A dark star wearing a black robe, secretly walked through the dimly lit corridor.

This corridor is stone-like, and the only light source comes from special fluorescent spar inlaid on both sides. But the light of this kind of stone is not strong, and the branches are very loose and disorderly. At least under the shining of these spars, the corridor is dim and can only barely see the sections of the road.

But fortunately, although this passage looks very crude, the ground is still flat, at least relying on this dark star man's skill to not fall here.

He walked a long distance without any footsteps until the corridor came to an end.

This is a circular hall. The hall is very large and very tall. The walls are inlaid with densely packed lighting spars. The height of the lighting has reached five meters, but the top wall of the hall is still not found.

The spar on the wall varies in size, but they all shone with faint fluorescence, looking like a star map.

And in the center of the hall is a round stone platform with a height of more than one meter and a diameter of five meters. Five cosmic people have been neatly standing around the platform, and this guy is the last one to walk.

They were all wearing pure black robes, and they couldn't see their faces clearly. They could only vaguely see that their heights under the black robes were different. They are neatly distributed around the stone platform, separated by the same distance, but there is obviously a gap missing.

Until the last cosmic man returned to his place, this gap was filled.

"Everyone, Yean. The darkness will last forever!"

"Only darkness lasts forever!" x5

Their exchanges are all spiritual exchanges, but what they all express together is more like a kind of spiritual resonance.

"Masters, the Lord of Darkness has once again awakened and swallowed a world." The dark star man in black robes raised his arms, "Another light world, dragged into the darkness by that one!"

"But that person still refused my sincere plea."

"That person still never responded to my humble prayers."

"That person didn't even pay attention to what I was waiting for."

"It should be inevitable, the Lord of Darkness who can drag the world into the darkness, I am just a humble Wuying who tries to follow the darkness. Wuying is destined to only follow the darkness."

"There are already companions who can't hold back, trying to touch that one."

"How is the result?"

"It's still the same as before, becoming a part of that one."

"It's terrible darkness."

"How about the light?"

"It's just stubborn resistance. The vast majority of the universe has been shrouded in darkness, and only those Ultramans of light are still trying to dispel the darkness."

"Needless resistance."

"Darkness will eventually swallow light, and many universes will eventually return to the embrace of darkness!"

"Darkness is eternal!"

"But the Clan of Light seems to be gathering."

"There are only a few universes left in their place of existence."

"Maybe the next time that person wakes up, those lights will be completely wiped out."

"However, I can't wait for the results of that person. Only the weak are waiting in vain. I should give up my waiting for the dark."

"That person's slumber has been getting shorter and shorter. According to my guess, the next time he wakes up, it will probably be half an hour later."

"Then before that, let everyone gather and prepare for the final battle with the Clan of Light!"

Several spaceships are sailing in space. These are not warships that can carry powerful weapons, but are just escape capsules specially made for long voyages.

Before the spacecraft was a figure wrapped in light, piloting the spacecraft behind.

There are several kinds of intellectual lifeforms of different races in the spacecraft. Most of them are children, a few are women, and only a few men.

Except for those young children who still don’t know anything, those sensible children and adults have mixed emotions on their faces, which makes the bright and warm lights in the spacecraft seem to be suppressed a lot. .

In the depths of the shadows cast by the lights, there seems to be a more terrifying emotion called despair.

These are all orphans of the universe.

Yes, it is not an orphan of a planet, but an orphan of a universe, a world.

There should have been countless life races in that universe, but at this moment only the number in these spaceships remained.

Their universe was eroded by darkness, and the rebels formed an army of resistance, but those army never returned after rushing into the darkness of night.

Only those who were on the escape boat were taken away from the world by the Ultraman of Light who arrived in time.

"Mom, there won't be the darkness here, right?" A small cosmic man with a head like a flower bud and a body like a vine looked at his mother with a choked voice.

This female cosmic person who was obviously much bigger, with pink flowers blooming in the buds on her head, just hugged him with her vine-like "hands" and silently looked out of the spaceship window.

The other cosmic people didn't speak, even the cubs seemed to perceive the depression and silence of the atmosphere, and they didn't cry quietly. In other words, the tears have been drained, but the sorrow and despair accumulated in my heart at this moment can no longer be vented by crying alone.

Outside the spaceship, the giant of light wrapped in light was speechless, but silently led them to fly to the scheduled planet.

He has seen this kind of grief a lot, but every time he sees it, he will feel powerless.

If light cannot dispel the darkness, what else can they do?

The spacecraft landed on a white planet.

This planet may not be completely suitable for these cosmic people to survive, but it can be used as a temporary place to survive.

"Thank you." The few remaining male cosmos bowed deeply to the huge giant of light.

Behind them, the female cosmic people led the children and expressed their gratitude.

The giant of light wrapped in silver-white light slowly shook his head, turned around and walked a few steps, flew into the sky, and left the planet.

He flew out of the planet's atmosphere and encountered another Ultraman of Light outside the planet.


"Sylvia," Regedo's gaze crossed the white ray of Ultraman, and looked at the planet behind him, "has another universe been swallowed?"

The light on Sylvia's body dissipated, revealing his real body—gold and gorgeous appearance, and the red shining timer on his chest.

"I still couldn't stop him." Sylvia flew to his side and stared at the white planet below with Reggio, "This planet is very similar to the last fallen planet in that world."

"Really..." Lejardo's tone was a little tired. In fact, he had just gone through a big battle and had lost a lot of strength.

I was just worried about the only remaining orphan in the universe, so I still came to check it out.

They still failed to save the next universe. Ultraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. The latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/107165 .htmlUltraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. Read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /107165/Ultraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. txt download link: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/107165.htmlUltraman I really didn’t want to rule the world. Mobile reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/107165/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1019 Dark People) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! I really don’t want to rule the world if I like Ultraman, please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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