Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1128: The man who controls the monster

Looking at the gray-blue planet ahead, Hong Tu's eyes overflowed with scarlet colors.

"It looks like we are here."

Yes, after the "difficult" choice, Hong Tu chose the monster after all.

Look at the monsters on this planet, what a pity it has gone.

The planet below is not illuminated by stars like the sun, so you can directly see a few huge planets and the entire universe at close range on the planet. It is a rare planet that can inhabit life but has no light.

And on this planet, the densely packed monsters are what makes Hong Tu the most concerned.

There are a large number of monsters distributed on the rugged ground. Of course, the most are the Baalishibs.

Others are monsters that are obviously controlled or driven here to be controlled.

Hong Tu was even at the top of a low mountain and saw a monster that was clearly different from other Baalishib.

That guy is as conspicuous as the queen of a bee colony, and there is an invisible connection with the surrounding Baalishib.

It does not have a Baal Sibu spike on its forehead. Its long tentacles are thick and long, its body is arched, and its shoulders are very thick and wide. There are one or two long fried dumplings extending downwards. Some colorful light-emitting organs only have two forelimbs with curved blades and a sturdy retreat. There is no tail behind them. Instead, there is an abdominal cavity.

This is the queen of Baalishib.

Hong Tu can be recognized at a glance, and this is the culprit controlling Baal Sibu.

As if feeling the approach of Patton, the queen of Baalishib looked up and uttered a scream: "Woo~"

It hasn't found the red tea on Barton, but it has noticed the strong breath of Barton.

This is a monster stronger than they have ever seen.

Following the Queen's signal, the eight Baalishib spread their wings and flew towards Patton.

"Barton, go down." Hong Tu patted Barton.

Barton listened to the order, adjusted his direction, and rushed towards a few oncoming Baalishib.

In fact, there are buildings on this planet, and they are not small. Of course, this place is perfectly ignored by the red tea and dark circle in the eyes of monsters.

But the people in this building did not ignore this strange Button.

This is a city of continuous factories, erected with all kinds of equipment that look like a simple factory. It seems that the owner of this city has little aesthetics at all, just like a mad scientist.

But this building is gray-black, and even the lights are dimmed. To some extent, it is more like a planet of dark stars than the capital star of the empire.

There is only one person in this building and even this planet, and that is the person who controls the Baalishibs behind them.

"This monster actually delivered it to the door."

This strangely dressed guy, whose head was wrapped in a black hat and showed a face, had already seen through the monitor at this moment, Patton descending from the sky and fighting against eight Baalishib.

He didn't care at first, but was surprised that the monster had actually delivered it to the door by himself, but suddenly, the existence of Hong Tu was discovered on his monitor.

This made him interested.

"Who is this?" He walked up to the monitor in a few steps, and after a few operations on it, he zoomed in to see Hong Tu thoroughly.

His gaze paused on the red eyes of Hongtu, a color he had seen in those guys controlled by Baalxib with puppet toxins. But this guy seems to be a little different...

The light was darker than the color of Baalishib, but it had a crystal clear meaning, and it didn't look as evil as those who were controlled...evil?


Oh, how could he use this adjective to describe the puppet poison, it really shouldn't be. They are different anyway.

This fellow with red eyes is not the one to be controlled.

Who is he then?

He raised his chin slightly, and all he thought was looking at the other light screen, on which was the Patton.

Look what he found? A...Cosmic man who can also control monsters?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help showing a weird smile.

He took out an earmuff-style brainwave device from the side and stayed on his temple: "Quin, I saw a strange guy, I think you will be very interested."

Patton fought fiercely with the six Baalishib.

As a bug monster, Patton was unusually excited. But the Baalishibs are not easy to provoke, their tails are very dangerous, and the toxin Barton in them has no interest in trying.

Uh, although the toxin will work or not, I have to say otherwise, but this does not prevent Button from avoiding.

Just as the two sides were fighting righteously, the Queen of Baalishib groaned, and the Baalishib who attacked Patton suddenly stopped.

They waved their wings and retreated from Patton, making way for Patton.

Button tilted his head suspiciously, wondering why these people suddenly stopped fighting.

Hong Tu understood their meanings, and the corners of his mouth raised: "Oh? Invite?"

It seemed that Queen Baalishib was very confident in herself.

"Since they are all invited, then we are just going to do whatever they want, Button, let's go down."

Patton obeyed his orders, ignored those Baal Sibu, and went straight to whereabouts.

"Strangers who can control monsters, come here." A voice came from a steeple in the center of the city, finally attracting Hong Tu's attention.

Only then did Hong Tu notice the only non-monster life form on the planet, and raised her eyebrows unexpectedly.

Button immediately turned around and flew to the factory city.

The huge monster drove the huge wind to fall slowly, and before the building, it set off the huge building for human beings a little low.

Patton slowly leaned down, spread his wings on the ground, and let Hong Tu walk down and set foot on the land.

The people inside obviously didn't plan to go out to welcome guests, but Hong Tu didn't care too much. He waved his hand to Patton, let him stay here obediently, and walked into this building.

The exterior looks like a factory building, and the interior is indeed a research institute. There are monitors and mechanical pipes everywhere. It looks pretty powerful, but it is also simple and rude, and there is not much beauty at all.

The owner of the research institute guided Hong Tu, let him turn left and right in the building, and guided him to the control center of the research institute.

"Welcome to you, people who can control monsters." A strange little robot suddenly appeared in front of Hong Tu's eyes, and happily said the welcome message in a cute electronic voice.

"Thank you," Hong Tu showed a friendly smile too calmly, and even stretched out her hand in a gesture of shaking hands, "My name is Hong Tu."

Probably the name [Neg] is more widely known than his real name.

But... who made him call Hong Tu?

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