Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 820: The Defence Force's Compromise

As soon as Gauss appeared, the two monsters shifted their hatred.

After all, Ultraman is in the same group with these humans no matter how he looks.

Who cares about the others, beat him up!

The two monsters that reached an agreement rushed directly towards Gauss, and the three behemoths immediately fought.


At the same time Captain Hiura was worried about whether Gauss would be the opponent of the two monsters, the picture in front of him changed and it became the face of the defense commander.

"Captain Ripu, what are you waiting for? The monsters are out of control and need to be destroyed!"

"Commander Sawara, I'm sorry, we can't do this." Hiura's expression is very solemn, and he rarely bluntly rejected Commander Sawara's order.

"Captain Ripu, the monster is out of control!"

Sawara's voice was raised again, and he looked at Niura seriously: "Gauss can't deal with two monsters! And, as you can see, Antonra's power is still expanding!"

Hiura did not speak, his expression was very calm, and he looked at Commander Sawara calmly.

Although he didn't say anything, Sawara understood what he meant.

The highest commander of the Human Defense Force was silent for a while, and slowly took off his glasses, his eyebrows were exhausted: "Sorry, it was my fault that caused this situation. I was too eager."

He apologized very sincerely, and was really upset by the situation now caused. But regret can't solve anything. The top priority now is to solve the out-of-control monster.

"The matter of letting the monsters go to the battlefield is indeed my lack of consideration. The situation that we are creating now is something we don't want to see. However, these two monsters can't be allowed to continue like this! Continue like this..."

"Commander Sawara, this time, please, as always, give it to the young elite team." The Hiura team rarely interrupted Commander Sawara's words, "Trust us and we will handle it."

Sawara spoke for a while, was silent for a while, and asked, "Are you really sure?"

This is already a compromise.

"The Youth Elite Team has dealt with many monster incidents so far, and this time it is the same."

"If necessary, you can go to the defense forces or you can dispatch it." This is the first time Commander Sawara has said this.

For a long time, he wanted to bring the youth elite team into the attachment of the defense army. Even when discussing with Captain Niura, most of them were in the tone of an order.

This time, because of the defense forces' deficiencies, he prefers to use the youth elite team as the lead in this battle.

This is a rare concession.

Captain Hiura felt relieved and his tone eased a lot: "Leave it to us, Commander Sawara."

Sawara nodded, put on his glasses again and cut off the communication.

The picture before him turned into a battlefield again.

Gauss was struggling against the attacks from the two monsters, because the two dark monsters were very strong, and Gauss could only be defeated steadily.

The fighters next to him tried to help, but the effect was minimal, and even self-conscious.

Whether it is Antonella's magnetism or the tongue of mutant Di Nozoru, they are the natural nemesis of these fighters.


Shinobu flew away from the spot once again, avoiding a cannonball from the mutant Emperor Nozolu.

Behind her, Doiigaki was frantically calculating any way to soothe the two monsters.

"The dark force makes the anaesthetic bombs ineffective... I can only try to launch a magnetic jamming bomb." This is a weapon made by Doigaki based on data from the last time Antonra appeared.

But because the collected data is relatively small and incomplete, he is not sure whether this weapon is useful.

"What do you want to do?" Forbearance didn't question whether it was useful. No matter what, you must first try to see if you can solve the existing predicament.

"The place where Antonra emits its magnetic force is its two giants. If you launch there, it might interfere with Antonella."

"Did it use its power?" The sound of the wind was added suddenly, "Leave it to me."

The wind-blown fighter plane traversed a trajectory in the air and came around Antonla's eyes.

But Antonla's attention was on Gauss, and he did not pay extra attention to this fighter that did not pose any threat to him. It rushed forward and knocked Gauss into flight.

On the other side, mutant emperor Nozoru had already stretched out his tongue and drew Gauss several times, drawing a series of sparks on him.

Gauss snorted and fell heavily to the ground.

Although Antonra and mutant emperor Nozolu disliked each other, they had a tacit understanding. Well, in other words, when Hong Tu's monsters team fights, they will have a tacit understanding.

Before Gauss got up, Antonella approached again, the giant claw shrank slightly, and the colored energy began to condense.

"It's now!" Fengchuan seized the opportunity and fired a cannonball at the center of Antonla's giant claw.

This shell exploded directly between Anton's two claws, and the colored magnetic force condensed by Anton's slowly escaped instantly.

Antonla was taken aback, hesitantly moved his giant claw, and found that the magnetic force he condensed was really gone.


Just when Antonella hesitated, Gauss had climbed up again.

He slowly pressed his hands on his chest, the red power spread, and Gauss quickly changed from the moon **** to the corona.

Gauss once again slowly pressed his hands on his chest, and the blue light began to spread on the red body, and he kept changing from the corona to the eclipse form.

Immediately afterwards, Gauss once again slowly assumed the combat starting position.


"The fight over there is really intense."

Hong Tu patted the leaves and dust on her body.

Although he landed in the mountains and forests, he did not suffer any injuries, not even a bruise.

On the contrary, the stream behind him, his face, arms, and legs are all traces of being hung by branches, which is much more embarrassing than Hong Tu.

"Unexpectedly, the monster got out of control so quickly." Liu's expression wasn't surprising, but it wasn't too good.

He had anticipated a scene where the monster was out of control, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

"Knowing that such a scene will happen, why let the monster come out?" Hong Tu turned to look at Liu Chunye, asking this question for the first time.

Liu Chun also reported about the fact that he could order the monster, and even Liu Chun first imagined that the monster would fight the monster.

After a pause, he held the tree on the side to straighten his body, went over the tree canopy in the distance, and looked at the giant fighting together: "I always want to try."

"Even if it would cause such a situation?"

Liu fell into silence again. After a while, he said, "I respect your idea of ​​protecting monsters, but the defense forces also insist on the defense forces."

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world. Please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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