Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1169: Naige vs. Five Olympics

"Are you still alive?" Naig retracted his tail and glanced at his feet.

The queen of Ganon has fallen into a coma, and her vitality is also very low.

Looking at the hair color that turned from black to pale, it was obvious that the loss of power had a great impact on her.

After all, it is the power in the bloodline, and Hong Tu is very surprised to be alive at this moment.

But I can't hold on for long when I think about it. Losing her strength, the queen will probably become extremely weak, and she will probably only be able to spend the rest of her life in a hospital bed for the rest of her life.

But at this point, both Kuin and Ain have died, the world tree is about to give birth to a new guardian, and the change of guardian has begun.

It seems to celebrate this moment, the leaves of the World Tree float slightly, the petals are completely scattered, and the glowing fruit is condensing and taking shape.

Naig glanced at the world tree that had worked hard and focused on the group of Ultramans.

Following his gaze, the monsters obeyed his mind, abandoning the fighting Ultraman, and backed up a few steps. The huge body slowly dissipated into red light particles, converging towards Naig, and finally sank in. Naig's body was transformed into a monster card by the dark circle.

"!!!"Harvest! ! !

The dark circle trembled with excitement, even reaching an inch: "!" Dark Altman! ! !

Seeing that there were too many monsters today, this guy once again had a crooked mind towards Ultraman.

Hong Tu didn't care either, he moved his wrist, looked at the Ultramans opposite, reached out his hand and hooked his fingers, his provocative posture couldn't be more obvious.

Dyner rushed up first, and as he ran, he changed into a strong red form and slammed straight into Naig.

Nig leaned on his side lightly and didn't intend to fight him hard. He just twisted and raised his hand at the moment when he passed by, directly buckled his head, pressed him **** the ground, and put Dai in his face. Pressed down on the ground in a downward posture.

Than strength? Oh, Tiga didn't dare to do this with him.

Not far away, Gauss has decisively transformed into the form of the corona and is moving towards the form of the solar eclipse.

Gaia is also evolving from the v2 type to the highest form.

Aguru evolved into a v2 form earlier than them, and was ready.

Only Uub watched dumbfoundedly as the combatants on both sides changed their forms one after another, as if they were facing an enemy.

After seeing Dyner being pressed to the stomach, Uub couldn't help it, and he rushed straight up, unaware of the danger.

Naig got up and took a step back, avoiding Uub’s fist, but he raised his hand and grabbed Uub’s wrist, twisted and bowed, and threw Uub out. Dina just got up. After being hit by Uub, he immediately lay on the ground again.

Gauss, who had been transformed, followed immediately. He moved swiftly and swiftly, and he waved at Naig with a palm.

Naig was short to avoid the blow, but instead slammed a punch into Gauss' stomach. Gauss reacted quickly. He bowed his waist and moved his abdomen back to avoid the blow. He also crossed his hands and lowered it, trying to clamp Naig's wrist.

But Naig's attack was more than just hands and feet. His tail suddenly protruded from above and struck towards Gauss's head.

Gauss had to act like an attack and withdrew from Naig's attack range.

As soon as Gauss retreated, Gaia and Aguru rushed up immediately.

The two have fought together, but I don’t know how many times. Even if they haven’t seen each other for a long time, they still seem to have a tacit understanding when fighting.

They attacked together from two directions, Naig raised his hand against the fists thrown from the left and right of the two, and the empty door opened wide.

The two Austrians raised their hands and clenched fists in unison, and slammed into Naig's stomach.

But suddenly, a dark barrier appeared, resisting two Ultraman's fists, taking advantage of the moment when the two Austrians were stunned, Nig flew up, kicking them one by one, and kicking them into flight.

From behind, Uub got up, he pulled up Dina, and saw that Sanao was forced to retreat, and Dina looked at each other before rushing over.

Dyna ran and transformed into a blue miracle form. He raised his hand and released a burst of light energy towards Naig.

However, the light energy was slapped flying by Naig with a quick shot.

At this moment, Uub had rushed to the back of Naig and was throwing his fist down.

Naig turned around as if to resist. Suddenly, his movements were stagnant, giving Uub a chance to take advantage of it.

But just when Uub thought he was going to succeed, a dark barrier stood in front of him and resisted his fist.

Uub was startled, but Neg had already kicked his foot and kicked him out.

At the same time, Naig slowly turned his head and looked at Dyna in miraculous form.

In an instant, Dina seemed to have been hit by something, and flew upside down, hitting a row of buildings severely before stopping.

Obviously, Dinah just used the power of mind to restrain Naig for a moment, but it was only for a moment.

In contrast, Naig's use of mind power is even better.

Gauss, Gaia, and Aguru attacked again, Sanao used the light skill this time and directly attacked Naig's back.

Naig quickly turned around, crossed his arms in front of him, and a black whirlpool appeared in front of him, absorbing all these attacks. When Sanao's attack stopped, his arms spread out, and the energy in the whirlpool was returned as much as possible. Hit Sanao's chest.

The three Ultramans flew upside down suddenly, unable to get up after a while.

The most terrible thing is that the timer on their chests has started to flicker.

Naig's tail flicked, and the sharp blade made a mark on the ground, which looked extremely dangerous.

He turned his gaze to Uub and Dyna, the only ones who didn't flash, and tilted his head.

Obton feels bad.

But as soon as he raised his hand to resist, Nig had already appeared in front of him, and then a huge force hit him, and Uub flew out directly.

Dyna in the miracle form does not fight hand-to-hand with Naig at all. What a joke, he doesn't resist beating at all in the miracle form.

Fortunately, he was able to keep up with Naig's speed in front of him. As soon as Naig disappeared, he also disappeared instantly.

One black and one blue immediately started a chase battle with half of the city as the battlefield.

But in addition to endurance, Dyna in the miracle form has another weakness, that is the consumption of strength.

His superpowers are extremely power-consuming, let alone keep moving at a high speed.

"So strong..." Uub could only stare at the chasing of these two figures blankly, and could only sigh like this.

Aguru and Gauss on the side looked at each other, they nodded each other, the timer on their chests flashed, and the two Ao also pulled up a figure and joined the chase.

At this moment, only Gaia and Uub were left staring at the three-on-one battle.

Uub is okay. He is not yet fully familiar with power, so it would be nice to be able to join.

As for Gaia...the highest form of macho will not move at high speed for a long time.

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