The appearance of the monster was soon broadcast live to the world by reporters who were not afraid of death.

On the edge of the city, Jin Jiujiang immediately learned of the appearance of the monster. He ran towards this place without even having to summon Hongtu, and just saw the appearance of Dina.

He suddenly stopped hesitating, took out the transforming device, and transformed directly.

Soon, black Dyna appeared next to Dyna.

The two huge Ultraman glanced at each other, nodded, and then focused on the opposite monster.

Hong Tu put a lollipop in his mouth and smiled unkindly: "Next, let us see if you are better, or the monster I designed is better."

The dark ring he placed on the table trembled slightly, and for the first time sincerely supported Altman.

"..." Dina, take it on Dark Dina! Down with that monster? !

Hong Tu was a little speechless: "Hey! I also designed how to say it, don't you encourage me?"

"?!" Oh, if your monster is not of the light type, and the name is not Syvia, will I support Ultraman? !

The Dark Circle is extremely irritable.

"!" Have you considered what Servia thinks? !

Red·Named Fei·Tu Li looked at him straightforwardly: "Is there any problem? Don't you think this monster is very similar to Serbia?"

The Dark Circle fell silent.

With all due respect, where does this monster resemble that Ultraman Sylvia? ! And Silvia is also an Ultraman no matter what, you compare him with a monster and consider Silvia's ideas? ! There is also this name. Although you know that you are naming it, the monsters under your hand are too lazy to name them, but you don't even use the name of Ultraman for the monsters you make!

But seeing Hong Tu's expression, the dark circle could only be speechless.

What else can he say, this guy doesn't think there is a problem, what else can he say in a ring.

On the side, Hong Tu, who confidently ignored the temptation of the Dark Circle, started the game by himself.


The monster in the city moved. The huge monster let out a long howl, flapping its wings, and lightly landed in the city, opposite the two Ultramans.

Dina and Dark Dina put on a fighting start-up style, watching the monster on the opposite side vigilantly.

The monster also spread its legs apart, spreading its arms, and put out a fighting start style.

Dyna and Dark Dyna were startled, their postures more cautious.

Does this monster still fight? !

The first thing to move is the monster.

Hong Tu controlled the monster to flap its wings, and its silver-white body turned into an afterimage, rushing to the two Ultramans on the opposite side.

Dyna and Dark Dyna didn't react for a while, and were directly knocked out by the monster.

The two Ultramans were directly hit and flew, smashing the building in the distance.

The monster swooped for a certain distance at low altitude, bypassed a building, and rose to the sky.

The two Ultramans stood up quickly, but as soon as they stood up, they saw that the monster spit out several attacks, and a stream of silver light fell on and around Liangao, smashing the two Ultramans. Painful hum.

The warplanes hovering in the sky immediately stopped watching the battle. They turned their directions, pointed their weapons at the monsters in the sky, and launched an attack without hesitation.

The cannonball struck the monster. The huge monster stopped its attack as expected. It turned its head and gave a long roar, and its wings closed in front of it. The silver wings were like the strongest shield, blocking all attacks.

Seeing this, the fighter immediately stopped this useless attack.

And the two Ultraman also took this opportunity to jump away from the place, and had a chance to breathe.

After the monster landed, Liangao quickly approached the monster.

If the monster spread its wings with feeling, it was two fists from Ultraman tacitly greeted it.

But Liang's fist was quickly stopped.

The monster raised both arms, and the claw-like hands directly grabbed their fists and held them firmly. No matter how the two Austrians broke free, they couldn't withdraw their hands.

With a push of the monster's arms, the two Ultramans were directly pushed out, so the two buildings suffered.

But the two Austrians got up quickly again, but this time, they would no longer attack rashly, but cautiously looked at the opposite monster.

Just now, they all saw that this monster is very strong, and it doesn't seem to have any obvious weaknesses. It is an extremely difficult opponent.

The fighter planes hovering in the sky were also helpless. Where did this monster emerge!


At this moment, at the top of a building, two Cheen stars were watching the battle happily.

"Sure enough, this monster is the strongest, and even the two Ultraman teaming together are not its opponents!" The Cheen star raised his left body with his arms high, as if he was praising, looking at the two with pride. A powerful monster that Ultraman did not dare to attack.

"It seems that this time your plan is about to succeed." The tone of the right half of the body was a bit unwilling. He was unwilling to fail in his previous actions and did not directly solve Dynah. But if the half-length is successful, he won't say much.

With his triumphant hands behind him, he tried to give orders to Hong Tu: "Hong Tu! Kill Dyna and Dark Dyna and end this battle!"

The poor man in the universe hadn't realized that Hong Tu had long been out of his control.

Hong Tu, who was far away in the game room, glanced at the earphones that had been thrown aside casually, and suddenly realized: "I almost forgot these two guys."

Because he was able to beat, ah, no, was able to train two Ultramans, Hong Tu felt a little excitement after a long absence, and even forgot the Cheen Star.

And now, since I remembered, let's pinch these two guys to death.

So, Hong Tu controlled the monster to drop the two Ultramans and walked straight to the building.

"What are you doing! Go get rid of Dyna and Dark Dyna! It's behind!" The left half of his body angrily shouted at the monster that came straight, "What do you want to do!"

"Why, is the monster out of control?" The right half of his body hadn't realized that the danger was coming. He looked at the monster that was getting closer and calmly said to his half of his body. , It will be successful!"

He was halfway through when he suddenly saw the monster stop in front of the building where they were and opened his mouth.

"you are……!"


The two cosmic people only had time to say half a sentence, and they were interrupted by the physics of the light bombs spit out by the monster.

The light bullet hit the building, and it happened to hit the floor where the Cheen Star was, killing the two Ultramans.

After doing all this, the monster groaned and turned to look at Dyna and Dark Dyna again.

The two Ultraman met its gaze, and took a step back.

And when no one had ever noticed it, an imperceptible black appeared on the wing roots of this silvery white monster...

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: ( I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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