"This is the picture I got from the surveillance data of the Dyya Islands." Saijo looked at the scene with admiration.

I saw Hong Tu raised his hand, and the huge Bolgiers on the opposite side lowered his head docilely. After letting a human touch a dog twice, he stretched out his paw to let Hong Tu come up and placed him carefully on his own. head on.

After that, Hong Tu issued a command, and the monster moved obediently in the direction he said.

Suddenly, the picture changed, and the monster interacting with Hongtu was replaced by another.

This time it is Melba. This monster, which was considered by humans to be violent in nature, was obediently pulling the columnar metal strip that it had stolen from its lair, and then put it back in its place.

And Hong Tu was sitting on a stone pillar in the monster's lair, playing games intently.

There are many similar pictures like this.

The monsters that other humans must pay attention to when contacting them seem to be like ordinary puppies in front of this young man, obediently and obediently, even if their fangs and sharp teeth are exposed, they will not hurt the young man the slightest.

"It's an incredible sight." Saijo's tone gradually became taunting. "If it weren't for the physical examination report that you are a human, I would almost doubt that these monsters are just your pets."

Hearing Saijo's words, Hiura's heart tightened.

What is meant by "physical examination report showing that it is a human being"? Did Saijo ever suspect that Hong was a cosmic person at the beginning?

Hong Tu was calm. He raised his eyes and glanced at him: "Commander Saijo joked, how could these monsters be my pets." How could these monsters be his pets? My pets are still sleeping. . Moreover, these monsters are not all his.

Saijo didn't care about Hong Tu's "sophistry", and he did not ask Hong Tu to explain anything.

Saijo glanced at Mezzad who stood by the conference table, and Mezzad immediately understood what he meant.

I saw Mezzad on the panel in his hand, and the screen turned again.

"You and the monster are really related." Saijo said pointedly.

At the same time, such a scene appeared on the screen behind him.

An airplane with the SRC logo was flying over the sea. Suddenly, a black cloud appeared in the picture.

No, it's not a cloud, it's a densely packed monster, it's the small Desibes that have appeared before!

The Desibes quickly approached the plane and enveloped it.

Soon, these Desibes flew away from here, leaving only the fighter planes to stagger to the sea.

The picture freezes in the Desibi group preparing to fly away.

Then the picture gradually enlarged, and through the gap of the insect swarm, a figure inside was vaguely seen.

But because of the insect swarm, I didn't see it very clearly, I just knew that there seemed to be an alien among these insects.

"These guys, you should be no stranger." Saijo looked at Hong Tu.

"In this incident, the Desibes on the sea attacked an aircraft of the Monster Conservation and Management Center. This aircraft was originally bound for a deep-sea base. After attacking the aircraft, this group of bugs only brought Someone left."

"Red, can you please explain, what happened after you were taken away by the monster?"

"Nothing, those monsters didn't mean to hurt me, they just took me..."

"Bring you to the dark energy crystal!" Saijo interrupted him, and went on, "There is still one to protect you, the only Desibi on the Dyya Islands."

"You are very popular with monsters. They protect you, get close to you, and even obey your orders. So, for the sake of the earth and humanity, why don't you use this power?"

Saijo slowed down, seeming to have a little temptation: "Monsters have never been pets that should be kept by humans in the sanctuary. They are monsters. They have invaded human homes. Now let them protect humans. Okay? There will be more people who will like monsters more because of it, just like... like Ultraman."

Hong Tu's eyes moved slightly.

Saijo's words turned out to directly classify Ultraman and monsters into one category.

Hiura heard it too, he stood up and said coldly: "Saijo! This is impossible!"

It is impossible for humans to safely let monsters fight, and it is impossible for them to attribute Ultraman to monsters.

At this moment, the commander who had been quiet on the side spoke up.

His voice was very calm: "Captain Niura, do you think, what on earth are we protecting the monster for?"

"Of course it is for the earth. The monsters are also a part of the earth. They are not evil, nor are they intentional to harm humans. We cannot deny their right to live on the earth as well."

"You are right, monsters are also part of the earth. So, is it not only for the earth to let the monsters also contribute? To fight the chaos virus, save the earth, save mankind and the monsters themselves, humans also, monsters It’s okay, all have a responsibility to fight, right?"

Hiura was taken aback, but he didn't expect Commander Sawara to say such a thing.

It is true that as a member of the earth, monsters also have the right to live on the earth. Therefore, when there is a disaster on the earth, the monsters may also fight for the earth and for their homeland.

But this point, they never considered it.

The youth elite team treats monsters more as giant rare animals, and also adopts isolation protection measures.

For them, monsters have always been the objects they need to protect, instead of becoming comrades in arms fighting side by side.

This also made it impossible for Ripu to refute, even unable to say what he was trying to persuade.

"No matter what, you can always try it." Commander Sawara looked at Hong Tu, "Is it Hong? For the sake of humanity, please give it a try."

"Commander Sawara don't worry about monsters?" Hong Tu raised her eyes and stared at the highest commander of the Human Defense Forces, "Don't worry about letting the monsters fight."

"You can try it anyway. We can't just rely on Ultraman Gauss, and of course, we won't just rely on monsters. We just, for the sake of the earth and mankind, will not miss any possibility.

His voice is firm and unquestionable.

This is just a notice, he does not need to seek the consent of the youth elite team, nor does he need to seek the consent of Hong Tu.

He is the Supreme Commander of the Earth Defense Force, and he has this right.

"Captain Niura, I think, this time, you won't refuse."

"...I see." Ripu avoided Hong Tu's sight and finally agreed.

Sawara nodded when he got the answer he wanted, got up, and walked to the door of the conference room.

When passing by Hongtu, he paused at his feet: "This may be a hope."

After speaking, he continued and left the meeting room.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world. Please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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