Hong Tu didn't notice the problem with the dark circle at first.

He thought to himself about nothing.

Bai extremely early they rewind the world, before Servia was recruited, he came to this world.

In other words, the trap laid by nothing may not only be the matter of him becoming a light.

Regarding alien beasts, he is likely to have other arrangements as well.

Maybe it will be a surprise?

Hong Tu is inexplicably looking forward to it.

However, now it is just a guess.

He retracted his thoughts, and finally hesitated to realize what was wrong with the dark circle.

"what's happenin?"

The dark circle was silent for a while, as if feelings were brewing for a while, then she screamed frantically in Hong Tu's mind: "..." You have eaten a world! ! !

Hong Tu: "Are you a bit too slow to react?"

But after the dark circle screamed, it fell silent again, not paying attention to Hong Tu.

Hong Tu: "?"

Is this ring scared crazy? Isn't it? Isn’t it just a small world?

No longer caring about the dark circle of autism, Hong Tu chose to go home.

So, after he showed up at home, he saw Lizi sitting on the sofa well, and Ji Yajun lying on the opposite sofa.

Hong Tu: "..." Ah, forget it.

Lizi was the first to discover Hongtu. The Ultraman human body, whose memory is still recovering, did not recognize Hong Tu at all. After a brief astonishment, he stood up, saluted respectfully, lost his usual smile on his face, and became indifferent. .

Ji Shizhun noticed something was wrong, he opened his eyes and saw this scene.

Ji Shizhun: "...?"

When did the red tea appear? There is no sound at all, it's a bit scary.

"Mr. Ji Shi, long time no see." Hong Tu said hello to Ji Shizhun before turning to look at Lizi.

He looked at Lizi for a while, then nodded thoughtfully.

"It looks like it's still too late."

Ji Shizhun sat up from the sofa, looked at Lizi suspiciously, then at Hong Tu, and silently asked what was going on.

Lizi's posture reminded him of Faust.

Hong Tu nodded to Lizi, and Lizi immediately sat back on the sofa obediently, her expression returning to her previous human posture.

But the strange thing was that she didn't seem to see Hong Tu, so she picked up a book on the table and read it happily.

This posture is indeed not quite right.

Hong Tu raised his hand, the refrigerator door in the kitchen opened automatically, and two cans of drinks flew out.

One can was caught by Hong Tu, and the other flew in front of Ji Yazhun.

Ji Shizhun hesitated to take the drink and waited for Hong Tu's answer.

And Hong Tu sat on the armrest of the sofa next to him, looked at Lizi, and explained: "She is no longer a human being, and it is no different from a doll. Although she has self-consciousness, the person who controls it has become me."

Ji Shizhun frowned, he looked at Lizi with a complicated expression: "Is it a doll?"

"But it's not that there is no solution." Hong Tu took a sip of her drink and continued, "But then try again."

In fact, he doesn't need a dark Ultraman card with human consciousness, Lizi's consciousness must be stripped out.

For human beings, it is better to be a human.

But these things do not need to be explained in detail to Ji Ya Zhun.

So Hong Tu turned to the subject: "You are recovering from the injury well."

"Yeah." Ji Yazhun retracted his gaze from Lizi, "Thank you for taking in."

Hong Tu waved his hand: "It is Servia who really helped you. That guy is good at healing, and he left a little light in your body to help you recover."

"Sylvia... Ultraman." Ji Qizhun looked at Hong Tu, "Do you have anything to do with Sylvia...Zhang Jie?"

Before he felt that the Ultraman that the two men turned into is too similar.

To this question, Hong Tu answered seriously: "It doesn't matter much, it just happens to be similar in Ultraman form."

Ji Shijun: "..."


Hong Tu didn't want to say it, Ji Yanzhun didn't ask much, even about what happened after the world collapsed.

He is not a person with strong curiosity, and now he only cares about one thing: "Has the alien beast been wiped out?"

"No." Hong Tu said quite confidently, "Not yet."


Mana came back at night. After seeing Hong Tu, she immediately bowed her head respectfully and saluted: "Master."

The tiger cub Yitzhak, who came back with Mana, happily ran to Hongtu's feet, grabbed his pants, climbed onto his shoulder, and rubbed Hongtu's face with his furry head, whimpering. Coquettishly.

Hong Tu proficiently slapped two hands, listening to Mana reporting the current situation.

TLT was still secretly looking for Ji Yazhun and their whereabouts, especially the memory policeman, and kept an eye on their home.

Had it not been for Mana to set up a virtual camouflage device around the house, the news that Ji Yajun and Lizi were still alive would have long been discovered.

But Mana did not hide her whereabouts.

TLT didn't seem to intend to arrest her forcibly, so it just kept a close watch on Mana in secret, and didn't do anything outrageous.

"... News came from Zog, saying that TLT is investigating in detail about Ji Yajun, trying to find out why Ji Yajun was selected by the light. They guessed that Ji Yajun is dead, but the light is likely to be passed on to the next fit. ."

Ji Yazhun's expression froze, unexpectedly TLT had already targeted the next fit.

"Has the new fit appear?" Hong Tu doesn't care about human behavior, he is even more curious about the new fit.

Unexpectedly, Mana nodded: "It has already appeared, it's Qian Shuren."

Hong Tu was taken aback, and looked at Mana suspiciously: "Qian Shu Lian?" Is it the Qian Shu Lian he knew?

"Yes." Mana said affirmatively, "but Qian Shuren's state is not good."

Although the human named Qianshu Rei looked cheerful and healthy, his body cell activity was declining. Although it is still very slow, Mana has calculated that this process will gradually become faster according to the lengthening of time.

And such a human being who is slowly marching towards death does not look like a capable person who will be selected by light.

But unfortunately, Guang chose him.

Hong Tu glanced at Ji Shizhun thoughtfully, her eyes contemplatively.

"This light is picky." This aspect of selecting the fittest is especially picky.

Could it be chosen for human beings who have the "determination to die"?

"Where is the alien beast?"

"At present, the activity of the alien beast has been reduced to a minimum, but it has not completely stopped its activity. It is likely that it is accumulating new power."

After all, Hong Tu's behavior of directly serving the old nest before must have caused heavy losses to the alien beast, and it may take a while to rest before it can come out and make trouble again.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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