Hong Tu still endured it, um, I'll eat it secretly in a while.


Soon, the monster appeared, and it suddenly burst out like fog, knocking Dina directly to the ground at high speed, and without waiting for Dai to pick up, the monster disappeared again.

After a few times, Dina lay on the ground, unable to get up for a while.

Seeing this, the monster showed its figure.

This is a monster with a flat body like a big fish and sturdy limbs. It has a pair of evil triangular eyes, a big mouth with sharp teeth, and many strange horns on its back. It looks weird and evil.

It spit out small black **** from its big hideous mouth, and fell on the ground, exploding sparks where it passed.

The monster gradually approached Dina.

Dina held up his body. When he hadn't noticed it, the fear escaping from around infected his heart, and Dina's fear was aroused.

Even for Dyna, there is fear in his heart.

However, this is not the reason for Dinah's timidity.

He looked at the approaching monster, suddenly got up, rushed up and flew up and kicked the monster.

Mo Zhi was kicked suddenly, and he quickly got up in anger into anger, let out a roar, and rushed towards Dina.

The two behemoths immediately fought together.

Dina's fighting level was as good as before, and it didn't take long for him to rise before being thrown out by the monster.

Next, Dina kept being beaten out by Mo Zhi. As an Ultraman, even a monster is not as good as a monster...

Mo Zhi flew Dina out and crashed a building. It wiped a handful of saliva that overflowed from the big mouth with sharp teeth, and approached Dina.

It wants to eat Dyna's fear, after all, Dyna is the most powerful fighter it has ever seen.

The corner of Hong Tu's eyes jumped, especially after the timer on Dai Nao's chest lit up, she jumped even harder.

"This guy really hasn't made any progress."

Fighting has always been a weakness, and it's not easy to learn. Now he can't beat even a monster.

Mana stared at the monster, as if she wanted to go up and help.

Hong Tu looked up at the sky.

Around the moon, a group of clouds and fog began to extend toward the moon, trying to cover the moonlight.

Seeing that he doesn't need his help anymore. Those monsters who have been hoping to live in peace will not allow evil monsters like Shima to disrupt their lives.

He glanced vaguely at an unmanned corner and saw several monsters hiding there, including Obic.

The dark clouds that suddenly appeared in the sky and covered the moon were naturally not a natural phenomenon, but a "spell" used by monsters.

They are helping Dyna to defeat the monster.

Sure enough, after the moonlight in the sky was covered, the monster was stunned.

It looked up at the sky in disbelief, and then felt that it was unbelievable. Ignoring Dina, it clutched its neck, struggling to reach out to the nearest building as if suffocating.

Mozhi can only survive under the moonlight, light or darkness, it will feel pain, and even lose its strength. It needs to return to the mirror and hide as soon as possible. It will not return to the earth until the moonlight appears again. .

However, the Super Victory team will not just sit and watch the monsters just run away.

Mami took the lead in attacking. She was driving a fighter plane and hit the monster's head with a laser beam. Immediately afterwards, the second attack from the ground also hit the monster's back, coming from the emergency landing Liang.

The two female fighters successfully prevented the monster from returning to the mirror.

The beast halted and was obviously beaten.

And at the moment when the monster was stunned, Dina seized the opportunity to rush up, and pulled the monster away from the side of the building to the other side.

He found the opportunity to punch the monster a few times, and flew the monster out with a back throw. Before the monster got up, he opened his arms and began to accumulate strength.

When Mo Zhi stood up, it was a stream of silver light that greeted him.

The stream of light hit Mo Zhi's body, and Mo Zhi's figure halted and fell straight back, finally turning into countless black light particles.

The monster was killed!

Dyna nodded in satisfaction, flew into the sky, and finally disappeared.


Hong Tu looked at the newly condensed cards in front of him, and was also very satisfied.

Behind him, Mana's gaze stayed on the card in his hand for a moment, and then quickly turned away.

Anyway, she was very happy if the battle was won. Although she didn't show it, Hong Tu knew that she was in a relaxed mood.

Hong Tu glanced at the corner where the monsters were hiding, and saw that those guys had quietly left there, with a beaming appearance, which was very interesting.

He looked down at the ground again, and a few people from the Super Victory team gathered together, cheering for the victory and the fact that they defeated the fear.

"Let's go, go back." Standing on the edge of the building, Hong Tu jumped down.

Mana followed him and jumped down.

The two people who fell on the ground did not stay for long and left here.

In the middle of the night, Mana received a message from Mami.

Ayano-senpai has woken up, Mami invites Mana to visit the patient, and will bring the crab with her.

It seems that they have a deep obsession with eating crabs...

So, the next day, Mana, who took leave of absence again, went out to find Mami.

After Hong Tu lay the corpse at home for a while, she went out uncontrollably.

He intends to find another job. It's boring to be idle all the time.

But not long after he walked, his steps stopped and he turned his attention to the public phone booth on the side of the road.

The phone in the phone booth was ringing, and many passersby looked over curiously.

Hong Tu paused, and before these humans stepped forward, he walked into the phone booth and answered the phone.

This call is for him.

"Mosimo~West!" The voice of a cute girl came from the phone, "Is it Mr. Red? Ah, no, it should be Mr. Talos?

"Who are you?" Hong Tu raised her eyebrows, surprised by this guy's boldness.

"Hi! This is the aquatic life form Shum, the best life form in the universe, Mr. Talos, good morning."

"Sixum? Never heard of it." Hong Tu narrowed her eyes badly. Are these guys ready to act?

"For a backward planet like this, Mr. Talos doesn't know that we should be right." The voice over there did not become annoyed by Hong Tu's words. Its voice was still crisp and cheerful, and it sounded very cute. "You only need to know that the earth is about to become our thing, so please Mr. Talos to make the most correct choice."

"such as?"

"Surrender to us."

"Why, does the'best living body in the universe' want my allegiance?"

"Mr. Talos has humbled himself. Everyone knows the potential of Ultraman. As the only ultra-ancient human known to be able to create Ultraman, your value is higher than you think. We can give you some Time to consider, but if it’s too late, let’s perish with the humans on this planet and the two Ultraman!"

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world. Please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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