[Gene bomb], or to be precise, [genetic factor bomb], just like its name, is a bomb that can read biological DNA to rewrite and destroy its sequence. In other words, it can cause specific life and even genocide. Of course , Can also turn it into a monster.

All in all, it is an extremely dangerous bomb.

Although it sounds outrageous, this kind of bomb is not non-existent. Because its raw material is the fruit of the tree of life-the fruit of wisdom.

The fruit of life that brings wisdom and life to the universe is the return of life itself. As the fruit of wisdom that can promote biological evolution, nature also has the hidden ability to change biological genes.

This is a taboo weapon that few people in the universe know about, and this is why the tree of the world is rarely known.

That tree is important to the universe, but it is also dangerous to some extent, because it depends on the person who has the intention to obtain its fruit.

And now, it is this kind of weapon that Bolton, the Charma star, wants to apply to the Star Alliance.

A monster like Naig was not comparable to ordinary force.

"If you don't solve Naig as soon as possible, I think that the fall of our universe is just in sight. He has come to this universe himself, do you think he will leave without doing anything? Or do you think he just needs to solve it? Is it enough to drop the Galactic Court?"

Everyone here knows why Naig came to this universe.

Regarding Juggler, although it was tried and imprisoned by the Galactic Court, it was their Star Covenant who did all this.

The Galaxy Court is just the beginning and the best example. It is only a matter of time before they are marked up. Judging from the battle screen just now, the Star Alliance's odds of winning are indeed not high.

After some silence, the Baltan who had been opposed to it raised his tongs: "I agree."

The second person who raised his hand was the Charma star: "Second."

The remaining cosmic people also gradually raised their hands and agreed to the proposal.

As a result, the gene bomb technology was unblocked and handed over to Bolton.

"This weapon has not been manufactured before, so there is no physical object now. It will take some time for us to make it."

"Negg should have gone to Prison Planet 484 now. Which army is there now?"

"It's our fleet." A cosmic man said, he has a metallic face, and he is the Xia De star.

"Then let's go and support you." Another cosmic man with blue fur on his body and a human-like face said. He is a Vailudian. "Our Nath Legion may be able to contend for a while."

He jokingly said: ‘But if the situation is bad, we will just retreat. ’

Star Xia also nodded: "Maybe we will retreat together at that time."

But having said that, the time to be won must still be won.

The Star Alliance meeting soon ended, and all parties went to make arrangements.

They have the seeds of the World Tree on each planet, but they don't have to travel thousands of miles to the earth to find them.

The support of the support, the research of the research, the comfort of the comfort, the preparation of the preparation.

On the other hand, Hong Tu, who was deliberately targeted by the Star Alliance, was unconscious, especially after he knew that Uub had gone to the prison planet first, he was even more in a hurry.

As a result, the empire's fleet also slowed down, sailing across many planets like a swagger, blatantly showing its sense of existence, attracting the prying eyes of countless people in the universe.

But it was just peeping, no one dared to come up and make trouble.

But this does not mean that the empire's fleet will not be in trouble.

Halfway through the flight, a dark star enthusiastically reported a piece of news to Hong Tu.

"Wang, we captured an escape ship that is suspected to be from Prison Planet 484."

It's probably the first time this guy has spoken face-to-face with Hong Tu. Although he tried his best to calm himself down, his tone and the glowing organs that overflowed with red light completely exposed his excitement at the moment.

"Oh?" Hong Tu put down the game console like this, "Who is it?"

"It's a Chebleman," the Dark Starman replied. "It looks like an escaped prisoner. But he brought a strange cosmic man."

"Strange cosmic person?" Hong Tu became interested, "Take me to see."

"Yes!" The cosmic man immediately led the way for Hong Tu diligently.

As for Grozam who wanted to keep up, Hong Tu stayed as a commander.

Hong Tu still took Mana and Yitzhak, and walked through the long corridor to a hall.

The captured captives were supposed to be imprisoned, but the dark stars of the empire didn't want their noble king to go to such a place, so they directly overwhelmed the captives in the hall.

Well, it’s not accurate to say that it’s a bet. After all, the captive was quite cooperative. He didn’t need to say anything from the surrounding dark stars, so he cleverly followed their instructions and walked here. There was nothing from beginning to end. Any intent to resist.

But this does not mean that the surrounding dark stars have relaxed their vigilance. Just kidding, a prisoner on the run, go to see their king, how can he not be more vigilant. What can be a good thing to be put in prison and successfully escaped.

And although their king may not need it, this kind of guy doesn't need to bother the king to take action.

Therefore, when Hongtu arrived in the rotunda, he saw six dark stars staring at the two cosmic people in the middle, and the two being stared at were one of the weak and poor, only the Chebull star with a bigger head. , And a strangely-stated Ma Qing multi-star.

Um? Ma Qing many stars?

Hong Tu's gaze stayed on the multi-star Ma Qing, but he understood why his subordinates said he was strange.

This is controlled by hypnosis.

This poor Ma Qing multi-stellar stared sluggishly, expressionless, a spiritual thread that ordinary cosmic people could not perceive was coming from behind his head and connected to the head of the Chebull star. Hong Tu could see it at a glance. The problem is.

"Chibble Star?" Hong Tu tilted her head and glanced at Mana behind her.

Mana didn't care about this Chebble star, not to mention that this was not her former master, besides, her current master was Hong Tu. In terms of loyalty, Mana is very qualified.

However, Hong Tu only thought of the Cheble Starman he had met before, and didn't think much about it. Oh, there are, at least this one looks a little more dangerous than the previous one.

"Yes, my name is Exeter, dare to ask your Excellency...?"

He has been imprisoned for too long, so long that he is out of touch with the universe, and he can't recognize which side the power is in front of him. But they all look ugly.

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