Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1139: Kai who can't fight

Talent also noticed these intruders.

The spacecraft appeared first in his light curtain, followed by the sudden appearance of Ultraman Uub.

"Who is this guy?" Looking at Padil blankly, "It doesn't seem to be Your Majesty the Queen."

The little robot Padil also tilted his head and looked at him: "My friend, this doesn't seem to be true, it's a guy with the same power as the queen!"

"Ultraman," Hong Tu said suddenly, "it should be regarded as an Ultraman derived from this universe. So the queen in your mouth is also an Ultraman?"

It is hard to imagine that an Ultraman will avoid and not fight? Even Musashi wouldn’t give in without thinking of doing anything...

Oh, sorry, he didn't mean Musashi was indecisive.

"Ultraman Uub?" He repeated the name ingeniously, his expression turned bad, because the second Ultraman appeared.

"Ultraman Dyna." Hong Tu said intimately, although this commentary might not be so talented.

Incidentally, Dina still likes to be handsome so much.

"Cuein," the talent connected to Cuein, "the guy who got in the way is here. Of course, there are other people, I think this is the signal that they are planning to go to war with us. Maybe it's time for us to meet the Queen. Up."

Kuin obviously didn't want his children to die too much, and coupled with the strength of the people, it sent out the monsters that were manipulated—Barton and Berokern.

Barton is certainly not Hongtu's Barton, that Barton has long been put away by Hongtu, because this violent temper has provoked Kuin many times and almost directly fought with Baalxibu group.

But the rest of the Button is not something to provoke.

Its eyes were bloodshot and flushed, and it was obviously controlled by the puppet toxin, and the other Berokern naturally did the same. I don't know where Berokern was caught.

Dyner’s strength is very good. Maybe he didn’t know how to watch it. But after traveling through the universe and experiencing an unknown number of battles, Dyner is already a qualified Ultraman. He is strong and good at fighting. He just likes to pretend. , Especially after discovering that Uub was just a New Austrian, he became disorganized when fighting, how to be handsome, how to show his strength and how to come, even when facing Berokern, he chose to change Fight into a strong form.

Fist to the flesh, be sure to show your Otter power, it can be said to be very capable of pretending.

But this senior was obviously a little bit overwhelmed, so much so that he had forgotten that the junior might not have much energy to observe his battle.

Compared to Dynah's battle, Uub was too miserable.

Button was originally a powerful monster. Both power and speed were very good, especially the power, which was much stronger than the Bemunstein he had encountered before.

The inexperienced Uub couldn't hold on for a few more times, and he was overwhelmed by Patton, and his long beak pierced his shoulder directly.

The toxin was injected into his body immediately.

The golden light particles suddenly overflowed from the wound, Uub let out a painful scream, and tried to push away the pressing Button on his body with his hands and feet.

But the toxin paralyzed his body, and this behavior didn't have much effect at all.

"Let me come," Juggler looked at Tachibana, "That guy Kay can't fight at all!"

Both Gogen and Tachibana's attention was on the newly-appearing Ultraman, but most of Juggler's attention was on Uub. When Uub was in a desperate situation, he couldn't sit still.


"Don't talk nonsense, change me quickly."

"It's so overbearing, don't break the machine..." Tachibana murmured, while giving up the driver's seat, allowing Juggler to take over the spaceship.

Above Uub, a Baalishib flew up, with the stinger at the tip of his tail in place, ready to control the obstructive Ultraman of Light.

In the next instant, intensive artillery fire came and landed on the side of the neck octave. If it weren't for the wrong angle, Juggler planned to directly break the vein of Patton's poison gland. He knew Patton's weakness.

But it was too late to change the angle at this moment. Flying over the fallen Patton, the spacecraft directly faced the Balesib who was about to attack Uub, and counted that the artillery fell precisely on it, and the guy who intended to sneak attack. Directly exploded into flames.

Uub got up, staring blankly at the spaceship that broke through the flames and flew into the sky: "Juggler..."

"You don't look like a warrior at all!" Juggler sarcastically sarcastically said Uub, but he still reminded him, "Be careful behind you."

After speaking, he ignored Uub no longer, and the posture spacecraft drew an arc in the sky, facing other monsters.

"Thanks for your help." Uub was also used to his sarcasm, and he was used to thanking him sincerely.

Juggler, who heard him thanking him, relaxed a little, and seemed to care nothing, but the imperial word in the other driver's seat saw his secret pleasure.

He was still happy, but he didn't want to show it.

Realizing her sight, Juggler pretended to ask nonchalantly, "Do you know where the base of that **** is?"

"It's the big tower." Of course, Yuyan knew that the captain she had fled was there to negotiate with talent.

Juggler became energetic and flew there in the spaceship.

As he approached the tower, the dark light on the monster card in his arms flashed, Juggler was taken aback, frowned and looked at his pocket. It feels like...

"What's the matter?" Yuyan didn't understand why his expression suddenly became serious again.

"No," Juggler denied subconsciously, "it's nothing."

The fellow Hong Tu isn't in the tower, maybe he is approaching. But then, Juggler did not want to face Hongtu.

An unspeakable awkwardness. He didn't want to see that guy. He failed the trial. After meeting, that guy might laugh at him...

Juggler felt frustrated at the thought of that powerful fellow. Is he only weak in the end?

Although he felt bored for a while, Juggler drove the spaceship into the tallest building tower.

The three of them "dipped" into it, and marched toward the depths.

"These guys are really getting in the way." Talent touched his head in annoyance, "It's too much, it's disgusting!"

"This group of people completely regards the brutal violence as the so-called justice!" Then they accused them angrily.

"Intruder, intruder!" Padil very cooperatively defined the opposite as an intruder.

At this time, when the picture changed, Ultraman's figure turned into a scene inside the factory.

Did Juggler sneak in with two young girls in white uniforms, and they were photographed by the monitors all over the factory building.

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