Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1007: The final boss of the World War of Defense enters the arena

"Ha." Dark Zaki sneered, not panicking how much he had to face the three enemies.

"What if the light recovers, you still won't be my opponent."

Hong Tu stood up, stretched her waist, and moved her neck.

Genlai Jinzang turned his head to look at him, and somehow realized his intentions: "Are you going to go out?"

"Well, it's me." Hong Tu put down his arm and smiled at Riko, "Next, let this be over."

Riko grabbed the corner of his clothes and said seriously, "Be careful."

"Relax," Hong Tu faded the gentleness of the disguise, and showed an arrogant and wanton smile, so that the inhuman thing under this disguise revealed a trace of truth, "It's just food."

Genlai Jinzang was stunned and watched him go out with stunned eyes. As the door slowly closed, he was shocked to realize that he had just subconsciously held his breath.

With Hong Tu's departure, he seemed to feel that some of the haze had faded, and the whole person was a lot easier.

But why did he suddenly palpitations?

He looked at Riko subconsciously, and saw Riko was looking at him quietly, looking at him purely and quietly.

What Genki Jinzo was trying to say suddenly got stuck in his throat and couldn't say anything.

Hong Tu climbed all the way to the top of the building, standing on top of the building, looking at the big hole in the sky.

"The light has awakened, and it's time for us."

The darkness enveloped in the sky began to surging, twisting into a vortex like a vortex, and rushing into another world through the passage between the worlds.

Hong Tu's figure also disappeared in an instant.

In the other world, everyone who had been fighting stopped, and even the alien beasts gave up their attacks.

They unanimously turned their heads to look in the direction of the world channel, and felt the darkness of palpitations there.

Hong Tu flew out of the passage and floated above the sky. The darkness surrounded him and began to spread to the world.

His dark red eyes looked at the world, measuring the deliciousness of the world.

"Really clean."

He stood here, except for his own darkness, he couldn't smell any dark power. Oh, except for those guys in the distance.

It seems that this alien beast is also a foodie, eating the world cleanly.

At this moment, the world seemed to be dead quietly.

But he soon stopped caring about this: "Get ready, let's have dinner."

But before the meal, he needs to get a guy in the way out first.

Hong Tu raised his arms, and darkness poured out from behind him, forming a huge black cocoon behind him.

There was a gap in the black cocoon, and a light came out from it.

More gaps appeared, and finally the black energy cocoon completely dissipated into strands of dark energy, leaving only a light ball with a diameter of more than two meters.

On the outside of this light ball, colorful, golden, silver and milky light faintly revealed, making the light ball look very messy.

The light sphere flashed slightly and gradually shrank, revealing a pure white figure.

It has the same face as Hong Tu, but the eyes and hair color are white, but this white has a faint greyish tendency.

Bai Wu was released by Hong Tu.

"Sure enough, it's easy to throw you out first." Hong Tu laughed.

"You will regret it soon." Bai Wu smiled exactly like him.

Two people, one black and one white, stood in a tacit stalemate for a while, and then suddenly turned into black and white, and two streams of light slammed into each other.

Unexpectedly, the white stream of light was directly repelled by the black stream of light and hit the depths of the world.

The huge alien beast keenly sensed the approach of the powerful darkness. It dropped the Ultraman of Light that had just tried to kill it, and also abandoned the teasing prey, and roared at the source of the darkness.

In everyone's sight, the darkness engulfed the light, and slammed into the huge alien beast.

The light-emitting organs on the alien beast lit up, and a rainbow barrier unfolded, blocking the alien beast's body, as well as the pretending darkness and light.

The rainbow barrier that had easily blocked all the attacks of the synthetic monsters suddenly shattered. The light stream of darkness and light slammed into the body of the alien beast without any reduction, and slammed the huge alien beast directly against it. There was a long trace in the sea of ​​slime on the ground.

And that darkness and light finally revealed its true colors.

Hong Tu squatted halfway, with Bai Wu's brain under his hand. He was being brutally penetrated into the body of the alien beast, and a small hole was forcibly penetrated. It can be seen how ruthless it was. I have the same face and soft hands.

Seeing that Bai Wu was still struggling, his subordinates used another force, a big pit appeared directly on the body of the alien beast, and Bai Wu's entire upper body was almost sunk in the pit.

Only then did Hong Tu get up refreshed, and while stepping on Bai Wu's body, she also greeted Servia leisurely: "Oh, long time no see."

Servia: "..." You hammer!

"You guy..." Bai Wu abruptly supported his body, exerting a force on his shoulders, shaking away the feet that Hong Tu was stepping on his back, and directly soaring into the sky, the strength of his body was vaguely violent because of anger. .

Darkness Zaki took advantage of everyone's attention away from him, and quietly moved Mimi back a bit.

Among other things, seeing Hong Tu being so ruthless, he felt that what he ran before was a foresight.

Hongtu is in this world now, so what are you waiting for? Are you not ready to escape back to Earth and into the universe?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glanced at Bai Wu in the sky with sympathy and relief. What a warrior! rely on you!

The alien beast under its feet started to move again, and it suddenly got up. The red beast pupils first glanced at Bai Wu in the sky, and finally stared at the Hong Tu that was still jumping on its body.

"Roar!" The red light-emitting organs lit up, and the invisible force shook out, trying to fly Hongtu away.

Hongtu lifted into the air from the goodness, and left from the alien beast.

The huge alien beast stood upright and uttered an unpleasant roar at Hong Tu angrily.

Hong Tu took out the black short blade: "Bai Wu, I'll leave it to you."

The black short dagger came out of its sheath, and the black beam of light rose into the sky. Altman Talos slowly walked out of the fading beam of light and walked towards the alien beast on the opposite side.

"Beat it first." He clenched his fist and rushed to the alien beast on the opposite side.

Silvia was silent for a while, turning his head to look at Bai Wu in midair.

The synthetic monster stood silent for a long time, and silently looked at Bai Wu.

The Ultraman, Zog, and Bright Beauty Fist, who had been transformed by the solitary door, once again looked at the location where the Dark Zaki had just been.


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