The electric light flickered at the fracture of the spacecraft, and suddenly, the spacecraft that was cut in half was blown into flames.

Under the firelight, Naig slowly landed. He didn't care about this episode, and glanced at the five Ultramans around him.

The battle continues.

The warm-up is over, the next step is the light war.

The energy of Wuao has bottomed out, and they will end the battle as soon as possible.

This time it was Gauss who took the lead. Gauss in eclipse form always pays attention to one hit and kills. The power of light is very powerful.

He raised his arms and slashed up and down to form a golden light blade. He pushed his fists and the light blade rushed out and rushed towards Naig.

With a flick of the tip of Naig's tail, this attack was easily cut off.

But other Austrian attacks have also arrived.

Aguru was opposite Gauss. When Naig resisted Gauss's attack, the blue lightsaber in his hand had already condensed, and he slashed directly at Naig.

Nig drew sideways, Dyna had already jumped into the sky, raised his hand to count the light bullets, and blocked Naig's retreat.

Gaia opened his arms, the red light blade cut open, and he was also attacked by Naig.

In the face of this numerous light attacks, Naig appeared to be able to do so. Several attacks counteracted Dyner's light flare and jumped away from the spot to avoid Gaia's attack.

But as soon as he landed, a stream of light rushed towards Naig's back.

For a moment, Naig turned around subconsciously, and a dark barrier unfolded, resisting the stream of light.

When the light flow stopped, he saw a dumb face...Uub.

Nag: "..."

Other Ultraman: "..." Oh, pill.

When the other Olympics were still warming up, the directly enlarged Uub appeared extremely conspicuous and stupid.

But I can't blame Uub, this guy Kay's current light skill is this one.

Nag looked at Uub badly, tilted his head, but didn't immediately attack.

It was like a signal. All the Austrians were ready. They ran to Uub's side, lined up, opened their arms, and began to gather energy.

Uub was so dumbfounded to look at the Ultraman on both sides of him, and he was stunned for a while before he realized what they wanted to do.

He doesn't need extra power, and directly poses in the L pose here.

Other Ao also completed the energy convergence in an instant. In the blink of an eye, five light streams rushed out together, converging into a thick colored light stream in mid-air, and rushed straight towards Naig.

These five Ultraman attacks were not weaker than the just-inspiring blow, but the power was more restrained and would not cause too much damage to the surroundings.

In the face of such an attack, Naig did not intend to evade, nor did he need to evade.

He stretched out his arm and directly faced such an attack.

What is power?

What is powerful?

Naig, or Hong Tu, is recognized for being powerful. It is difficult to have an accurate definition of this power, but at least the five Austrian teaming together can't help him.

The stream of light rushed over, rushed into the palm of Naig's hand, but stopped there.

With a sudden wave of his arm, this majestic light stream that exhausted all the energy of the five Ultramans was instantly dissipated by him, and the aftermath brought by it also knocked out the five Austrians.

Five Ultraman fell to the ground, and they struggled to get up, but the timer on their chests had flickered crazily. In the end, Wuao could only dissipate unwillingly and return to the human body.

Five Ultraman's human bodies lay on the ground and panted quickly before struggling to support their bodies.

The huge Naig glanced down at them, then turned away indifferently.

He looked back at the world tree.

The big tree had already lost its fruit, and the star-like light spots hung among the emerald green leaves to look very beautiful.

The result is, then next, the world tree is about to spread its seeds.

Naig's huge body slowly dissipated, and finally disappeared in the city, drawing the final rest for the battle.

Juggler retracted his gaze and lowered his eyes.

"It's... overwhelmingly powerful." Although it's not surprising.

He turned his head slightly, Hong Tu, who appeared at some point, was stretching, and... there was a fainted talent at his feet, and Padil, who was tightly hugged in his arms.

What's the matter with this talent?

"I was rescued by Padil," Hong Tu kicked the person who kicked the toe, and his talent was obviously dizzy, and he didn't wake up.

And in his arms, Padil didn't move much, it exhausted all its power in order to save talent, which allowed talent to escape from the explosion of the spaceship, but also put himself into dormancy.

Hong Tu only found out, and by the way he rescued this person and a robot.

"But since I survived, let's drag it back to work for us." Hong Tu smiled harmlessly. "Although this guy has some problems with his brain, his technology is still good. Mephistopheles still talked about lacking. Science and technology talent, isn't that what it is."

Juggler: "..."

He didn't worry that talent would not work for the Empire in the end, he just suddenly felt that talent was a bit miserable.

Oh, it's not sympathy, it's just that I really feel a bit miserable.

"The World Tree is about to sow seeds." Hong Tu said suddenly.

Juggler looked at the World Tree subconsciously, and saw the giant tree's leaves swaying without wind.

The gleaming fruits flickered between the leaves, like stars.

Suddenly, the "stars" shone brightly, with their long tails scattered in all directions.

Even if it is daytime, the fruits of these trees of the world are still very conspicuous, like a rain of meteors falling in the day, flying towards the sky with shocking beauty, and finally disappearing into dots of light.

Those fruits flew to the depths of the universe and fell to every planet, waiting for living beings to pick them up, opening the way to the evolution of wisdom.

Among them, a smaller light spot flew towards the place where Hong Tu was, and finally stopped in front of Hong Tu obediently.

Although the fruit of the World Tree is called a fruit, it is actually just a seed wrapped in a layer of energy, and at this moment, the fruit that falls in front of the red tea is just a small light cluster, far more than other fruits. It's much smaller.

But this is the first fruit that the newly grown World Tree condenses, and it is a fruit specially prepared for Hongtu.

Hong Tu raised his hand to let this small spot of light fall into his palm, as the energy wrapped on it dissipated, revealing a small seed inside.

This seed is only the size of a soybean, and looks inconspicuous in the shape of a gou jade.

But this... is a seed that can germinate.

Although this huge world tree cannot grow to a height of more than 100 meters, it can grow into a small world tree.

This is the gift that the World Tree prepared for Hongtu.

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