Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1196: Declare war on the Star Alliance

Represented by Saisha, a group of people in the universe chose to cooperate with Juggler.

Some of them have their own forces outside, and they are different from those at the lower levels who are extremely vicious and most of them are solitary, so they can only cooperate.

Juggler had no objection either, and he didn't expect to recruit subordinates here anyway.

Moreover, is it not enough trouble to find prisoners as subordinates in prison?

But Birange is different.

If you said that at first, she felt that the opposite Saisha wanted to get close to Juggler, but after learning that the other party was only cooperating with Juggler, she was unhappy again.

Master Juggler is so good, they don't show surrender? !

Birange was even more unhappy, and with her mood, the surrounding space began to distort again.

Juggler's sudden change of mood at every turn is not surprising, so he glanced at Birange and said, "Birange."

Bilanche was immediately attracted, and she looked at Juggler happily: "Yes, Master Juggler!"

Juggler then turned his gaze away and continued to look at Saisha: "Then, the cooperation is happy."

"Of course, it is our honor to cooperate with His Royal Highness Juggler." Saisha bowed her knees slightly and bowed.

She only entered this prison a hundred years ago. Knowing the identity of Juggler, in fact, the reason why she would be imprisoned was also because of this war.

Sai Sha is a rare peace faction. Long before the war, when the empire tried to negotiate, he thought about cooperating with the empire.

She has understood what the empire did. It was not so much "aggression" or "colonization" as it was simply expanding the territory.

In fact, the empire didn't do much politics to the planets included in the territory, and even gave a large degree of shelter. Sai Sha feels that they have no chance of winning with Imperial Hard Steel, because the previous generations have already had several universes as examples.

They don't know why the empire blindly expands its territory, but living under the blessing of a powerful empire is better than war.

Well, she admitted that she was a bit cowardly to surrender without a fight, but she did feel that this was acceptable.

But as we can see now, she was imprisoned here on the charge of "betrayer".

No one likes being held in jail, and so is her, not to mention the detainee is still the bloodthirsty ghost.

So the escape is a matter of course.

But...Is it worthy of being this highness? Such a dangerous person can also be tamed.

Afterwards, the united cosmos people searched out some weapons and materials in the prison, gathered in the center of the lobby on the first floor, and began to discuss countermeasures.

"...Now what we need to worry about most is the Star Alliance army." Saisha said solemnly, "The warden is not a good person. Although he sometimes cherishes his life, he is still on duty. I am. I think that soon, we will face the army."

But relying on them alone, it is impossible to resist the army's attack.

"What are you afraid of." Some prisoners don't care. "Bag! Fight! It's nothing more than death. It's better than being locked up here. There is no freedom, no entertainment, only boring restraints. This is more letting than death. It's hard for people to accept."

"Yes!" echoed a bunch of cosmic people.

Most of these speeches came from the dangerous guys from the lower level.

Juggler sat on the chair casually, with his arms resting on the back of the chair, his chin resting his arms, and watching them discussing leisurely.


He has become commonplace, but...who would like it? He doesn't like it anyway.

But that's right, compared to losing freedom and being locked up here, it is indeed better to fight to death.

But suddenly, there was a pain in his forehead, and there seemed to be countless harmonica sounds in his ears. There was a lot of noise, and his head started to hurt. What's the matter, forget him in the dream, and now you don’t let him go if you don’t sleep? !

The interest in his eyes immediately faded, and the lingering shame was replaced.

Why do you suddenly think of that guy.


"Master Juggler?" Bilanzi noticed Juggler's sudden change of face, and she subconsciously moved closer to Juggler, but before she said anything, she saw Juggler straightened up.

"This is..." Juggler frowned, and the long knife appeared in his hand. He stood up, pulled the chair aside, and glanced at the cosmic people present, "Here."

"Who?" Saisha asked subconsciously.

The army of the Star League?

"No, it's an idiot." Juggler sneered.


"Yes, Lord Juggler!"

"Put a monster," Juggler tilted his head, "Put the most powerful one."

There is overflowing malice in his eyes, obviously he is full of malice towards the people who are coming.

The other cosmic people calmed down. They looked at Juggler, waiting for his next instructions.

"Since you want to declare war with the Star Covenant, you must have the capital to declare war, right?" Juggler looked at Saisha, "I always need something that can make them pay attention to..."

Saisha's eyes lit up: "I see, Master Juggler."

Juggler nodded, and Birang stretched out a hand.

"Then, the evil princess, maybe you can help me." With a cold smile on his face, his graceful posture, coupled with that handsome face, made him look dangerous and charming.

At least Bilanche had flushed cheeks and handed it over with a shy face. This is the first time that Juggler has treated her so kindly. Sure enough, Master Juggler has no feelings for her!

"Of course, my prince."

The figures of the two disappeared in the center of the hall, and the cosmic people looked at each other and began to discuss again.

Must have the qualifications of the Star Alliance to negotiate terms? Isn't that simple? All you need is a super weapon that can threaten the Star Covenant or the universe.

"I remember, a lot of monsters have been sealed here too?" Saisha smiled brightly.

The enchanting Zarab star fiddled with his nails: "I remember, there is a Balenga."

"Barenga? It's such a rare monster." A skinny cosmic man who looked a little sick raised his hand high, "Who would like bombs? I like it super-level!"

"I think the Star Alliance will like it too, don't I?"

"That's right, who doesn't like surprises?"

"I don't like it, but I like to give gifts!"

"Hey, can you kill it directly?"

"We can wait for them to come."

"Hey, I like this!"

"Me too."


"Then, Lords," Saisha stood up, "what are you waiting for? Gifts also take time, don't they?"

"Yes, yes, it takes a lot of time to prepare the gift." The thin cosmic man pulled his head with both hands in distress, "I still need materials."

Obviously, this is a mad scientist who is also very good at making bombs.

"What do we need?" he muttered, "Yes, a monster, some instruments, and... a star!"

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