Kay: "?"

Kay: "What did you say?!"

Who is the barbarian in the end!

"I said I intend to lead this universe to peace!" Talent once again tried to show his "great ideal".

But before he had time to say it, Kai interrupted him: "You have the ability to speak out!"

The talent that was interrupted again: "!"

Shivering with anger, he gritted his teeth and looked at the light curtain: "What is your attitude! What a headache, I can't stand it anymore?!"

What else can you say to these barbarians? ! Those guys who are full of fighting and killing in their heads don't listen to him well at all! It's a waste of feelings!

So he closed the light curtain neatly and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

"Hey!" Kay tried to call him back, but Talent had already made a decision and ignored him.

Soon, Juggler and others noticed a lot of movement.

The ground began to tremble, and it seemed that some behemoth was moving, making a loud noise.

Then there was a popping sound, and then the sound quickly went away.

Listening to this movement is...

"Escaped?" Asuka was dumbfounded.

But Captain Sunro denied his speculation: "No. Where is the Szak spacecraft, we chase it!"

He didn't think he was so talented that he had escaped.

Talent really didn't escape.

On the contrary, he intends to fight directly.

A huge cocoon-shaped spacecraft resembling tree roots flew out of this dark purple planet.

A small spaceship from behind followed and flew into the depths of the universe after it.

"These guys, since they only know about savage fighting, then I'm not welcome!" he muttered, "I want to maintain my final restraint, but these people are really bullying!"

"My friend, since they are rude, we don't have to pay attention to etiquette." The little robot followed his words.

I don’t know where to pull a chair, Hong Tu sits with no image, pressing her feet, and turning around with the chair: "Do you always call ‘threat’ as ‘containment’?"

His sudden sound frightened someone and the robot jumped, and then he shook subconsciously before he discovered the existence of Hong Tu: "When did you appear here?!"

"It's terrible! My partner and I didn't find you here!" Padil almost fell to the ground, but fortunately it reacted very quickly, stabilized before landing, and flew again, but stayed away. Red tea.

When they left, it was obvious that this guy was not here yet, why did he suddenly appear!

"Eh? It's really sad!" Hong Tu exaggeratedly held her heart like Xizi, "I have always been there!"

"Liar! We just left depending on your absence!" Padil said their careful thoughts directly.

But after speaking, the little robot suddenly panicked: "Ah, no, it's said!"

It flew behind the talent: "Partner, I accidentally said it!"

Talent touched the little robot, stared at Hong Tu, with a strong expression of condemnation!

Hong Tu didn’t feel condemned for guilt. He looked at the talent meaningfully. When the cold sweat was coming from behind the talent, he changed a false sad expression: "What?! You actually want to leave me, I so sad!"

Talent: "..." On disgusting people, he is willing to bow down.

Dark Circle: "..." This product is getting more and more abnormal.

Ignoring the disgust of the Dark Circle, Hong Tu began to lengthen her voice and in turn condemned her talent.

In the end, talent had already covered his ears, all as if he couldn't hear what he said, and suddenly opened the space jumping device, a space jump came, and it landed directly outside the target planet.

Seeing the huge spaceship disappear in front of him, Sun Luo naturally wanted to activate the space jumping device to catch up.

But the device failed to start, and their space jumping device was damaged. It was just what they wanted to do.

Talent thought of this before.

In desperation, everyone could only let the spacecraft advance at full force, and even before returning to Ganon, they could not do anything.

No matter how unwilling everyone is, they can only wait patiently.

They took a break in the spacecraft, eating something to replenish their energy.

The emergency food in the spacecraft is some canned food, the taste is similar to the taste of the earth, which makes Asuka miss it.

On the other hand, Yuyan had diligently opened a can for Juggler and handed it to Juggler graciously.

Juggler: "..."

Juggler finally took it. He didn't rush to eat, but looked at Sen Luo: "What the **** is going on with you?"

Senluo didn't mean to conceal anything, and directly explained everything: "At that time, I was framed by the general ushered in, and I was about to be sent to the prison planet..."

"Then you stole the escape pod and ran away." Yuyan said without giving the captain any face.

"I wanted to protect Her Majesty Queen Amaterasu, but I was blocked by Baalishib. In addition to the pursuit of soldiers, I chose to go directly to the cause, wanting to assassinate the talent." Sen Luo lowered his eyes, "but I failed. I met someone, a very powerful person."

"Anyone besides talent?" Kai sat up straight.

Juggler's eyes flickered, as if thinking of something.

"Yes, it's a guy called Hongtu." Because the name is rare, and Hongtu is very powerful, Sen Luo firmly remembers this name. "It's a black-haired man, he and talent seem to be teaming up. relationship."

"Hong Tu?" Kai looked at Juggler subconsciously. Seeing that Juggler had no expression on his face, he looked at Senluo again, "Are you sure it is the name?"

"I confirm." Sen Luo saw something from Kai's expression. "He is very strong. If it weren't for him to speak out, I might not be able to spot him. But only for a short match, I would have lost to him."

The bird eating canned food stopped for a while, his mouth was full of food, and he was a little vague when he spoke: "Hong Tu? Where did I hear the name."

Juggler and Kai immediately looked at him again.

"Does Asuka-senior know Uncle Hong?" Kai said, letting out his mouth.

Juggler gave him an angry look, and Kai Cai shut his mouth angrily.

"Uncle Hong?" This name reminded Asuka, "I remember, it was from a former teammate of mine..."

He fell silent in the middle of speaking, and his expression became livid: "...it's not Negg, right?"

Asuka finally remembered. It was not the adoptive father of Mami on Earth, but the powerful and dark Ultraman that had been encountered in the Neojaton universe...

As the person who had directly met with Nag, Asuka would not forget the strong sense of oppression.

That kind of... a powerful oppression that is almost unmatched.

As soon as he said the name "Neg", Juggler knew he was right.

Kay naturally knew the name, but seeing Asuka's expression, he intuitively didn't speak.

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