The quarrel between the two patriarchs finally ended with the calmness of the two parents.

But although the quarrel was inconclusive, the two "patriarchs" felt a bit of "caring for each other".

Because of this, the conversation between the two has become much more straightforward.

"Pity that child, although he looks lively and has no worries, he is actually more pessimistic and accepts his own destiny in a self-defeating manner." This is the purpose of the man's trip. "I am not very convenient to come forward now. I can ask Mr. , Can you help me take care of pity?"

Of course, he wouldn't let Hong Tubai do this.

In exchange, Umimoto Hayato brought out something.

He took out a special bottle the size of a thumb from his pocket. The bottle is cone-shaped, with a light-colored, ash-like substance deposited on the bottom of the bottle.

But if you look closely, there is something "ash", but a layer of "living" things.

Looking closely at the bottom of the bottle, something as thin as a thread will appear on the "ash layer" from time to time. They are constantly tentatively rising and quickly calming down.

But because those "silk threads" are so thin that they are invisible to human eyes, it makes people feel that they are just a layer of "harmless" "ash".

Haimoto Hayato put the crystal bottle on the table and pushed it in front of Hongtu.

Hong Tu picked up the bottle, looked at it carefully for a while, raised an eyebrow and looked at him: "The gene of the alien beast?"

"Yes, this is the gene sample of the most powerful alien beast." Haimoto Hayato nodded, "Although most of the activity is inhibited by light, as long as it touches a little bit of food, it will quickly recover. active."

This bottle was given by the visitor. It was intended to let humans understand the horror of the alien beast, but Haiben Hayato brought it out.

But I have to admit that for humans, this thing is still very dangerous.

If there is a person who does not know or has a bad idea, after opening the bottle rashly, the result can be imagined.

You know, according to the response of the visitors, the genetic samples of these alien beasts came from a alien beast that was powerful enough to be comparable to that of Zaki in the heyday. It is also the most powerful animal found by visitors so far. Xenobiotics.

"The most powerful alien beast?"

Hong Tu raised his eyebrows. He took the bottle to his eyes and looked at the contents carefully: "I see."

Haiben Hayato stood up and bid farewell with satisfaction.

After Haimoto Hayato left, Hong Tu played with the bottle in his hand, not caring how dangerous the contents would be once it was released, but instead threw it up and caught it, thinking about what to do with the thing.

Change card? Too few, to change the card at least to be released, so that the alien beast can grow to a sufficient size.

Used to make new alien beasts? He is not an alien beast cultivator, it would be a waste of time to cultivate.

No, maybe there are other functions...

Hong Tu thought of something, held the bottle in her hand, and put it into the dark space.

"It's time to start business." Hong Tu turned to look at Mana.

Mana nodded and started a busy day.


Deep in the forest of a certain mountain, the man in black was staggering forward in the forest.

His supposedly expensive black clothes were already wrinkled and dusty at the moment, looking completely embarrassed.

And while he walked, his movements were somewhat unnatural, especially with one hand covering his chest as if there was nothing, obviously he had suffered unclear injuries.

This is Mizulumu.

In that decisive battle, Golumu was naturally thrown out of that world by Hong Tu directly.

But unlike Ji Yajun, who was taken back by Mana and looked after carefully, Mizuroki was thrown directly into the wilderness.

It happened that the dark power belonging to Hongtu in his body continuously absorbed the dark power around him, regaining energy for him and maintaining his life, but did not help him recover from his injuries. In addition, Mizulumu was severely injured, directly losing his memory.

He didn't remember who he was, he didn't remember that he had great power, he didn't remember why he became like this, and what kind of person he was.

The inductive dark power that Dark Zaki once set was swallowed, and the psychological cues that he set were forgotten, causing Mizulumu to be like a piece of white paper at this moment, knowing a lot of things, but he doesn't seem to know anything.

And he didn't know what drove him, even if he had forgotten everything in this way, even if he was seriously injured, he still staggered closer to Shinjuku area step by step.

But no matter what, he recovered for an unknown period of time, and was thrown away by Hong Tu, which caused him to reach the edge of Shinjuku at this time.

And he was still walking, although he didn't know where he was going or where he was going, but he was still on his way.

If someone traces his trajectory from the big map, he will find that even if Mizulumu has taken a lot of detours in the middle, his direction will eventually...extend to the TLT-L base.

"Who am I?" He asked over and over again, but no one around could give him an answer, nor could he himself.

"Where am I going again?"

Accompanied by these questions, after a short break, he continued on his way.

His heart tells him that he must go there, and what is there to care about...

But what will he care about? Is it a human? Or things? Or something else? Will he meet someone who knows himself?


In the morning of the next day, there was only one man in the cafe reading the newspaper and drinking coffee.

Suddenly, his expression changed, put down the coffee in his hand, and looked at the newspaper seriously.

The content reported in the newspaper is another missing case.

Recently, this kind of disappearance has become very common.

Those humans who were eaten by alien beasts were dealt with as accidents, but most of them can only be declared to be missing for no reason.

For this reason, various urban legends have been circulating in the city recently.

And the man is a reporter, the same reporter who followed Ji Yazhun before.

However, he was thrown away by Ji Yazhun many times before, and until now, he has not captured the "truth" he wanted.

Instead, the memory police followed up.

Because this reporter was too bold and tried to disclose the existence of TLT many times, revealing that the “police” had concealed the “truth of the disappearance case”.

It was just discovered by TLT in advance and suppressed.

But this did not make this reporter give up, even now that Ji Shizhun is missing, he wants to explore the "truth" behind it.

So he turned to stare at Hong Tu, the man who had disappeared for half a month and reappeared.

The reason for focusing on Hongtu is naturally because Ji Yazhun once came to find Hongtu. The second reason is that Hongtu's missing time before, is the same as Ji Yazhun's missing time...

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: ( I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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