Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 837 Daguba Zero

Xia Long grabbed the old man's collar: "What did you say?"

"It's Daguba!" The old man said evilly, "He will kill you with his own hands!"

"Dagaba?" Xia Long looked around and his eyes fell on the old man again, "Who are you?"

"I'm Chakio, just a repairman," the old man looked at Xia Long as if he was looking at a dead man, and laughed, "You shouldn't be here, he will find you soon."


Xia Long wanted to ask again, and suddenly felt an indescribable threatening breath in his heart. A figure in a white suit appeared in his mind, as if a line of sight pierced through his body.

"Zizi!" A power far beyond all Gurongi, which could even affect the world, descended instantly. Under strong stimulation, the mark on the back of Xia Long's hand emerged spontaneously with electric current.


Xia Long pushed the old man away and looked around, but the breath in the air quickly disappeared, and the surroundings returned to calm. When he turned around, even the mysterious old man disappeared, as if he had never appeared.


Recalling the great pressure just now, Xia Long gently clenched his fingers and put away the mark on the back of his hand.

Although the breath disappeared, he felt that Zero was not far away from him. After waiting for so long, this guy finally appeared again.

This time he must kill this guy...


In Mitaka City, Xia Long took a car to where Ichijo was at around seven o'clock in the morning.

The scene of the incident had been blocked by the police. After Xia Long and Ichijo joined, they entered the blockade area. What caught his eye were several crashed motorcycles and messy bloodstains on the ground.

"Is this a tire mark?" Xia Long squatted beside the bloodstains and said.

"Yeah, it's really tragic. That guy drove a truck back and forth and ran over several times. He's just a pervert," said Officer Sugita angrily. "I heard from the convenience store manager that it chased the victim's companion for a long distance after he ran away."

Xia Long stared at the traces on the ground silently for a while. Officer Sugita pulled Ichi and asked in a puzzled voice: "Hey, who is this guy? Why did you bring him here?"

"Oh, him," Ichi looked at Xia Long's serious back and smiled softly, "He is a friend of mine from a newspaper."

"A friend from a newspaper? Really," Sugita complained, "How could you bring such a guy here?"

"Don't worry, he won't write nonsense."

Ichi had a smile on his face that made people wonder why. Sugita looked at Xia Long again in confusion and shook his head helplessly: "Forget it."

After Xia Long looked at the scene, he followed Ichi and left.

"How is it?" Ichi asked when he saw Xia Long thinking.

"I was just wondering why that guy used a truck to kill people," Xia Long came back to his senses and asked as he walked, "By the way, where is Godai?"


"Sorry, I'm late!" Just as Godai was mentioned, Godai hurried over, "Officer Ichijo, Mr. Along!"

Ichijo worriedly said, "What happened?"

"Well, just now something with horns suddenly approached me, but it flew away quickly." Godai explained.

"The horned thing?" Ichijo asked anxiously, "Could it be the one unearthed from the ruins in Nagano?"

"It should be," Godai recalled, "It's very similar to the beetle in the illusion I saw before. Sakurako said it might be a horse's armor..."

Xia Long followed the two of them. When they were talking about the flying beetle, the police received news from No. 24 again, but this time they went to the Makuhari area in Chiba Prefecture.

"All units, please note that an unidentified life form driving a large truck has appeared in the Makuhari area earlier..."

"Masatsu Ryu," Ichijo heard the message, nodded to Gosei, and quickly turned to Ryu and said, "Do you want to go over? You can take my car..."

Ryu shook his head and interrupted, "No, I have other things to do and need to go to Kuroyama later."

"Kuroyama?" Seeing Ryu refused, Ichijo was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted and said, "Okay, contact me if you have anything."


Ryu stood at the intersection, watching Ichijo and Gosei drive away one after another, calmed down, and turned to the station.

After seeing the crime scene, he felt that No. 24 should not be a problem for Gosei, and he could concentrate on solving the problem of No. 0.


In a parking lot somewhere in Tokyo, the cold Rose Girl walked alone towards several human-shaped Gurongi of the Kuzu Group.

Among the Gurongi groups, the lowest is the Bei Group, which has low combat power and has hardly ever appeared. The next is the Zi Group starting from No. 1, followed by the higher-level Mei Group, and then the powerful Ge Group. The members of the Ge Group are rare, but each individual has power far beyond that of ordinary Gurongi.

"Has he appeared?" A man in a military uniform asked the Rose Girl.

"Is it our turn to start the game?" Another Gurongi said.

"It's too early."

The Rose Girl glanced at the few people and said with a smile: "He personally took action this time, it seems to be to deal with that Rindo Warrior."

"Are you talking about the Rindo Warrior who was with Kuuga?" The man in the military uniform said dissatisfiedly, "That Rindo Warrior should be my prey, and I will kill him!"

"If Daguba takes action, the Rindo Warrior will be dead, and what about Chakio?"

"He seems to have gone there too."

Nagano Prefecture Kurogaku.

Xia Long got off the bus at the foot of the mountain with his backpack and returned to the ruins. There was not much change from before, but I heard that several ruins were discovered in the surrounding area.

The mysterious flying object that flew to Tokyo to find the fifth generation was excavated from the northern ruins. The fragments found by the mother and daughter of Shika were also one of them. Now it seems that it has nothing to do with Zero, but it seems to be related to Kuuga. "Horse armor" sounds like it may be an equipment.

After the valley ruins at the beginning, Xia Long put on the mask and walked to a high place. Looking around, the sky had darkened, dark clouds were dense, accompanied by a muffled thunder, and heavy rain gradually fell.

"Here it comes."

Xia Long's body tightened, and he instinctively felt a strong threat. The strong pressure he had endured in Tokyo fell on him again. The young man in white clothes appeared in Xia Long's mind from a distance. A strong murderous aura came from his eyes, pressing towards Xia Long like a mountain.

Xia Long took off his windbreaker and walked into the increasingly violent storm with a deep voice. The light from his wrist spun rapidly, breaking through the rain curtain and condensing into a body of a full-length Kallio.

His milky white eyes, as always, shone like a beacon in the dark rainstorm. The light blue energy crystal and the streamlined combat body covered with armor looked like a hawk spreading its wings.

"Zizi!" The electric current tore along the energy crystal. As the transformation was completed, the tremendous pressure from the whole world came again, and the pain, which was even stronger than last time, quickly spread throughout Xia Long's body.

Xia Long groaned, and his footsteps did not stop. His sharp eyes passed through the rain curtain and fell on Zero. He clenched his fists and took a step, and disappeared in the rainstorm in an instant.

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