Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 791 Seven ov

The stars turned into lines and flew away quickly. Xia Long kept shuttling through the tunnel, getting farther and farther away from Wu Mei.

Along the way, he recalled a lot, including the happy times he spent with his daughter and the things in the past.

After returning to this universe, although he had the power close to God, some things still could not be changed.

In the past, in the decisive battle with No. 1, in order to destroy the evolution machine that was about to be darkened, he accidentally returned to the real world. After that, Ayumi and Polydoan disappeared for some reason, leaving only a shell amulet.

Xiao Wu also left irreversible consequences because of the forced fusion of Golzan. After giving birth to Wu Mei, she could only be sealed in the evolution machine, and it was unknown when she would wake up.

Xia Long shuttled through time and space, and his eyes fell on the evolution machine.

After the seal was lifted, he could no longer accompany Wu Mei. He hoped that Wu Mei could live an ordinary and happy life on Earth without stimulating the protective power he left behind...

Tightening his fingers, Xia Long passed through the flowing halo and was about to rush out of the tunnel, but suddenly his body stopped.


Xia Long slowed down and stood in the middle of the space-time tunnel in confusion.

He felt a little strange when the golden giant appeared. Now he couldn't sense the location of the Kingdom of Light. The whole universe seemed to be in chaos. He didn't know whether it was because of his return or because something strange had happened.

After a pause, Xia Long left the space-time tunnel in a flash, and the next moment he appeared in a quiet space.

Before he could judge where he was, several missiles suddenly appeared from the curvature navigation and landed on a planet not far away. The explosions were lit up one after another, and the whole planet was reduced to a sea of ​​fire in a blink of an eye.

"This is..."

Xia Long reacted and looked at the destroyed planet tensely. He seemed to sense that some invisible life on the planet was killed by the explosion.

"Bang!" Under the chain reaction, the explosion on the unknown planet became more and more intense. Not only the life on it, but the entire planet began to be destroyed. The tragic scene was deeply reflected in Xia Long's eyes.

"Space war?"

With a heavy heart, Xia Long looked along the initial trajectory of the missile and found that he was actually at the edge of the solar system. He could see the familiar sun and many planets such as the earth from afar.

What happened?

Xia Long looked at the destroyed planet, and then looked at the direction of the earth pointed by the missile's flight trajectory. In doubt, he quickly turned into a beam of light and flew to the earth.



In order to implement the defense strategy called "Friendship Plan", the Earth Defense Force established observation stations on all the planets in the solar system.

The last planet to establish an observation station was Valkyrie, the tenth planet on the edge of the solar system. During the mission, the Valkyrie aliens who could not be detected by instruments sneaked into the defense force spacecraft. Not only did they destroy the lunar base when the spacecraft returned, but they also created a lot of chaos on the earth by possessing themselves. Finally, Seven appeared to save the situation.

Feng Sen, a member of the Ultra Guard, was seriously injured by Valkyrie and was put into a capsule by Seven, and Seven turned into Feng Sen.

After the chaos subsided, the Earth Defense Force confirmed the existence of the Valkyrie and decided to further promote the Friendship Plan. When Xia Long appeared, it was just the moment when the Earth Defense Force used the curvature navigation missile to attack, destroying the Valkyrie in one fell swoop and exterminating the Valkyrie civilization.

However, the matter did not end there. Soon after, the Earth Defense Force launched a space warp missile against the Taurus Galaxy TMR2C planet, which may pose a threat to the Earth and has intelligent life forms, according to the content of the Friendship Plan, and destroyed another planet.

In outer space, Xia Long appeared in a beam of light, glanced at the star-destroying missile that passed by him in a warp flight, and flashed into the Earth again as a beam of light.

"It seems a little different here."

Standing on the sea rock of a small island, Xia Long murmured and looked at the undulating sea surface.

Although the Earth he encountered in the past also had star-destroying weapons, they had never been launched so frequently, which always felt a little scary.

I don't know if it's for defense or for some other purpose, and I don't know which time and space this is...

"Beep!" A long whistle mixed with the cry of seagulls came into Xia Long's ears as the sea breeze blew.

Following the direction, a ship gradually approached the island pier, and many people got off the ship and stepped onto the island pier busily.

Xia Long gathered his thoughts, jumped off the sea rock and walked straight to the pier. The erected sign indicated that this was a place called Weng Island.

Passing by several islanders, Xia Long was about to leave when a strange breath appeared in his senses, but he looked carefully but found nothing.


Xia Long's eyes flickered slightly as he scanned the pedestrians around him, and then looked at the village on the island.

It seemed that there was the breath of aliens...

He didn't rush to leave. Xia Long followed a few tourists and found a hotel nearby to stay.

The island was not very developed. Although it could communicate, there was no network. Xia Long had to conduct a remote survey through Zero, and soon he had a preliminary understanding of this earth.

The living standard is around that of the year 2000, but the military is extremely advanced, similar to the previous Leo world, but the Earth Defense Force here is TDF.


After comparing it with Zero's database, Xia Long couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

The specific situation cannot be determined yet, but this time and space is the time period after Seven TV, which may be Seven ov. The information is not sufficient, and he has no impression of it. However, logically speaking, he should not appear here.

The time and space of the universe seems to be disordered...

"What happened in these years? Zero and others have never contacted me. Is it a recent change?"

As night fell, Xia Long walked to the window, and a unique Ultra Signature was sent to the universe during the telekinesis.

It seems that there is no Kingdom of Light in this time and space, but as long as the Kingdom of Light still exists, no matter which universe it is in, there is hope to receive the Ultra Signature, which is much easier than him looking for it without thinking.


After several days, the Ultra Signature still did not respond. Xia Long temporarily settled down on the island, waiting for news while inquiring about the situation on the earth, and finally learned about the Earth Defense Force's Friendship Plan.

Although it is a friendship plan, the defense force seems to be only used to detect alien life and eliminate civilizations that may threaten the earth.

The space warp missiles and the images of planetary destruction that he had seen before flashed through Xia Long's mind.

If Seven was on Earth, he would probably be in trouble if he encountered such an Earth Defense Force.

Shaking his head, Xia Long left the hotel and walked to the coast. When he looked at the approaching ship at the dock, he suddenly sensed a lot of alien creatures.

"Host," Zero said, "there is a strong radio interference here."


Xia Long turned his eyes to the other side of the island. On such a small island, even if he didn't actively sense it, the strange smell was still very obvious.

"Let's go over and take a look."

Make up as soon as possible in the next few days

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