Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1148: Sekaiju's proposal

The steps of coming and welcoming left firmly, and a tear fell on the Queen's feet.

She just wants to protect her people.

The monsters launched an attack under the command of talent.

The Baalishibs, who were too large for humans, descended from the sky, and their eyes lit up with red light.

The monsters controlled by the poison roared and walked with heavy steps to the people hovering under the several roots of the World Tree.

The crowd immediately began to flee. The sound of screaming, crying, and running, mixed with the heavy footsteps and roars of the monster, resounded through the land, and was also transmitted to the Queen's ears through the power of blood.

The desperate cry of the people she wanted to protect instantly penetrated the Queen's heart, and she subconsciously covered her ears in pain, resisting the transmitted voice.

Tears couldn't stop pouring out, and huge pain was suppressed in her heart. She didn't even have the strength to stand firm, so she could only support the wall in embarrassment and walk aimlessly.

no no no…

"No!!" She was crying, and she could only cry helplessly in this deep underground palace.

Hong Tu raised her eyes, a red stream flashing under her eyes.

He naturally heard the cry of sorrow and despair, but it did not move him.


"..." You said before, the other seed has begun to radiate vitality?

[Yes, I used Al Ain to choose a seed, a seed that remains on a planet called ‘Earth’. The consciousness of that planet is super passionate! 】

"..." It really was the earth.

Hong Tu sighed again, the earth is really troubled.

"..." It looks like you are ready to migrate.

[So, grandpa, don’t you really go to sit down here? It’s hard to bear so many fruits, and it’s wasted if you don’t eat it. It will take a long time for the next result...but I can ripen it in advance! 】

"..." Don't go.

[Then grandpa, do you want the power of Ain and Kuin? Anyway, it will be replaced later, so why not eat it! 】

It seems that the food-eating properties of Hongtu even this tree remember clearly, thinking of how to feed Hongtu.

Hong Tu: "..."

Rao is Hong Tu, and at this moment I also feel the language is blocked. What should I say?

Is it worthy of being a world tree?

Hong Tu's silence was obviously misunderstood by the World Tree. The tree thought about it happily, as if the simple Kuin and Ain really couldn't satisfy the appetite of this "elder".


[Or you can eat me later, grandpa, it can grow longer anyway. 】

"…"it is good.

Hong Tu readily agreed. I have to say that this proposal is quite tempting.

The World Tree was immediately happy, the huge tree swayed slightly in the dark night, without wind, and it didn't care about the monster passing by it.

It's not just Hong Tu that heard the queen's cry.

There are Kai, Musashi, and a human on the far earth.

Kay stood up suddenly: "Someone is crying..."

"What did you hear?" Juggler looked at him.

He rarely saw Kaihui's expression, his face was pale, and he seemed to be showing some sad emotions.

"I heard a heart-piercing cry... What is such a sad voice..."

"Your Majesty Queen Amaterasu!" Tachibana suddenly picked up his words, with an unfounded premonition that this voice must be their voice of Her Majesty the Queen!

There was no rebuttal at first, but the emotion in that voice had begun to infect him, making him inexplicably sad and anxious.

"Is she going to become the **** of war?" Sen Luo murmured.

His Majesty was the one who took care of the eldest child. Since he was a princess when he was a child, he was teaching that after the death of the former queen, the queen was able to get to this point and he was guiding little by little.

He naturally knew clearly... how much your Majesty likes her people, and how he doesn't want to become a **** of war.

On the far earth, a young man suddenly fainted to the ground.

The companions in the research room with him hurriedly threw away the materials in their hands and hurried to check his situation: "Shoping!"


"Universe, you are so pathetic." Talented sighed pretentiously. He was holding the electroencephalograph in his hand, "But your pathology will end with the dawn."

"You will be reborn!" The talented tone suddenly became agitated.

The little robot in front of him also echoed: "It will be reborn!"

"Right, Padil." Cautiously, he picked up the two short arms of the little robot, and said softly.

"Of course, my friend."

"Let us witness this moment together!"


One person, one robot is unexpectedly warm.

But this warmth didn't last long before it was broken by a burst of electronic sounds.

Turning his head uncomfortably, he saw Hong Tu was holding a game console in his hand, and he was hitting high. Various electronic sound effects came out of the game console along with the roar of the monster. The high was not good. It really destroyed his warmth just now. atmosphere.

"Can't you turn off your game?!" Talented angrily, "You actually play games at such an exciting time?!"

Hong Tu didn't bother to give him one, and replied perfunctorily: "Isn't this not trying to destroy the warm atmosphere of your "good friends". It's fine when I don't exist."

"?" Playing games is enough to destroy the atmosphere! !

But talent can't be used for red tea.

After all, he is just a doctor who has no power to restrain the chicken. He can know some technologies, but those technological weapons pose no threat to Hongtu.

Yes, he has tried it, this guy is not so strong at all! I don't know how to rely on myself and Kuin!

Hong Tu controlled the monster to defeat the enemy on the opposite side. With the emergence of the victory interface, the monster in the screen swallowed the data of the dead monster and became more powerful.

This was an e-sports tournament he had previously organized under the name of the empire. Naturally, Hong Tu also secretly registered a trumpet to participate.

However, it is still an audition, and the monsters encountered are mixed, and there are not many powerful ones, and the playing is not full of fun.

He put away the game, turned his head to look at talent.

Talent shrank his neck subconsciously, and soon felt that he was weak, so he stuck his neck and looked at Hong Tu again.

"The Queen has decided to transform." He said suddenly.

Talent: "I can't...hmm? What are you talking about?"

The talent suddenly came to the spirit.

He took the electroencephalometer in his hand and focused on the planet below again.

Lai Ying was watching the scenes of monsters raging through the light curtain in the command room.

This is their limitation.

Fortunately for small monsters, such large monsters, they really can't do anything about it.

At this time, a soldier ran up to him and whispered in his ear: "General, the queen is ready to become a **** of war."

This is probably the best news he has heard tonight.

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