Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 846 Ultimate vs. Ultimate

At ten o'clock in the morning, Xia Long and Fifth Generation were called to a crime scene in Jiangdong District.

After passing through the cordoned off area, the two were quickly taken outside a building that was still smoking. The scene was charred on one side, as if a fire had just broken out.

"This originally seemed to be the base of those unconfirmed life forms," ​​Ichijo said as he entered the messy scene and walked to the mark left by Zero, "Zero finally arrived in Tokyo, but we still don't know why he wanted to Do this.”

After looking at the mark in a deep voice for a while, Ichijo turned to Xia Long and said: "After Miss Sawatari studied the inscription at Shinano University, she found that there are also four-corner marks on it."

"What do you mean?" Godai asked blankly.

Ichijo explained: "It seems that the word that originally represented warrior is actually the word of Gurungi. When the two-horned warrior turns into four horns, he will be buried by darkness and become the same as Zero."

"But," Godai turned to Xia Long in confusion, "didn't Mr. Aaron just have four horns after his transformation? It would be too strange to say that Mr. Aaron is the same as Zero."

"I'm also very surprised. I have to wait until Miss Sawatari comes back to figure this out." Ichijo paused, then looked at Xia Long in deep thought, "Actually, at the beginning, I thought it was you who did it."

"Even if the other party is an unidentified life form, I will not kill innocent people indiscriminately."

Xia Long took one last look at the scene. It was very similar to him using the supernatural fire ability of Ultimate Kuuga. Zero may have gained more power than before: "If it is that Rose Girl, she must know what Zero is doing. ”

"B1? That woman is indeed special. Unfortunately, we have never been able to find her. We only have a few sightings." Ichijo frowned.

"Anyway, let's take a look at the situation first," Xia Long retracted his gaze and said, "I think No. 0 will definitely show up again."

As Zero's killing spree unfolded, the feeling between him and Zero became stronger and stronger, and he could vaguely feel Zero's powerful fighting spirit.

Zero will definitely come to him in the end...


Pore ​​Pore Restaurant, affected by No. 0, the heavy rain outside has not stopped, and even the restaurant seems deserted, with no customers.

In the evening, the news was still reporting on Zero's actions. A large number of unconfirmed life forms were confirmed to have been killed, including the Katsura Group gathered in Tokyo.

In the powerful Ge Group, there were several Gurungi whose strength was difficult for even the fifth generation to deal with, but they died without making much noise in front of Zero.

"Listen to Sakurako," Godai said, breaking the silence. "In the ancient times, there was a ritual of living sacrifice. People gained strength through killing. I wonder if that was the reason why Zero carried out the massacre. If he killed all his own people, what would happen? Will it be our turn to massacre humans?”

"I'll stop him."

Xia Long looked out the window, called Yiyi Xun again and asked, "How is the situation? Have you found No. 0?"

"There are many things that have not been prepared in time," Ichichi called back at the scientific research institute. "The radar used to detect the location of No. 0 is only in its infancy. However, someone just witnessed No. B1 at the Jiangdong District Pier. I am preparing to go there. Let’s investigate over there.”

"Go and I will go too," Xia Long stood up from the counter and said, "I must deal with Zero this time."

"Eh?" The boss, who was still reading the news at the counter, watched Xia Long and the two leave the restaurant blankly, and asked Nana beside him in confusion, "What does it mean to solve No. 0?"

"Probably to investigate."


The boss nodded and shouted to Xia Long and the others: "Remember to come back early, it's too dangerous outside!"

In Koto District, Xia Long and Godai rode motorcycles in the heavy rain and rushed to the dock to meet up with Ichijo. However, they only saw a police car. Kaoru Ichijo did not know where he had gone.

Xia Long parked the motorcycle aside, looked around and said, "Police officer Ichijo probably went to investigate first. Let's also look around."


Separating from Wu Dai, Xia Long walked through a row of buildings and walked alone by the pier, looking at the vast expanse of water through the rain curtain.

"Why is Rose Girl here at this time?"

Seeing that the rain was getting heavier and heavier, Xia Long walked under the eaves of a roof and was about to walk inside when a beautiful figure suddenly appeared on the water bank, wearing a white flight attendant uniform, looking towards Xia Long through the rain curtain.

Xia Long stood there and looked at the woman in the rain, and found that it was Rose Girl who had changed her clothes.

"You knew where Da Cuba was from the beginning," Xia Long looked directly at Rose Girl and said, "Let me ask you, what exactly is Da Cuba doing?"

"He just wants to have a decisive battle with you," Rose Girl said calmly, "For you, who is Kuuga, to continue the battle that happened a long time ago..."

"I'm not empty." Xia Long interrupted.

"But you became Kuuga," Rose Girl's face remained unchanged. "When you mastered the ultimate power, Daguaba also changed. He ended the dark game with his own hands, all for the final battle."

"What's the meaning?"

Xia Long shouted and asked, but Rose Girl stood quietly in the rain and did not speak.

"Where is Daguaba now?" Xia Long unfolded his body, transformed into a red Kuuga and walked into the rain, but Rose Girl still had no expression, as if she didn't care at all.

"Real Summer Dragon!" Ichijo ran out of the street and saw the scene at the dock. He hurriedly rushed closer and aimed his gun at Rose Girl.

When Rose Girl's eyes fell on Ichijo, a complex look of nostalgia and confusion appeared on her originally expressionless face.

"The winner will be the terminator of darkness." After responding to Xia Long, Rose Girl silently closed her eyes and waited for Xia Long to attack.

Xia Long groaned, and his center of gravity sank slightly as he moved his feet. His legs quickly heated up and gathered powerful energy. He hesitated to launch an attack, and the breath of Zero Daguba suddenly appeared in his senses, and his eyes met his eyes across the distant space.

"Uh!" On the other side of the dock, Five Generations also felt Zero. Under the strong pressure of the breath, the rain around him seemed to disappear. The whole space was filled with the figure of a white young man, and his smiling eyes seemed to penetrate his body.

"What's going on?"

Five Generations quickly transformed into a green Sora and looked around, trying to find the position of the owner of the sight, but the load on his body suddenly reached its peak, and he was directly oppressed to quit the transformation: "Uh ah!"

At the dock, Xia Long silently lifted the transformation, but did not attack in the end. Rose Girl slowly opened her eyes and looked at Xia Long, still with no expression on her face.

"Who are you?" Rose Girl had a puzzled look on her face, paused, turned around and left along the dock.

"Real Xia Long!" Yi Tiao looked at Xia Long in confusion and asked anxiously, "What do you want to do? Are you going to let her go?"

Xia Long stared at the back of Rose Girl for a while, then turned his eyes to Yi Tiao and said, "Does B1 like you?"

"Ah?" Yi Tiao was confused, "What do you mean?"

"Nothing," Xia Long shook his head, patted Yi Tiao on the shoulder and said, "I'm going to meet Zero, I'll leave her to you, whether it's good or bad, I believe you can handle it."

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