "I'm Toritep."

Xia Long smiled and nodded slightly: "Thank you for your hard work, let's go to the laboratory first."

"President Manxia," Zena's eyes stayed on Xia Long for a moment, and then followed him into the institute under martial law, "I heard that you have found two holders of the Star of Lituru, is that true?"

"For now, it's just the palms that are hot, but the existence of the Star of Lituru is certain," Xia Long led the way, "The City Hall has issued a special treatment plan, and the outside world is just treating them as influenza patients, but in the end they will all be transferred here. I was originally worried about how to protect their safety. Your coming here is really a big help."

Aizaki Moe followed behind, staring at Xia Long for a while, and whispered in Zena's ear: "Senior Zena, is he really the giant?"

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