Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 81 Condensing the Wings of Hope

Under the influence of strange power, Xia Long seemed to be integrated with the earth, and every place on the earth could be seen by him.

A long river of light flowed in front of Xia Long's eyes.

In a trance, he seemed to see a strange ruin, which felt within reach, but very far away.

That was...

Looking at a huge stone pillar vaguely standing among the ruins, Xia Long always felt very close.


Xia Long wanted to take a closer look, but the ruins gradually disappeared in the light.



Calls rang in Xia Long's ears. Through the light, he seemed to be connected with everyone's heart. All kinds of human emotions, whether joy or sadness, were transmitted to his heart one by one.

"If Ultraman wins, mankind will be saved!"

"Come on, Leo!"

"Dragon!" Scenes kept appearing in Xia Long's mind, and he even saw Ayumi in the space station, "You promised me!"


"Dragon!" In front of the sports club, the MAC players stood together with Omura and others, "We must win!"

"Brother Manxia Long, come on!"

"Woof!" Ron jumped out of Ayumi's arms and kept shouting.

In the square, Qianli stood alone in the crowd, holding the Leo doll tightly in her hand.

"Big brother, Leo is my only relative..." Holding the doll in her arms, Qianli's little face was full of tears, "Come on, big brother!"


"Shhh!" With his eyes tightly fixed, Xia Long turned his attention to Zaki again.

I won't give up!

"Haha, human!" Zaki poured energy into the beam frantically, "Die!"

"Zaki..." Dazzling light emerged from Xia Long's eyes, and his figure stopped instantly, and the powerful dark red light wave was blocked by the barrier.


"The fate of mankind, the future of the earth..." Xia Long looked directly at Zaki, his whole body radiating brilliance. In Zaki's unbelievable eyes, two wings of light spread out from behind, "We must protect!"

"Noah?" Zaki shouted with a tremor in his body, and endless anger burst out from the bottom of his heart, turning into dark light, "Hateful breath! Die!"

"Zizz--!!" Violent energy collisions continued to explode, and the entire dark realm was filled with countless energy, and even cracks began to appear in the space.

"Hey--!" The light dissipated, and Xia Long's figure was fully revealed. Behind Leo, two energy wings wrapped in flames appeared. Through the wings, you can faintly see the phantoms of Seven, Astra, and the entire earth.

"Zaki!" Mobilizing all his energy, Xia Long shouted angrily, and his arms shook violently to directly break Zaki's beam with his bare hands.

"Impossible!" Looking at the scattered light spots in horror, Zaki never thought that Xia Long could do this.

"Uh-ang!" Roaring, Zaki rushed towards Xia Long angrily.

"Shh!" Blocking Zaki's attack like lightning, Xia Long's mind flashed with past battles.

Fighting Zuluk, the first time as Ultraman to protect humans, he almost didn't even have the power to control his body.

Canedras, his strength continued to improve in the battle...

Former opponents flashed in Xia Long's mind one by one, and Xia Long still remembered the hard battle.

"It turns out that I have defeated so many terrible enemies without knowing it..."

Looking coldly at the black and red giant in front of him, Xia Long mobilized his energy, his arm flashed red, and his fist wrapped in flames hit Zaki fiercely.

Crisis after crisis, the suffering of countless people, all originated from Zaki!


"Uh-ah!" Zaki had just blocked Xia Long's fist, and his abdomen was hit by a huge force, and he flew backwards.

"Hu~Hu~" Covering his abdomen, Zaki panted violently.

"Why is this happening?" Standing up, Zaki looked at Xia Long who was walking towards him unwillingly, "Human!"

"Shhh!" Blocking Zaki's fierce side kick with one hand, Xia Long's wings flashed, and powerful energy burst out from his right arm.

"Zaki--!" With a roar, Xia Long hit Zaki's chest with his right fist.

"It's time to end it!"

"Boom!" A series of flames exploded in Zaki's chest, and Xia Long's arm shook again. Zaki was blown away by the terrifying impact before he could react.

"Uh--" Zaki retreated like a cannonball, and smoke and dust exploded on the dark red ground, and a long earth pit appeared in front of Xia Long.


Looking at the figure who was constantly panting at the end of the earth pit, Xia Long put his hands on his chest, and as the wings behind him shone, a golden energy ball formed in front of Xia Long's timer.

"Huh~Huh~" Feeling the huge pressure, Zaki groaned and gathered energy again.

"How can I lose to a mere human!" With a roar, the beam of light that Zagi used up all his strength suddenly shot towards Xia Long.

"Hah--" Looking at the black light in front of him, Xia Long pushed forward with both hands, and the powerful energy light ball flashed and disappeared.

"Boom--!" With the violent collision, the energy light ball drove an endless energy storm and appeared in front of Zagi's beam.

"Bang bang bang!" Like a rotten wood, the golden light ball only paused for a moment, and then broke through the light beam and continued to move forward without any hindrance.

"Huh?" Looking at the light that was retreating step by step, Zagi's eyes changed and he wanted to avoid it, but the light ball was already approaching him at an unimaginable speed.

"Ah--!" Shrouded by the terrifying light energy, Zaki screamed in pain, the endless energy almost tore his body apart, "Human, wait for me!"

Take a breath, Xia Long looked at the violently exploding light in confusion, Zaki suddenly became energetic in the energy storm!

"What's going on?"

Just as Xia Long was about to rush over, the dark space suddenly exploded and collapsed rapidly.


The black clouds above the earth dissipated, and the world returned to normal.


After a pause, cheers broke out on the streets of Tokyo. Almost, the earth was about to be destroyed!


People looked at the huge figure standing in the air excitedly.


Feeling the mixed joy and sadness in people's hearts, Xia Long nodded and stretched out his hands.

"Wow--" As the wings behind him flashed, soft light radiated from Xia Long's arms.

"Leo?" In the puzzled eyes of the crowd, countless lights fell to the ground.

"Why am I here?" The light faded, and a middle-aged man in white work clothes appeared. He looked at the crowd around him blankly, "You..."


A tender child's voice interrupted the middle-aged man's question. He turned around and looked excited.

"Qianli!" Wearing a colorful skirt and holding a Leo doll in her hand, it was his daughter!

"Dad!" Qianli shouted again in disbelief. After confirming that it was her father, she ran towards the middle-aged man crying, "I miss you so much!"

"Dad too!" The man picked up Qianli and burst into tears.


As the light fell, there were bursts of exclamations from the crowd. Some cried and some laughed. Even after experiencing countless disasters, they couldn't stop their tears.






The calls echoed throughout the sky, and the whole world was playing the scene of family reunion.

"I did it, Captain, Astra!" Xia Long murmured as he stared at the crowd on the ground. In the sunshine, this body carrying countless hopes turned into a light spot and gradually disappeared.

"Where's Leo?" As their mood gradually calmed down, people looked up at the sky, only to find that the giant had disappeared without a trace.

"Leo!" A child shouted at the sky, "I haven't thanked you properly yet!"

Looking at the calm sky, the child continued to shout: "Thank you!"

(End of this chapter)

(If you have any ideas, please mention them. If appropriate, I will change them)

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