"Go!" In the falling rubble, Nakamura pushed Xia Long away and shouted, "You can't die!"

"Senior!" Xia Long threw away the heavy equipment on his body and held on to the shaking cave wall.

"Promise me, stay alive!" Nakamura panted violently, and the speed of his body petrification suddenly increased, spreading to his face in an instant.



Xia Long's eyes were red, and he looked at Nakamura who was covered by stones unwillingly.

"Boom--" The cave collapsed from the inside to the outside, dust spread, and several huge stones fell in front of Xia Long, completely sealing it.


Gritting his teeth, Xia Long turned around and ran away in pain.

Damn it, why am I so useless!

Running towards the light outside the cave with all his strength, Xia Long clenched his fists.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Several staff members guarding the cave entrance exclaimed and hurriedly supported the embarrassed Xia Long.

"Captain!" Xia Long shook his head at his colleagues and immediately ran to a tent not far from the mine.

"What happened inside?" The captain of the investigation team, who felt the movement in the mine, rushed to Xia Long with a serious face, "Where are the others?"

"They," Xia Long's eyes flashed with pain, "They were all killed by the monster..."

"Ah?" The captain's face changed, and he looked at the miners who were talking around him.

"It must be Gakuma!"

"Gakuma really appeared!"

The miners were panicked and looked at each other helplessly.

"What should we do now..."

"I know," the captain pondered, patted Xia Long on the shoulder and said, "You go down and rest first!"

"Yes." Xia Long listened to the voices of the miners constantly coming from his ears, and his heart was particularly uncomfortable.

He should have remembered the plot...

At the same time, in the command room of TPC headquarters, Captain Ikuma Hui, Ye Rui and Staff Officer Nanyuan were studying the whereabouts of the escaped Gorzan.

"This is the image taken by the detector from above the pyramid," Ju Jianhui looked at the screen and explained, "Neither the sonic detector nor the energy detector found any trace of the monster Golzan."

"Well," Staff Officer Nanyuan nodded, "Can you call up the image at that time?"

"Okay!" Ye Rui responded, and quickly switched the screen to the battle scene of Tiga.

"At that time, Golzan did escape from this side," Ju Jianhui thought, "but there was no trace of anything except a huge hole left at the scene..."

Looking closely at the screen, Ju Jianhui suddenly saw something vaguely and couldn't help shouting: "Ye Rui, replay it!"

"Ah, yes!"

The screen was replayed, and when it was played to Tiga's transformation, Ju Jianhui hurriedly stopped.

"Wait, it's here, step back a little!"

As the screen paused, Ju Jianhui found that there was a faint light in the jungle at the battle site, and there was a blurry figure in the light.

"What is this?" Ye Rui exclaimed, and immediately enlarged the image and locked it on the figure.

"Can you find out anything?" Staff Officer Nanyuan looked at Nori expectantly.

"No," Nori shook his head painfully, "It's too vague..."

"If we know what this is, maybe we can find out the truth!" Ikuma Hui stood up, "Also, it may be related to the disappearance of Golzan!"

"I see," Nori nodded, his hands quickly operating the keyboard, "I'll find a way right away..."

"Beep beep beep--" A rapid alarm sounded suddenly, and the screen suddenly switched to a map.

"What's wrong?" Nori stopped what he was doing and stood up with Staff Officer Nanyuan.

"Emergency notice, a monster appeared on Kurara Island in the Southwest Islands," the director's figure appeared on the screen, "The miners in the quarry seem to have been attacked."

"Is it Golzan?" Ikuma Hui stepped forward.

"No, it's a different monster from Golzan," the director continued, "Now the monster seems to be quiet, but I don't want anyone else to be killed!"

"But," said Ikuma Hui anxiously, "How can the current Victory Team fight the monster?"

"I know that," the director nodded, sat on a chair beside him, paused and ordered, "Captain Ikuma Hui, transform the Victory Team's aircraft into combat aircraft, and start immediately!"

"Got it!" Staff Officer Nanyuan signaled to Nori.

"Everyone gather in the command room!" Nori called to the control console, "Everyone gather in the command room!"


"Hey, are you okay?"

In the temporary work tent of TPC on Kurara Island, a staff member handed Xia Long a water cup.

"Ah, it's okay." Xia Long looked at the other person gratefully, "Put it down first, I'll drink it later."

"What's wrong with your hand?" The staff looked at Xia Long's slightly trembling right hand in confusion.

"No, nothing." Xia Long shook his head and changed the subject, "What's going on outside?"

"Well, the mine cave has collapsed and we can't get in, but the captain has notified the headquarters. I believe there will be a way next." The staff member drank a sip of water and sat in front of a display instrument. "The monster doesn't seem to be moving now..."

"Hiss--" Xia Long felt a sharp pain in his right hand, causing him to cry out in pain.

"You look very bad, are you really okay?" The staff member said worriedly, "I'll go talk to the captain!"

"Don't! It's really nothing." Xia Long smiled and looked outside, "It seems that another plane has arrived..."

"Director!" A conversation came from outside the tent.

"Ah, the director is here!"

Seeing the staff run out, Xia Long breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's the situation?"

"Three miners, three investigators were killed, and there is one injured."

"Did you see the monster?"


Listening to the conversation outside, Xia Long hissed coldly and raised his right hand.


The gloves were full of gravel, and they fell off with Xia Long's movements.

"This is..." Xia Long's eyes narrowed, and he slowly took off his gloves. Looking carefully, his entire right hand was covered with a layer of stone powder, and it was getting more and more.

"Petrified?" The severe pain gradually disappeared, and the feeling of numbness replaced it.

If it goes on like this...

Xia Long's eyes trembled, and he looked at his right hand closely.

Will it turn into stone?

"Let's go in first!"

There were figures flashing outside, and footsteps were heard. Xia Long quickly put on his gloves again.

"Are you Gao Shulong?" A figure walked in from outside.

"Ah, I am." The man in front of him was dressed in military uniform. In Xia Long's impression, he seemed to be TPC Director Zejing.

"Did you see the monster when you came out?" Zejing asked.

"I didn't see it clearly, but I saw a claw."

"Is that so?" After a pause, Zejing ordered the captain next to him, "Anyway, let's arrange it first!"


"Dig it!" Around the mine, the staff who received the order buried bombs in the soil one by one, surrounding the place where the monster might appear.

"This is a high-explosive bomb." A colleague explained to Xia Long, "Don't worry, we will help Nakamura and the others get revenge!"

"It's useless." Xia Long looked in the direction of the mine and murmured.

These explosives alone are simply impossible to kill the monster.

"Gakuma!" Stepping on the stone, Xia Long looked towards the mine painfully.

If he had some sympathy for Gakuma's experience when watching Tiga TV before, now he wanted to peel Gakuma's skin.

Only by experiencing it yourself can you know how terrible it is to sympathize with a terrifying monster. Gakuma is not a harmless pet, but a poisonous snake!

In the eyes of Gakuma, humans are just ants that invade the territory!

Feeling his right arm as heavy as a stone, Xia Long moved his fingers with difficulty, hesitantly wanting to use the power of Golzan.

Is it possible?

Feeling the powerful breath of Golzan, Xia Long fell into deep thought. He remembered that Tiga seemed to have been petrified in the original play, but he recovered by changing his form before being completely petrified. In that case, maybe it can be done through Golzan.

Xia Long raised his right hand in a daze, and a complex color flashed in his eyes.

He now has no light particles, and it seems that he can only use the power of the monster, but...

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