Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 784 Burning

The motorcycle stopped next to Xia Long. A strangely dressed bosozō gangster was driving a girl and looked playfully at the embarrassed Xia Long.

"Hey, uncle, you're still filming TV at this late hour, haha, your acting looks pretty good!"

"Stop joking!" Xia Long focused his attention on the monster and didn't care about the gangster at all. He shouted, "Run away!"

"Huh? What?" The gangster licked his lips, "Uncle, I'm not that easy to kill. Where is the camera?"

The girl behind the bosozou felt something was wrong, so she pulled the bosozou and said, "Yongta, let's go."

"What does it have to do with it?" the gangster said indifferently, looking at the "policeman" opposite him with a smile, "I'm filming TV anyway, just give me a role. I like to play monsters the most..."

"Pfft!" Before the gangster could finish his words, his throat was suddenly pierced by tentacles shot out like lightning. The laughter froze on his face, and his wide-open eyes gradually dimmed with a look of astonishment.

"Yong, Yong Tai..." The little girl was stunned for a moment, her voice trembled, and she wanted to pull, but the gangster was lifted into the air by the tentacles and torn in half like a rag, with blood flowing.

After touching the blood on her face, the girl fell off the motorcycle and screamed in fear, her voice sharp and piercing through the night.


"Run away!"

Xia Long looked at the gangster's body that was thrown away like rags, and his heart sank. He gritted his teeth and rushed to the side of the motorcycle. He ignored Tai Mei, roared, and drove the motorcycle directly towards the monster.

After dealing with the gangster, the tentacle twisted in mid-air and continued to shoot towards the sprinting motorcycle.

There is only one chance to deal with this guy...

"Drink!" Xia Long concentrated on the motorcycle. The moment the tentacle fell, he jumped out and rolled away, letting the motorcycle rub against the ground and continue to slide towards the monster.



The tentacle hit missed, and the monster "police" was unmoved by the motorcycle. It stepped on expressionlessly and wanted to continue attacking, but then it raised its tentacle again, and a burst of fire suddenly burst out in front of it.

The "police" stopped, lowered his head in confusion, and the motorcycle exploded violently, swallowing the monster instantly with scorching flames.


Xia Long rolled to steady his body, endured the tearing pain all over his body, and climbed up with difficulty. He grabbed a motorcycle oil pipe in his hand and looked at the monster roaring in the sea of ​​fire.

I succeeded, and I am indeed afraid of fire...

"Huhu!" Xia Long gasped while half-kneeling, the heat of the seal on his hand became more and more intense, the light flickered, and his body began to look younger, with strong and explosive muscles exposed between the undulating chest.

Under the light of the fire, the long-lost fighting aura returned to Xia Long again, rising and falling with the flickering of the seal.


Calm returned to the streets, except for the crackling of flames and the sound of Xia Long's breathing. Even the little girl forgot to scream and looked at Xia Long who was soaked in sweat. She still had not recovered from the drastic change. Feeling excited, the girl didn't come back to her senses until Xia Long's eyes turned to her.

Sitting slumped on the ground, the girl looked at Xia Long in horror. Shivering and crying

"No, don't kill me..."

Xia Long glanced at the little girl. Before he could speak, a siren sounded in the distance. In the night, the flashing lights of a series of police cars could be seen in the distance.

Ignoring the little girl, Xia Long stood up with support, threw the oil pipe into the fire and staggered away from the messy street.

After a while, police cars swarmed to the scene and quickly blocked off the entire street.

After seeing the tragic scene, many police officers changed their expressions.

Another serious criminal case...

"Officer Sugita!"

"This is……"

Officer Sugita led his men into the cordoned off area and quickly scanned the scene. When he saw the burning flames and the blood spilled on the ground, he immediately had a bad feeling.

Soon, the explosion flames were extinguished, and the police found two charred bodies, and the torn bodies of the gangsters were also put aside.

"How is the situation?" Sugita looked at the police officers who were still taking photos in other places to collect evidence, put on white gloves and squatted next to the body and asked.

"Mr. Sugita," his partner reported from the side, "one of the deceased was named Omori Eita, a bosozoku, and the girl who witnessed the scene was his companion."

As he spoke, his partner couldn't help but glance at the gangster's body again. Even though he had been a detective for many years, the tragic death of the gangster still made him feel a little chilly.

Swallowing his saliva, his partner continued: "The girl seemed to have been greatly stimulated and has been sent to the hospital. In addition, there is another burnt corpse named Yongtai, who appeared yesterday. The situation of the victims seems to be somewhat similar, and their brains may have been sucked away.”

Sugita groaned and looked at the "policeman" body carefully. However, the tentacles had been completely burned and nothing strange could be seen for the time being.

"Send it to autopsy first and get the report as soon as possible."

"Mr. Sugita," his partner trembled, "there really is a monster, right? That witness might have seen a monster."

"Shut up."

Sugita frowned and stood up, continuing to look around.

The wall near the set was badly damaged and had some strange impact marks on it.

Sugita stretched out his hand and pressed on a crack. His partner behind the meditation room ran over and said, "Mr. Sugita, this was found in the wreckage of the car."

Sugita came to his senses and took a photo from his partner that had not been completely burned. On the blackened photo, you could still see a photo of Xia Long and Mai Mei when they were young.

"Is this the remains of the deceased?" Seeing the girl in the photo who was as cute as his daughter, Sugita's eyes trembled slightly.

"It's not clear yet," his partner replied, "The people in the identification department are still investigating."

Sugita didn't say anything else. He stared at the photo for a while, handed it back to his partner and said, "Let's confirm the identity of the deceased first."


At Manatsu's house, Xia Long fell on the bed after returning to his residence. In addition to the pain and fatigue brought by the fierce battle, the seal movement also had a great impact on him. The memories of the past surged like a tide and could not be suppressed.

He slept in a daze for a night, and the situation finally stabilized until the next morning. The seal on his wrist returned to normal and his breath did not fluctuate again.

Xia Long slowly opened his eyes, lay down for a while in the morning light, took a long breath, got up and went into the bathroom.

He sweated a lot in the battle last night, and now his whole body is sticky.


Taking off the tattered clothes from the fierce battle, Xia Long stretched his body and stood under the shower head, letting the hot water flow over his cheeks and wash over his streamlined muscles, and his fatigue completely disappeared.

After wiping his face, Xia Long's eyes fell on the seal on his wrist, paused, dried his body, changed his clothes, walked to the living room, and turned on the TV.

The news was still reporting the events that happened in the past two days, reminding citizens to pay attention to safety at night.

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