Ayano immediately opened the monitoring screen in the universe.

In the picture, the huge halo of the Chaos Virus is slowly rotating, and this movement is very similar to the appearance of Chaos Virus dropping Ultraman Chaos or Chaos Monster not long ago.

The captain stepped forward, frowning and staring at the picture on the screen: "Chaos Virus, are you planning to dispatch again?"

At this moment, the expressions of other people in the command room are also very serious. As long as the Chaos Virus has a familiar behavior, they will take the lead to the scene.

Which naturally includes Musashi.

Musashi raised his eyes and stared at the scene, with a complex expression in his eyes.

Unlike others, after he learned about the past and purpose of the Chaos Virus from Hongtu, he had a "crazy" idea.

He tried to influence the Chaos Virus, just as he calmed those monsters before.

Chaos virus is just going the wrong way. If you communicate well and tell it what is right and wrong, you may be able to solve the current situation peacefully.

This idea may be naive, or even unrealistic, because the hatred between humans and the chaotic virus can no longer be easily resolved. But this is what Musashi thinks now.

In any case, he wanted to try.

But this idea, Musashi did not even talk to Gauss.


This time the Chaos Virus is much bigger than before.

A very strong ray was cast down and directly irradiated to the earth.

"Captain!" Ayano exclaimed, and before the captain asked, she felt the base shake.

Only then did the captain hear Ayano's voice: "The purpose of the Chaos Virus is the EYES base!"

The speed of the Chaos Virus was too fast. Just when Ayano noticed it, the Chaos Virus had formed a spherical protective cover, covering the EYES base in it.

The captain was startled, before he could say anything, the lights above his head began to flicker, and the command room plunged into darkness in the next instant.

The others stood up, and Doigaki Kazuka rushed to Ayano and tried to restart the computer.

But it failed.

The energy shield set up by the Chaos Virus interfered with the equipment of the base and completely cut off the base from the outside world.

After the restart failed, the wind blew the computer and ran to the door.

Not surprisingly, because the base lost power and the automatic electronic door lost control, it was tightly closed and difficult to open.

But this is not the worst.

"Captain, the entire base is closed. If this continues, at most three hours, the oxygen in the base will be exhausted!"

Doiwaki looked at the captain solemnly, that is to say, this EYES base, which was once regarded as a symbol of the "future of mankind" by humans, has now become a cage for everyone inside.

The captain frowned. He raised his head and looked at the ceiling. It seemed that through this dense metallic ceiling, he saw the colorful energy cover above the base.

"The Chaos Virus actually limits us directly..."

The captain's guess was implemented, and his expression became more solemn.

He came to the door without saying a word and tried to push the door directly with Fengchuan.

Musashi stood by and said nothing, just watching his teammates move.

His silence was unusual, and Ayano soon realized that there was something wrong with Musashi. For a moment, the girl felt that Musashi seemed to disappear in the next second.

Ayano suddenly became a little scared, and couldn't help calling out, "Musashi?"

Musashi was pulled back to his thoughts by her voice, and looked over calmly.

There seemed to be some emotions that Ayano didn't understand, deep, unlike the usual cheerful and gentle youth.

The panic became stronger, and Ayano subconsciously opened her mouth, wanting to say something.

But a voice interrupted her suddenly.

The main screen on the wall suddenly lit up, followed by a snow flake, followed by a colorful light. In the light, a triangular-headed "demon" head appeared in the picture.

Its hideous mouth opened and closed, and it made a series of low and pleasant male voices: "Altman Gauss, come out, let's have a fight."

Everyone was taken aback.

The members of these young elite teams couldn't be more familiar with this head.

This is the actualized image of Chaos Virus. This message is a challenge to Ultraman Goss, but is this sound familiar?

Musashi accepted the challenge and his expression became firm.

At this moment, the captain and Fengchu opened the door together, and Musashi rushed out without looking back.

"Musashi!" Ayano subconsciously followed out, but only when she could follow the door, she lost her trace of Musashi.

Fengchuan stood behind Ayano without saying a word, looking at the empty corridor with a complicated expression.

After a while, he looked at the home screen on the wall behind him.

The main screen has gone dark again, but the base is still in darkness.


A blob of blue light appeared above the Chaos Virus, and when the dazzling light faded, Gauss's huge body was revealed.

He raised his head and looked up at the energy shield that trapped the EYES base, and opened his arms in front of him. A huge blue blade of light formed and flew toward the barrier.

The huge blue light blade cut a hole in the colored barrier, but it did not completely break the barrier.

Gauss pressed his hands on his chest, and the red light flowed down his body, directly turning into the form of the corona.

"Chaos virus, let's go to the moon to have a showdown!"

Gauss didn't want to set up the battlefield on Earth, especially here.

Moving the battlefield to the unmanned moon is the best result.

And... he is not sure whether he can defeat the Chaos Virus.

Gauss's current situation is actually not good. After so many hard battles, his body is already scarred, and the energy used to fight is not enough.

But this was the final battle he had been looking forward to.

In any case, he will fight to the end.

Chaos Virus also readily agreed.

The chaotic virus that formed the protective shield escaped, and finally condensed into the appearance of Chaos Ultraman in front of Gauss.

This Chaos Ultraman is not the same as before.

Almost all of its body presents a kind of black, scarlet and fine lines intertwined on it, coupled with the dark red to almost black bulb eyes, making this dark Ultraman exceptionally evil.

What Gauss cared most was the timer on his chest, which was...unknown black.

This is the Ultraman Chaos that has been strengthened by the Chaos Virus. Gauss can feel that the aura from this Ultraman Chaos is very powerful.

Two Ultraman light bulbs of different colors stared at each other deeply, Gauss took the lead to raise his head and quickly flew into the sky.

Ultraman Chaos glanced at the sea below, raised his hands high, and was also preparing to catch up with Gauss in a battle on the moon.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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