Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 803: Mezzad's full score appearance


Perceiving the disappearance of the dark power aura, Bokrag noticed something was wrong. He immediately turned his head and saw Gauss with its back facing it, and the dark crystal covered with a protective cover.

"Roar!" How can you do this! I can't even break through the barrier, you actually added one to me!

The angry Bokrag yelled at Gauss, accusing him of his immoral behavior.

But Gauss did not understand Boklage's complaint, but he also guessed that this monster was condemning himself for isolating the dark crystal.

He raised his hand, turned his palm towards the monster, and made a stopping motion, indicating that the monster should not approach the dark crystal.

But Bokrag doesn't care, he only knows that this Gauss is making trouble!

So Bokrag yelled and rushed towards Gauss.

Gauss had no choice but to fight against Bokrag.

The two behemoths fought on the sea.

However, after a fight, Gauss saw the level of Poklage.

The fighting level is low, and the combat effectiveness is not very good.

Gauss didn't even need to change his shape, the timer on his chest was still flashing red, and he tripped Boklage easily.

Amazingly, after Pokrag was poured into the sea, he sank directly and then disappeared.

Gauston was taken aback for a moment, but he did not expect such a development.

When he was about to find the monster, he found a dark figure appeared under him.

It was Boklage. Before Gauss could react, he was directly headed up by Boklage who was flushed out of the water.

Gauss stabilized his body in mid-air, watching the monster screaming out of the sea again and holding his pliers, raising his hand to begin to gather his strength.

The full moon shone down, covering all of Pokrag's figure.

Pokragg looked at these scattered light spots in confusion, tilting his head and wondering what Gauss was doing, but soon, he would not think so.

Because it...has been crooked, and peacefully closed its big water blue eyes, the whole beast fell into the sea and fell asleep peacefully.

Pokrag: "Snoring..."

When this big monster was about to sink to the bottom of the sea, the youth elite team took a shot in time and used a laser fence to capture the monster and transport it to the Dyya Islands.

Although it is a marine monster, this monster needs to be sent to the Dyya Islands to check its health, and then the Dyya Islands staff will send it to a protected area in the ocean.

Well, Jerga is about to have new friends.

Seeing the monster being transported away, Gauss turned his head and looked at the dark crystal on the other side.

The next step is to deal with this crystal.

But Gauss is also at a loss for this crystal. How can this thing be purified?

No matter, take it away from the earth first.

Before Gauss flew to the crystal, he planned to take the crystal away.

But the next second, he immediately withdrew his hand, and turned sideways, backing quickly.

At the same time, a dark electric light in the sky appeared where he was just now. If Gauss is one second slower, the light will fall on him.

Goss looked up at the sky.

I don't know when, the sky is full of dark clouds, dark purple electric light shuttles through the clouds, carrying a dangerous breath.

Vaguely, Gauss saw the huge jellyfish that flashed by behind the dark cloud.

The jellyfish is very beautiful, showing a bright white color, so it is extremely conspicuous in the gaps of gray and black clouds.

But inconsistent with that beautiful appearance is that it gives Gauss a very vague impression.

When the jellyfish appeared, he noticed a malicious horror that made Ao shudder. It was definitely not a harmless thing, but a more dangerous, unknown, evil monster!

Suddenly, another sturdy electric light fell from the sky and hit the blue barrier that was wrapped in dark crystals.

The blue barrier flickered, and the light dimmed a little.

Then came the second electric light and the third electric light.

Three strong electric lights fell, and the blue barrier flashed, showing signs of breaking.

When Gauss saw this, the secret path was not good, and he immediately flew over the crystal, staring at the dark clouds, and unfolding the Otter barrier.

But in the dark cloud that has been brewing for a long time, a more powerful electric light has been condensed, and it has been heavily smashed on the Gauss barrier, directly smashing the Gauss Otter barrier, and hitting Gauss’s chest without any reduction He knocked out.

Immediately afterwards, the second electric light fell on the blue barrier of the dark crystal.

This time, the blue barrier was completely broken.

As Gauss's power dissipated, the dark crystal began to fade, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

At the same time, the dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and the blue and peaceful sky appeared again, setting off everything just now like a dream.

Gauss floated in the air, watching the sky for a while, and finally chose to fly into the sky.


In the EYES base, Hong Tu looked at Captain Ripu's heavy expression and did not bother quietly.

The lightning just now was not the power of Mezzad, but the power that Mezzad had borrowed from Gatangieu.

And even if it was borrowed, it was not a force that Gauss' Moon God form could resist.

This is Mezzad specially prepared for this kind of moment.

Ultraman and humans will only hinder the monsters from grabbing the dark crystals, not the monsters' competitors.

Therefore, Mezzad will never allow humans and Ultraman to get involved with this crystal. Therefore, protection measures are the power of Gatangieu.

Before the rest of the youth elite team returned, Hong Tu resigned to Captain Ripu.

"Ah, that's right..." Captain Ripu woke up and Fang Hongtu left.

What just happened, he needs to stroke it.

Of course, the young elite team also discovered the giant creature hidden in the cloud.

what is that? Monster? Cosmic people?

What is it for? Was also attracted by the dark crystals? Or is it the man behind the dark crystal?

Captain Riura thought, and kept recalling the scene that had just happened, and vaguely guessed the identity of the man behind Mezzad.

But it has nothing to do with Hong Tu. Before Musashi and others returned to the base, he had already left the base by plane.

"Now, Mezzad is the behind-the-scenes boss." Hong Tu smiled while controlling the plane, "No, it was the behind-the-scenes boss at first."

"..." Mezzad's appearance is more stylish than yours! The boss is full of aura!

The dark circle only cares about Hongtu's salted fish behavior: "..." Please reflect on yourself, the monsters under your hands are more like a serious boss than you.

Hong Tu: "..." The question is, he's not an evil boss, what's the use of having that kind of appearance, does he summon Ultraman to beat him?

But the Dark Circle never thought so, and Hong Tu didn't intend to argue with it any more, and chose to change the subject: "Speaking of which, what about the Chaos Virus? It seems that I haven't seen it for a long time."

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world. Please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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