Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1126: Cosmic Demon Baalishib

Button got around King Guthra's head in time to avoid a collision in the universe.

But the Baalishibs who were chasing them in the rear also spotted the Barton monster.

Three Baalishib separated immediately and flew towards Patton.

"Balishib?" Of course, Hong Tu couldn't remember the information of this monster.

But the Dark Ring knows.

"..." The cosmic demon Baalishib, a forbidden monster that can use puppet toxins to control other creatures, is very unpopular.

"Using toxins to control other organisms?"

This is not "very unwelcome" anymore, it is the degree of "everyone shouting and beating".

"..." Baalishib is also rare, because it is a group of monsters that live in groups, and it is also a group of monsters controlled by the mother body, so it is difficult to be completely wiped out, and the strength is strong, or it may attract revenge, after all. These guys are grudges.

Hong Tu nodded: "So, is it the trickier monster?"

Baalishib didn't care about the existence of Hongtu at all. Their goal was very clear, which was Patton.

These monsters are a circle smaller than Barton, but they are not afraid of it, and even outflank Barton from three directions, trying to wrap Barton.

Patton was offended by the behavior of these guys, and irritably wanted to spew out flames and burn all these guys to death.

Hong Tu glanced at King Guthra who had run away, raised his eyebrows, and then fell on the three Baalishib that surrounded him.

They all have unidentified red compound eye-like eyes, with two long antennae on their heads, a spike-like horn between their foreheads, and a hideous mouthpart underneath. They have rugged and powerful lower limbs, four worm-like arthropods on their upper bodies, and red fleshy wings on their backs, making them look uncomfortable.

"It looks quite fierce," Hong Tu hasn't seen such a monster before, and he is not in a hurry to solve it, but stabilized his body on Patton's back, "Barton, try their strength."

Patton yelled loudly, and immediately after getting permission, he couldn't wait to open his mouth and eject a fireball, attacking the nearest Baalishib.

Baalishib flew away quickly and bypassed the fireball.

As if perceiving the power of the prey, the Baalishibs were more cautious. They stepped back a bit and opened their mouths in unison. The red energy gathered into an energy ball, which was directly pushed out by them.

Three **** of light attacked Barton, and Barton was not afraid. With one flap of its wings, it easily avoided these three attacks, spit out three fireballs again, and attacked the three Baalsibu.

"The speed is very good," Hong Tu looked at the strength of these Baalxib, "The energy looks a little weak. But..."

His gaze stopped on the tail of a Baalishib. In his gaze, there was something red there that looked quite dangerous.

"That's their puppet poison?" Hong Tu narrowed his eyes.

Patton entangled with the three Baalishibs for a long time, and the Baalishibs finally couldn't help it.

The tails stretched behind them, and they pierced straight towards Patton.

Button felt that this trick was inexplicably familiar. It was also an expert at using poison, and he soon noticed the toxin on the tail of these guys.

Of course it will not let itself be stung by the poisonous gas, it will avoid these tails in a turn.

Baalishib's tail was extremely flexible. They turned a corner in mid-air and continued to chase Patton.

Button spit out a fireball and hit the tails.

The Baalishibs immediately retracted their tails in pain, and the three monsters made sharp noises and turned their heads and ran away.

Hong Tu: "I'm not stupid, I know to retreat."

"Barton, follow up."

He wanted to see where these guys could go.

"Unexpectedly, there is no sign saying [Welcome to the Sagittarius Galaxy]!" Kay said jokingly while looking at the empty universe.

It's not that he is aiming for no reason, but it is true that some star gates will erect such signs as street signs and welcome signs.

"Do you still expect someone to come to greet you?" Juggler glanced at the guy silently.

Shouldn't you care about their tasks first than those who have nothing? Can you not think of some weird things!

Kai San smiled and closed his mouth.

But it is impossible for him to settle down.

After a while, Kai seemed to have heard something, and looked at Juggler questioningly: "Did you hear anything?"

"What?" Juggler looked dumbfounded. This is the universe, where's the sound.

But Kai was very sure. He immediately controlled the lightsaber in his hand and turned around: "This way! I feel it, it's here!"

"Hey! Don't rely on your feelings!" Juggler's protest was completely ignored by Kai, and he was directly taken to a strange planet by Kai. "Where are you going?"

This is a planet of gold and black structure, the whole planet is glowing with a faint golden light, which looks a little dark beauty.

This is planet Ruri, a habitable planet with life forms similar to human beings.

The stream of light came from the sky and landed on the pale yellow ground. Juggler was still looking at the surrounding environment, and Kay had already strode in a certain direction: "I seem to hear a scream."

"Don't act on your intuition," Juggler couldn't help stopping him, "how can you hear screams in the universe."

But Kay didn’t listen at all. He had locked in his intuition, and walked straight ahead of Juggler: "When I was in the rescue team, I had heard screams that were impossible to appear many times. It was not a sound , But a distress signal from the bottom of my heart."

The rescue team...that was before they met Juggler.

Juggler frowned, and finally chose to believe it.

They soon saw a human dwelling.

This is a tent-like house built of cloth, wood, and stones. Obviously, the technology of this planet is not high.

Juggler and Kai ran close to the tent, Kai opened the half-open curtain, and saw a half-old child who had passed out in a coma.

Juggler, who was following behind him, was taken aback and saw this scene.

Kay’s intuition...sometimes it is really terrible.

"Hey!" Kay ran inside and began to check the child's condition, "Hey, are you okay?"

He touched the child's wrist and found that the child had signs of shock, and immediately began to rescue.

Fortunately, he has been in the interstellar rescue team before and knows many methods of first aid.

Juggler had noticed something. He turned his eyes and heard the sound of wind coming from behind his head.

Someone attacked him.

Juggler looked back and saw a stranger, who had a human appearance, and from the appearance of his clothes, he was the father of the unconscious child.

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