Holding this bottle of light, Hong Tu turned his head to look at Wu who had been quiet behind him.

None: "..." Suddenly had a bad feeling.

But before I knew what bad idea Hong Tu was making, I saw Hong Tu stood up and walked towards him slowly.

"I changed my mind."

I originally planned to come to this world to break the bond between myself and the red race, but I didn't expect to catch a human being.

Suddenly, he had a better idea than letting the human red tea disappear completely.

Hong Tu walked to the opposite side of Wu and raised her hand to him.

Unconsciously raising his hand to resist, Hong Tu waved his hand and all his resistance became a joke.

Hong Tu pressed his shoulder with one hand irresistibly, and gently opened the mouth of the crystal bottle with the other, smiling harmlessly: "Don't worry, I will be very gentle."

As he said, he patted the bottle to Wu's chest with one hand. He was right. This seemingly heavy shot actually didn't make Wu feel much pain, because the greater pain occupied his body.

The mouth of the crystal bottle slammed into Wu's body, and the shining stream of light in it went straight into the clothes along the mouth of the bottle, and all of them fell into Wu's body.

No pupils suddenly contracted, and there was only time for a muffled hum, and no sound could be made anymore. Hong Tu pulled the hand on his shoulder and let go, kneeling on the ground in pain without holding his chest.

The hot light invaded Wu's body, and the first step was to drive away the dark power in his body. This light is powerful and powerful, and the few dark powers in Wu's body are crushed after a short time of resistance, and are driven out from every corner of the body by the energy of this light.

The meager dark power evaporated from his body, and the human kneeling on the ground curled up into a ball in pain, and the faint golden streamer walked down his skin, like some lava, fighting with the dark power in his body.

Burning heat, pain, suffocation, tinnitus, except for the body's unstoppable spasms, this human being has been unable to make any response.

Hong Tu lowered her head and looked at him quietly, until the darkness in his body became weaker and the light stabilized, and then she squatted down, "How does it feel to have light?"

He asked this question again, his dark eyes reflected a faint golden light, with the pure curiosity and inorganic coldness that can only be found in inhuman things.

He took a few weak breaths, cold sweat has soaked his clothes, he slowed down for a while before finally healed, raised his hand with the last strength, and fiercely made an international friendly gesture to a certain darkness. , He fell to the ground feebly and gasped hard to calm his breath.

Hong Tu doesn't care about his provocation, he has always had a good temper.

"People without light in their hearts can't drive the power of this light. Although it's a bit wasteful, it doesn't matter. Right now, the dark power in your body is not enough to fight against the light. Naturally, it is the power of the light that can maintain the life characteristics of this body. If one day you accidentally make the light faint, you know what the result will be." He smiled kindly, but made Wu feel a sense of fear born from his heart, "Relax, don’t worry about the light. When did it accidentally turn into darkness, this is the light I have collected so hard. Of course, if you are thinking about it, I will not stop it.

But I still hope that you can live well, well, as a human being. "

"Why didn't you just kill me?" He looked at him without gnashing his teeth.

"So, I changed my mind. This can be regarded as fulfilling their wish, everyone is happy, right?"

Hong Tu stood up, patted the non-existent dust on her body, and took a deep look at the tombstone behind her: "Then, goodbye."

After speaking, he turned around and left alone, leaving behind the tombs and humans he had participated in.

"Hong Tu!" Wu's voice shouted, "Do you think they will be happy? No! Never! In their hearts, you are still a monster! Always!"

However, Hong Tu's footsteps did not stop, only a sneer, and his figure quickly disappeared into the mountains and forests.

monster? It is defined by humans.


Hong Tu found Mana and Yitzhak on the edge of the city.

The cub-like Yitzhak squatted proudly on Mana's head, seeming to want to prove that he was superior to this cold machine.

Mana had no expression, letting Yitzhak mess around, even if its hind paws kept kicking on her head.

Mana finally reacted after seeing the appearance of Hong Tu. She stood up, not caring about Yitzhak on her head, and bowed her head respectfully in salute: "Master."

Suddenly, Yitzhak fell down unsteadily, and was quickly caught by Hongtu's handicapped eyes.

"Didn't you go to play in the city?" He slapped Yitzhak skillfully and asked Mana.

Mana shook her head, obviously not planning to contact humans anymore.

"Let's go, we're going back." He smiled, "Go back to the empire. I hope there is not too much official business accumulated."

"Yes, master."

The figure of one person, one robot was swallowed by darkness and quickly disappeared into this world.


"?"is this okay?

Even the Dark Circle felt hesitated. Although it doesn't know much about human beings, it also feels something is wrong.

"Isn't it great?" Hong Tu replied while controlling the red energy ball to fly quickly outside the world, "The human couple chose to lead me to the direction of the light because they were afraid of my power, and wished me extravagantly. Can be like an ordinary human."

"But it was impossible at the beginning," Hong Tu said with a relaxed tone. "When I was a child, I was driven by curiosity to do it, but now, I want to rely on my own will. Although humans can always create Unbelievable miracles, but they are also limited by their own cognition, and I am not a human being. Although I had a happy childhood, there is obviously a bigger world waiting for me now. Why should I stick to human beings? ?"

The dark circle seemed to understand but did not understand: "..." Then will you turn Ultraman of Light into a card in the future?

The Dark Circle asked the question he cared most.

Hong Tu raised her eyebrows and glanced at the dark circle that had become stuck in the entire ring: "Then it depends on the mood."

Dark Circle: "..." So, are you changing or staying the same?

"Why, who do you like?"

"..." King of Otter.

The Dark Circle is quite honest and very vengeful.

"Well, that person," Hong Tu nodded meaningfully, "Maybe you can try it?"

The Dark Circle suddenly gave up the previous entanglement, and could not wait to fly directly back to the universe of the Kingdom of Light to find the old man Otto to settle the account.

Hong Tu was amused immediately, but he also complied with the urging of the dark circle, speeding up the flight. Ultraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. The latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book /107165.htmlUltraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. Read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/read/107165/Ultraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. txt download address: https:// www.wuxiaspot.com/down/107165.htmlUltraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. Mobile reading: https ://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/107165/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click the \ "Favorites\" records the reading record of this time (the shackles broken in Chapter 1018), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Ultraman, I Don’t Want to Rule the World", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Way) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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