Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1198: Empire's support

The energy limit barrier took shape, Hong Tu still did not move.

Until the end of the charge of the Star Destroyer, countless energy beams representing highly concentrated energy appeared, attacking the center of the meteorite area from all directions.

All the meteorites and fragments along the way were directly annihilated under the scouring of the high temperature. It is not difficult to imagine what the result will be when these beams of light fall on a planet.

At the besieged center, Hong Tu raised his eyes.

A dark golden streamer emerged from the void and quickly formed a spherical barrier, enclosing them.

This is a small space-time world created by space-time forces. It is a simple method of using time forces. It can make a space jump out of the current time and space. It can be said that it is the best way to avoid material attacks.

But a large number of Star Destroyer guns gathered at one point, and the tyrannical energy also distorted the space to a certain extent, making the space around the time and space world unstable, and there were vague signs of shattering.

However, the space-time realm stood steadily. Although the distorted space hindered the formation of the space-time realm to a certain extent, it still failed to prevent the emergence of the space-time realm.

Immediately afterwards, the golden-red tyrannical energy suddenly exploded, completely submerging the space, and the aftermath of the energy set off also directly evaporated everything in this area, only a dazzling golden-red energy light. Ocean.

The energy-limiting barrier of several small spacecrafts was eroded and showed a remarkable shape—a spherical energy barrier made up of countless irregular energy light sheets.

This is the new technology of the Star Alliance, which can block the area to a large extent and isolate the energy. It is said that it is no problem to resist five or six star destroyers.

But now it is not five or six shots, but nearly white hair. Although it is just a aftermath, the barrier still shows signs of broken.

Pieces of cracks appeared, and tyrannical forces overflowed from it. The battleship immediately stopped attacking and began to retreat.

But just as the warships were preparing to evacuate to a safe place, the original tyrannical golden-red power suddenly began to shrink, and the force that was about to explode slowly gathered in the direction of the spread, and faded like a low tide, leaving behind. A clean and incredible vacuum, and the center has formed a huge energy ball that is not much different from the original Galactic Court.

"...What kind of monster is this!" The Charma star looked at the gold-red energy ball that was slowly shrinking in the center, subconsciously muttering.

The already tyrannical energy was further compressed, resulting in the golden-red energy ball resembling a bright to dazzling high-energy star.

And the "star" is still compressing, and with the compression, the energy is turning white.

The battleship's energy detector was frantically calling the police, warning of the appearance of this high energy, and the central area in the detection radar became bright red.

"Retreat!" The Chalmers made the fleet retreat, at least away from here.

The warships retreated slowly, and a large area was vacated.

Suddenly, the contraction of the energy ball paused for a moment, and then quickly shrunk. In the blink of an eye, it shrank into an energy ball with a diameter of ten meters, revealing the red tea of ​​the energy center.

Behind him, the judge bench was well-preserved by the dark golden space-time world, and Hong Tu fell in front of the energy ball.

Obviously, the attack just now did not cause him any harm.

Even Hong Tu looked at the huge energy ball in front of him, as if he was measuring whether it was delicious.

This thing looks much better than the darkness of a planet.

Hong Tu raised his hand to reach the energy ball, and darkness spread to the energy ball from his fingertips. Like ink dripping into the water, darkness began to spread on the energy ball.

Soon, the entire energy ball was dyed a dark color.

The dark golden streamer in Hongtu's eyes fluttered, and as it dissipated, the energy ball dissipated into countless energy bands, submerged in his body.

"Attack!" The Charma star gave an attack command without hesitation.

In the next moment, the dense cannon fodder immediately covered the location of Hong Tu.

The dark golden space-time realm suddenly expanded, and Hong Tu and the energy ball were gathered together.

"Attack, don't stop!"

The intensive artillery fire fell on the barrier, but couldn't even set off a ripple.

"What about analysis?"

"It's the power of time and space, the world of time and space!"

"Golderas?" Charma star said, "Space bomb, try to smash that barrier."

The power of hundreds of Star Destroyer cannons can't do anything...Monsters, why are there such monsters!

Space bombs, just like the name, are powerful and capable of breaking through space forces in a small area. They are weapons specially prepared in the universe to deal with creatures that can hide in other dimensions.

The use condition is that there is a different-dimensional space around it to be effective.

But now I can't take care of that much. The space-time world is similar to the theory of different dimensions, so I can only try it at this moment.

But before they launched a new round of attacks, several energy missiles first attacked their fleet.

The starship's own energy barrier unfolded to withstand these attacks, but the barrier itself also shook up layers of ripples, and it seemed that a lot of energy was wasted by that blow.

"Commander, found the fleet of the empire!" The investigating team then gave a communication.

The Charma star's expression changed, and he noticed the starship on the other side that was slowly shuttled out of the wormhole. It is not a wormhole, but a dozen wormholes have been unfolded together.

Obviously, the empire is much higher than them in the use of space power, so they can open the wormhole when they can detect it in the future, and launch an attack before the starship crosses over.

"The Second and Third Fleet, smash the wormhole!"

Twenty battleships left the team and flew toward the wormhole, and at the same time they issued count attacks, trying to break the wormhole first before the imperial starship arrived.

But it failed.

Several small spacecraft took the lead to fly out of the gap between the wormhole and the starship, using energy barriers to block these attacks, and at the same time launching a harassing attack to cover the starship.

More Star Alliance fleets flew in, but the first batch of fleets had flown out of the wormhole, welcoming the Star Alliance fleet.

In those wormholes, the second fleet also showed its head.

The Charma star's expression became more and more gloomy, and he glanced at the location of Hongtu.

Now the attack seems too late.

The empire's fleet was coming so fiercely that it even rushed to the block of the Star Alliance fleet in spite of it, and approached directly where Hong Tu was.

Hongtu, who had just finished his dessert, tilted her head slightly: "It's really fast here."

He just finished his probing, and the empire's fleet has arrived.

Although it's a pity, since it's a war, let's solve it by war.

He raised his hand and waved away the space-time barrier, revealing his figure.

The Charma star immediately wanted to attack, but was blocked by the energy barrier of a small spaceship that flew straight to Hong Tu's side.

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