The news of Cerro's arrival on Earth was quickly learned by all forces.

Hong Tu naturally knew about this, and it could even be said that he watched the battle from a distance.

Cerro should have suffered a serious injury, or else he wouldn't be so "difficult" to deal with a dark prolose.

But the empire will not do anything to Cyro, after all, as far as Beria is concerned, they are still allies with the Kingdom of Light.

But he wouldn't take the initiative to contact him, but after a little investigation, the human who was in the same body as Cyro ignored it.

Most of the empire's attention was placed on the host of Litru Star. That's right, this time Dark Prologis was dispatched because he found a host of the Litru Star.

But the Litru Star in this human child is not stable. It disappears for a while and appears for a while, just like looking at the mood, causing a lot of people in the universe to feel a headache.

However, under Hong Tu's order, they could only let him wander outside.

Yes, this is a G+D business, what does it have to do with their empire.

The dark stars of the empire obviously thought very well, and simply stopped chasing the human child, so as not to be treated as a suspicious person.

That night, a piece of news dominated the headlines of mankind.

Mankind received a message that was suspected to come from the giant with similar eyes to the culprit who destroyed the earth.

"This afternoon, the media received a message about the giant. According to the message, his name is Altman Gedder. He is not an enemy of mankind, but a person who rebels against fate." Various news stations are broadcasting this. A piece of news, "We haven't proved the authenticity of this news yet, but the official has announced that the giant will be named Altman Gedder."

Watching the news, Hong Tu couldn't help laughing: "Is still a child after all."

Also cares more about the opinions of others.

After Gyde, there is news about Siro. People have not seen Siro, but this does not prevent them from classifying Siro and Gyder into the same category. Well, Talos and Sylvia are probably among them. .

So with this news, things about Talos and Servia were pulled out again.

Hong Tu did not watch any more, turned off the TV, took out the computer instead, and began to tap on the keyboard after thinking for a while.

The dark golden streamer circulated in his eyes, and time had nowhere to hide before his eyes.

"A long time ago, there was an evil demon king who wanted to conquer the world. The demon king had an extremely powerful army and conquered one kingdom after another. He looted resources, killed lives, and caused the death of one kingdom after another..."

Asakura Lu was lying on his cot reading a book, and couldn't help but read it.

Hearing this kind of "devil king" story, the **** the side couldn't help but cast her eyes: "How old are you, and you still read this kind of fairy tale book?"

"Laiye, this is not a fairy tale book." Asakura Lu raised the book in his hand and couldn't help showing off, "It's a novel written after me!"

"Huh?" Toba Raiha felt a little weird.

"The book was written based on G+D." Pegasa from Pegasa explained to the side.

"Ged Altman?" Toba Laiha is even more strange. How long has it been since this fool was used as a prototype to write novels?

"Yes," Asakura Lu didn't realize what was wrong, he was immersed in this joy, "Probably the author of this book saw my kindness and justice from the beginning!"

Toba Laiye couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, showing disgust: "Then this author is somewhat ignorant."

The son of the crisis maker of Inpark... It's not bad to be regarded as an enemy at first, right?

Although Toba Raiha admitted that Asakura Lu did not have any bad thoughts, she couldn't deny that she had also thought about whether this was Beria at the beginning.

"How can I say that..." Asakura Lu mumbled unhappy, turning his head and continuing to read the book.

Although this book is a bit like a fairy tale book, since it was written based on him, it must be very well written.

Asakura Lu believed so firmly, and kept watching.

Toba Raiha on the side cared a little bit. She took the book out of Asakura Lu's hand and glanced at the cover. It was a very common name, but she had never heard of this pseudonym.

"Wu Bai Zhi Yuan? What a strange pen name."

"Probably some rookie writer." Asakura Lu didn't care too much.

Toba Toba just felt that it was wrong for no reason, but didn't want to understand what was wrong, and eventually returned the book to Asakura Riku.

On the second day, Hong Tu went out, and he was invited by Zog to attend Zog's concert.

He was sitting in a black car, and the vehicle slowly drove towards the square in the center of the city, where Zog's concert would take place.

However, the official start of the concert was in the afternoon, and Zog’s invitation was written in the morning. It seems that there is something else.

When the vehicle was driving slowly on the road, Hong Tu suddenly called to stop the driver in front.

The black car quickly stopped on the side of the road. A young man dressed in a dark gray work suit and a white-collar worker was still walking without knowing it, completely unaware of the low-key luxury black car parked on the side of the road. , Until he heard someone stop him when he was passing by.

"Mr. Iga Li?"

The man paused and looked around blankly before he noticed the black car.

Hong Tu poked half of his head out of the car window, which made Iguri clearly realize that this person called himself.

But he still had to confirm, so the dumb-looking man raised his finger and pointed at himself: "Me?"

Hong Tu nodded: "Please get in the car."

"Get in the car." Iguri made the voice in his body a lot more serious.

Iguri was taken aback, and subconsciously walked to the black car.

The man in black who had already stood in front of the car opened the door for him. Iguri thanked him in a frightening manner, and then got into the car in a daze and sat opposite Hong Tu.

But when he sat down, he regretted it. The exterior of this car was not visible, but the interior was obviously decorated in a luxurious look. The seat was genuine leather, with this soft texture, and the seat was still an extremely high-end opposing seat, leaving a lot of space in the middle. And Hong Tu, who sat opposite him, was wearing casual clothes that he couldn't see the brand but must be very expensive. His aura was also very strong, and he looked like a big man.

So why did he just sit in subconsciously? !

"Hehe, you, hello..." Iguri subconsciously put on a polite posture to deal with customers, obviously he was very nervous.

Hong Tu raised her eyebrows: "Don't be nervous, Mr. Iguri, just treat it as an acquaintance."

Chat with acquaintances? Iguri makes people feel that he will know such a big person who is not easy to mess with at first glance.

So who is the opposite! !

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