Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1009: The world guard wars the golden ultraman and the white demon

"Mobilize all the night raid teams and troops to fully cover the evacuation of the people!" At this moment, Matsunaga finally gave up the idea of ​​blocking the leakage of the alien beast.

Compared with those, the life safety of people in the city is more important.

Thinking of this, Matsunaga looked at the blue Ultraman: "Absolutely, please don't lose."

This is probably the first time he has prayed to Ultraman like this. Although Ultraman can't hear it, he sincerely hopes that Ultraman can eliminate the enemy as before.


The battle between Bai Wu and Serbia has reached a fever pitch.

With the help of the synthetic monster, Sylvia's struggle with Bai Wu became easier, at least in the beginning, after being evenly matched, it gradually gained the upper hand.

This made Bai Wu's battle gradually become extreme, and he even directly intended to replace his injuries with injuries regardless of his intentions.

He and Sylvia directly competed with energy rays in mid-air, and even did not dodge the fireball from the synthetic monster, but instead went up against the attack, and at the same time tried to use the tip of his tail to leave more on the synthetic monster's body. Many scars.

At least he cut off the two tentacles of the synthetic monster.

But gradually, Sylvia seemed to see more of the characteristics of red tea in Bai Wu's body. This is a bit unusual, but Servia didn't think deeply about it. The relationship between Hongtu and Wu is inherently complicated.

After all, an understanding is needed.

Sylvia looked at Bai Wu who was tangling with the synthetic monster in the distance, his hand loosened, the lightsaber disappeared, and his hands were folded on his chest.

The golden flashes flickered on the timer on his chest, more and more, and more and more, until it overflowed.

Servia lowered his arms, and the golden light had completely enveloped him, turning him into a golden giant.

With a flick of his hand, the golden light faded like a tide, forming a golden-red armband between his wrists.

And Servia's body has also changed.

His body has completely turned golden, with silver and red lines on his waist, abdomen and thighs. There are two armors on his shoulders that extend to his chest. The center of his chest is inlaid with a hexagon like a blue gemstone. Colored timer. His hands are covered with white armours, and his fingertips are sharp, looking inexplicably dangerous. He also wears armor on his legs, and the armor is inlaid with red gems.

The rim of the flame-shaped dart on Sylvia's head was also slightly red, which looked much more dangerous.

At this moment, if standing with Talos, apart from the color, the two Austrians are already exactly the same.

The golden Sylvia fisted with both hands, slowly pulled apart in front of his chest, and rushed towards the white demon after slightly accumulating strength.


"Oh huh." Talos, who was tossing the alien beast in the distance, glanced at Sylvia and tilted his head unexpectedly.

He lifted his hand casually, and the dark red dark barrier unfolded, blocking the sturdy light flow from the alien beast. Seeing his relaxed appearance, he could even watch the battle in the distance while blocking it.

The battle between Golden Ultraman and the White Demon...but because the appearance of the two people was too similar to himself, he vaguely gave birth to a subtle sense.

It's a battle of rivals...

He couldn't help being distracted.

The alien beast who was fighting with him keenly sensed his absent-mindedness, roared, and a red light-emitting organ at the highest level suddenly lit up.

The invisible wave unfolded, the alien beast was at the center of the circle, and the ground suddenly sank within three hundred meters around it, and even the gray mucus appeared large dents.

Talos's feet sank, and the feet that were originally slightly floating on the slime plunged directly into the sea of ​​slime, even into the ground.

"Mind power...?" Talos felt a very heavy body. He took off the barrier, tried to resist the fruitless with his mind power, and looked at the alien beast meaningfully, "No, is it gravity? "

This was the first time he saw a monster that could control gravity.

However, gravity had little effect on him. After a brief period of astonishment, he adjusted his state and ascended to the sky again.

The head of the alien beast on the opposite side moved and raised its height.

Talos' gaze hovered over the huge number of light-emitting organs on the alien beast, and he tilted his head slightly: "Let me see, how many abilities do you have."

In the dark space inside, Hong Tu held the dark circle.

The red ring lit up with red light, gradually changed its appearance, and turned into a three-pointed spear in Hong Tu's hand.

It is the spear form of dark sparks.

Hong Tu grabbed the gun body and flung a spear, and pointed the tip of the gun at the alien beast on the opposite side.

Outside, the spear in Dark Talos's hand also made the same action, and he was pointed at the alien beast on the opposite side.

"Roar~" The alien beast who realized that the dark Ultraman on the opposite side was serious is no longer hiding. It roared, and its body completely disappeared in place, and it had appeared behind Dark Talos when it reappeared.

Dark Talos reacted extremely quickly and turned around, carrying the spear in his hand to sweep away, and the black light blade he brought up attacked the alien beast behind him.

A red light-emitting organ on the alien beast suddenly lit up, and the dark blade carried by the spear suddenly passed through its body, and rushed to the rear unabated, as if the existence of the alien beast was illusory.

On the contrary, the long tentacles of the alien beast had reached Talos' side, and several tentacles shrouded the dark Ultraman from all directions, which was much smaller than it.

"Space Ability..."

Dark Talos picked up his hand, and the spear was provoked by him before the power of the spear was exhausted. He spun around in the air and collided with a stretched tentacle, and flew backwards.

At the same time, Talos disappeared within the encircling circle of the tentacles, appeared behind him, and happened to catch the rotating spear.

The alien beast that had grabbed it roared, and a series of hot fireballs appeared, and they attacked Talos in the distance.

At the same time, a rainbow barrier unfolded in the sky, covering Talos and the alien beast.

Talos clearly felt that there was a sense of jerky around him, the spatial ability was difficult to expand, and the concentration of power became difficult.

"The ability to block..."

The mouths on both sides of the alien beast's head spit out yellow-green mucus, and the mucus spread out like a spider web in midair, covering the dark Ultraman that was enclosed in the domain.

"Not enough." Even if Talos didn't use too much power, speed alone could avoid these attacks.

His figure brought a series of afterimages, and before the fireball landed, he ran around the covered area and rushed towards the alien beast.

The alien beast was not to be outdone either. Its figure was slightly protruding, and the whole beast also rushed over, with few tentacles swinging, almost invisible to the trail, and shrouded in darkness Talos.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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