Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 811: Perseverance of the Defense Forces

The idea of ​​the defense forces has always been to directly eliminate those uncontrollable monsters.

There are traces of monsters appearing on this planet long ago.

Under this land where humans live, there are many monsters that are difficult for humans to resist. They don't even know when they will wake up and threaten the safety of humans.

It is true that most monsters are actually docile monsters, but docility does not mean that they pose no threat to humans.

What if a monster suddenly wakes up in the city? What if that monster approaches a human city for some reason?

You cannot expect monsters to sympathize and worry about the safety of ants, nor can they expect monsters to bypass the city and avoid causing trouble to humans.

Those giant creatures with simple thinking are just powerful beasts and will be dominated by instinct.

Therefore, before the establishment of the SRC, the defense forces had always been fighting against monsters.

At that time, in order to defend the human city and eliminate the threat to human existence, the defense army devoted much effort to fighting the monster.

At that time, technology was not as advanced as it is now, and human weapons can't even eliminate monsters with two or three blows.

Even when facing monsters with special abilities, humans have always been at a disadvantage, and it takes a lot of force to destroy the monsters.

And these all represent sacrifices and the passing of lives.

This is probably the most experienced by the Defense Forces.

The once-familiar comrades and companions died under the trampling and attack of monsters. Their family members may be threatened by monsters at unknown times and places. I don’t even know if one day they will become one of the victims.

However, I don't know since when, the defense army's video of resisting the monster was resisted by some people.

After that, the non-governmental organization SRC gradually developed, and countless talented people opted to join in with passion, and gradually supported and protected the monster.

If someone told the defense forces in the early years that humans would protect monsters in the future, the defense forces would probably laugh at such nonsense.

What they know best is the depth of human fear, hatred and rejection of monsters.

But when the SRC appeared and began to protect the monster, the soldiers of the defense army felt sadness first.

What monster is also a life and has the right to live, what monster is also a creature, there will be sadness and tenderness, what monster will not attack humans for no reason, and even what humans and monsters live together peacefully...

What about them? What about the hard work and sacrifices made by these soldiers, soldiers? Isn't it worth mentioning?

When the people of SRC were addicted to the kindness they had done, the defense forces had only grievances and heaviness in their hearts.

This was the beginning of the discord between the Defense Forces and the SRC.

Even after so long, the hatred for monsters cannot be forgotten. Those **** memories are still flowing in the hearts of defense soldiers who have experienced battles.

This is the hatred that can only be extinguished with blood!

Therefore, in the view of the Defense Forces, the SRC people are too naive, and the young elite team is the most. Innocent wants to live in peace with monsters, and naively believes that monsters will not become human enemies. It's all a few, never really seen blood, seen tragedy, seen desperate, innocent guy!

However, the SRC has a large number of civilian supporters, and even the defense forces cannot interfere too much. Moreover, the SRC still has a force no weaker than the defense forces.

Gradually, under the vigorous propaganda of the SRC, more and more people support the SRC and the youth elite team. In contrast, the defense army has been given the title of "cruel" and "inhumane."

But it doesn't matter, they are soldiers, and soldiers only need to obey orders, protect humans, and protect the earth.

This is the original intention of the defense force, and it is also the bottom line and persistence of the defense force.

In the past two years, the defense forces and the SRC have reached peace.

After the docile monsters appear, the young elite team can try to capture them first, but correspondingly, when the monsters threaten humans, they must also kill the monsters.

The defense forces have gradually faded out of human sight, no longer appearing in fanfare, and secretly guarding the earth and mankind.

Although it is not pleasing to see each other with SRC, if it is for the earth, they can also let go of their prejudices and respect people's choices.

As for radicals like Saijo, it is not without them, but they have gradually disappeared.

Until... the emergence of the Chaos Virus.

The monster parasitized by the Chaos Virus has become violent and powerful, completely threatening the safety of mankind.

As a result, the defense army chose to appear in the sight of the people again, and began to confront the young elite team again.

If it was before, those docile monsters could be raised by the youth elite team, but when the Chaos Virus appeared, everything was not so simple.

Those monsters that were originally docile will become enemies of mankind, posing a threat to mankind and the earth. It is already an existence that must be eliminated.

If it weren't for the appearance of Ultraman Goss, those naive ideas of the youth elite team would never continue.

As for Gauss, unlike the youth elite team with pure goodwill, the defense army took a more cautious attitude.

They respect Goss Ultraman’s actions to save humans and monsters again and again, but they are also wary of the powerful power of Goss Ultraman.

They cannot guarantee that Gauss will always be on this side of humanity.

After all, no one knows whether Gauss will be hostile to them in order to save the monsters.

Therefore, when Putting Gauss appeared, the defense forces would seldom jump in front of this Ultraman.

However, this does not mean that the defense forces will come to Gauss like the young elite team. Rather than helping Gauss Ultraman fight, they hope that humans can fight against unknown threats alone.

To this end, the defense forces began to develop more extreme weapons, looking for ways to allow humans to fight monsters alone.

Until Saijo, until the existence of Hongtu.

If they can’t kill monsters for humanitarian reasons, can monsters also become their weapons against outsiders?

However, for this, human beings still have a concern.

"Saijo, are you sure?"

Make sure that the monsters are really obedient to fight, and that the monsters that are dispatched will not escape and even become their enemies?

The monster, in the view of the defense army, is an uncontrollable factor, and has not been considered by the defense army from beginning to end.

However, the emergence of Hongtu makes this possible.

So, can monsters really be used by humans?

This is a problem that the commander of the defense army can't really imagine.

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