Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1154: The dumping of the world tree

[Is this a swordsmanship you created yourself? Hmm... Is it the sword of killing? Yes, but this swordsmanship requires high speed, strength, and body skills. All of them are indispensable, but the most important thing is to retain your sense in battle. It is a swordsmanship that is very suitable for you. If you don't have time to use it, you will be killed by the enemy first. So what are you going to name? 】

[Snake heart flow, as cold as a snake, only to kill with one blow, it is indeed Juggler. 】

Hong Tu's voice rang in his ears again.

Why didn't you agree to teach Gokan Swordsmanship? Because this set of swordsmanship is not something everyone can learn.

And the girl who claimed to have memorized some moves after watching it a few times died because of this swordsmanship. The reason for rejection at that time has indeed come true at this moment.

But he didn't teach her any tricks, so he forgot to emphasize to her how dangerous it was.

The war continued, and Juggler was constantly attacking Baalishib. For the first time, he lost his calm in his attack and became crazy.

Before experiencing it, "sacrifice" is just a light term. Until the term fell on him.

During the battle, his sight has been fixed on the dead life, and the only memory is clear again.

[You have been traumatized inside! 】

[I want to become strong, in order to protect Her Majesty the Queen. 】

[Master! 】

[Master! 】

[Master! 】

In the end, why is this happening?

From the top of the warrior, everything seems to be different.

Rejected by the light, left behind by his partner, now, he faces life and death...

Crazy Juggler slashed one Baalishib back and greeted the other one.

There were already a lot of Baalishib corpses lying at his feet, but his fighting did not stop. He can't stop, and doesn't want to stop.

Something was brewing in his heart, waiting to break through the ground, waiting to vent.

Is it pain, resentment, anger, despair...

Countless internal interrogations, countless self-rejection, countless jealousy and unwillingness, finally at this moment, the pain caused by the girl's death broke out all at once.

The dark blue energy appeared in the form of flames, appeared and disappeared from him, and suddenly, the fighting would not be the powerful warrior in black, but a...devil.

Sen Luo, who cast her eyes inadvertently, froze in place, Tachibana looked at it with feeling, and suddenly forgot to cry.

But Juggler didn’t care, he was still fighting, fighting, fighting...

Strength, if I have enough strength, strength...

[Who betrayed you? 】

【It's me. 】

[Jugula, darkness can match light. 】

…If I have enough power, I won’t just watch you die. I want...more power!

In an instant, the things accumulated for a long time finally spewed out, and he shouted out.

In the lonely valley where the cold wind was whistling, in the center of Baalishib where the corpses were everywhere, the figure of the soldier in black began to be distorted by something, and finally changed into another appearance.

A terrifying face, orange-red soft armor with weird shapes, and lake-green eyes...

He raised the long sword in his hand, and according to the reflection of the sword, he saw his face at the moment.

Demon... He once saw a similar appearance in Hong Tu, this is... the dark demon.

Is the power of darkness...?

Juggler glanced at Uub, who was still fighting with the monsters, and his eyes shifted to see the standing tree of life.

"Ah..." Hong Tu's attention was not placed on Jagula from the beginning.

Because of the harassment of the World Tree, his attention will inevitably shift, falling on talent for a while, then on the various Ultraman, or on Kuin.

And it was this distraction that caused him to discover that Juggler's heart was already occupied by darkness.

As for the dead girl, there is nothing he can do.

That is not a monster, but a slightly stronger human.


【I'm coming! ] World Tree happily said in his ear, [Grandpa, do you like the earth. 】


[I am waiting for you on the earth! 】

"...?" Hong Tu had a bad premonition.

Because he saw that Juggler, who had become a demon, rushed towards the World Tree with a knife.

Hong Tu: "?!"

Was Juggler who fell the tree? !

Sen Luo was about to walk towards Juggler, but he was ignored and held his hand, which was his sword holding hand. Obviously Tachibana had misunderstood something.

Sen Luo smiled, took Tachibana's hand, walked behind Juggler, and tentatively asked, "Juggler."

Juggler looked sideways, and although he looked hideous, he was sane, and seemed to be the partner who fought side by side with them.

"The tree of life is a treasure of this planet, right?" Juggler asked inexplicably.

"It is the center of the planet and the spiritual pillar of the people."

"But that tree is a demon in my eyes." Juggler's voice was a little hoarse. "Your so-called myths are all related to that tree, and that tree is the culprit of all disasters!"

"That's right." He put on a fighting start, which made Senluo startled.

"Wait, what do you want to do?!"

"Without that tree, the war will end! There will be no more sacrifices!" At this moment, he did not want anyone to sacrifice again.

Obviously not long ago, he laughed at Kai's speech.

"I want to end this war!" Juggler said coldly, "Protect Your Majesty the Queen."

"Stop!" Sen Luo had no time to stop.

Having gained strength, Juggler's kick is extremely strong, he leaped high and easily jumped to a height of nearly fifty meters.

The power of the dark purple gathered in his blade, forming a huge purple light blade tens of meters long.

The God of War who recovered from the side noticed his actions and rushed to his blade with the afterimage.

However, the hasty movement of the God of War couldn't stop the blade at all. Instead, it was directly knocked out by the blade. At the same time, the extremely long blade relentlessly slashed across the trunk of the distant World Tree.

The huge tree trunk was directly cut off by a purple light mark.

Everyone was aware of this change.

The people of Ganon screamed in horror. The fighting Ultraman stopped the captain. The golden God of War injured his arm and fell directly to the ground. The huge World Tree began to fall, but the direction was wrong. It fell to the ground. To the city, to the place where people are.

The God of War didn't even have time to pay attention to the wound that overflowed with light on his arm, and stood up straight.

Above the sky, the talent who saw this scene changed his expression for the first time. He panicked, and for a moment he didn't know what to do.

Hong Tu, who was sitting on the side, stood up suddenly. Before his talent could react, he had already turned into a stream of light, disappeared in the spaceship, and fell towards the planet below.

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